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Posts posted by av93

  1. At first glance I have some options:

    -For mauryans, champions could be trained faster. Or could have an extra tech that makes champions stronger, cheaper or something like that

    -Stick with the extra champion units to mauryans and make other civs with extra champions paired tech that choose wich champion want to train. If so, give more champion unit to other civs.

  2. Some ideas

    1.General gameplay

    Bach Training. Avaliable only researching a technology that allows that, in second phase, or could be a autoresearched with the upgrade to the next phase.

    This way the first phase, would be more slow paced.

    About the tech that allow making women in houses. Allow to make women one by one but not in batches.

    Why this changes? In Aoe you have mainly 1 building that was important in order to train the economic unit, and you have to focus the decisions in early game (train more villagers, research tech or age up). With citizien soldiers and bach-training, you can spawn faster in a lot of buildings. I think that this way i a good mix between the two gameplays. (sorry for the bad english, it isn't easy for me explain this complex idea reagarding the metagame, but think about the gameplay that will bring this changes)

    - In first phase, units trained one by one. small raides.

    - In second phase, your economy and population increase faster cause you can make units more cheaper and faster by batch-training and building new civic centers. Raides become real warfare

    - In third phase, you can expand your economy further making new women in houses.

    I know that is the general idea of 0 ad and that i'm not giving too new elements, but considerer this

    2. Technologies (paired)

    Outpost techs

    1A Permament guards. Outpost give 100% (for example, i mean a big boost) L.O.S.

    1B Frontier life. Gives to the outposts attack capacity (only on the player territory)

    Both are first phase techs.

    2A Vigilance system. Outpost don't decay in neutral territory. (Second phase)

    2B Militia laws. Allows outposts and houses to train light infantry (skirmishers) one by one (third phase)

    The two techs are dependent, so if you want research 2A you have to research 1A , you can't choose 1B and 2a.

    Techs regarding farms

    1A State owning/communal lands. Double the capacity of the fields. Regarding decreasing returns, two workers count as one, so having 10 workers in a field is efficient like having 2 farms of 5.

    2B Landowners. Workers generate also a trickle of gold (metal). Like 20% (f.e)

    3. General technologies

    Like somebody said before, every resource should had 3 techs. By another way independent paired techs could encourage some nice bonus. The last tech of a line could be special for every civ, depending upon if the civ is weak, average or strong on the resource. for example, an Iberic tech line of food:

    Phase one

    1 Farm tech 1

    1A Masters of hunting. 20% Bonus to hunting

    1B Ancient knowledge of berries. Berries last 50% more

    Phase two

    2 farm tech 2

    2A Communal lands

    2B Landowners

    Phase three

    3 Special iberian farm tech. the regular tech give for example 30%. Iberians are strong on farming so they get 50% instead. a weak civ could get 20% instead...



    Also give to the blacksmith, give regular lines like aoe. Melee weapons, Ranged weapons, Horse armor, Heavy infantry armor nad light infantry armor.

    I think that paired techs had to give very special bonus or gameplay features to help player building one strategy (Boom, Turtle, Rush, Raiding..)

    4 Training techs

    Finally soldiers trained in barracks should be able to be trained. How? I have some ideas

    - A tech that all soldiers trained in barracks get the second rank, and later the third. Maybe give some req. to research the tech, like get 50 elite soldiers...

    - A tech that allows to the barracks to garrison soldiers that increase the experience over time


    • Like 1
  3. I don't know nothing about programming, but taking a look into Design Document, Health ability is handled as a "trait". IMHO I would make a bigger trait called abilities, that would handle that stuff, with a moddable design like the Warcraft abilities.

    And of course I would split abilities and secondary (and others kinds of) attack. Also It would be useful that units could launch more than one attack in the same time ( for modern era mods f.e) and attack while moving. But I think that everything will come eventually.

  4. Nope. :(

    I think k776 has tried to contact him, but nobody's heard from him for a while. Too bad, he was one of the most awesome contributors.

    That's a big shame :(

    New report has been long overdue, I know guys. Expect one this week, promise ;).


  5. Maybe an iconic soldier standing in the screen... It would be great!

    In Dawn of War, everytime you fight with a faction,in the main menu appears the commander unit of the civ.

    But I think that devs have to focus in other things first!

  6. Rome was so civilized that they had to invade every single land to take the really and only true way of living (of course you can't live in another way, an If you do it you're a savage barbarian!) and the liberty (They weren't a slavist and classist society!).

    Typical barbaric tone. sigh.......

    You're showing very unrespectful, you said that you're trying to show the civilization point of view in the argument being so... isn't the respect of pluralism of ideas one point of the civilization and modernism?

  7. The Nuclear Bomb, a good example of the Civilization. This is basically an ideology conversation. My points is not to say that Civilization was or wasn't better than Barbarian , I just say that they were all just human. It isn't the Slavery of roman empire an example of "Barbarism"? We would live in an egalitarian world if the Roman Empire never invade Europe?

    All that I want is that you think a little bit about your tough. I could say that your kind of thinking have been the speech of colonialism, what do you think about?

  8. Iberians :

    Here's the Wikipedia page for the Iberian language where we learn that the present Basque language is considered by some as close to the Iberian one, "but they have not been clearly demonstrated to the satisfaction of modern scholarship."

    We also learn that : "The Iberian language, like all the other Paleohispanic languages except Basque, became extinct by the 1st to 2nd centuries AD, after being gradually replaced by Latin."

    In lack of data, Greek (already used in the game) could stay for the Iberian, but maybe we could try Basque (it is currently spoken in the south-west of France).

    -For Iberians, let's try Basque

    It's currently spoken in the north of Spain, Basc Country, far away more than the South-West of France. It's pretty alive.


    The song is in basque country

  9. The nature of the reality is that... Rome and Greece are pretty much the best 'civilized' civilizations out there...

    Anything else was pretty barbaric and uncivilized. No one with a great knowledge of history and the sciences of the time will ever deny this.

    I think people like to defend the lesser civilized nations because they might share a common ancestry connection or generally take a liking to that civilization, which is okay, but one needs to realize that if you going to compare apples to oranges, one needs to know which of the two was more advanced and beneficial to society and man kinds evolutionary advancement through the ages. Which one effectively propelled us down a trajectory of progress as it were.

    I left out Persia, Egypt, China because Rome used their might to an effect that influenced cultuers at a greater level.

    Please, Imho you're very etnocentric. Remember that these "civilized" people had half of the population serving as slaves. I'm not really an expert historian but i can say that the writings about the "barbarian people" were written by their enemies, they needed to support their conquest by their "superior" culture, so they show the other civs as uncivilized.

    I'm a social antrophologist I can say that you have evolutionist ideas, there are not minor or major civs, there are not more advanced civs (in wich way?), there are not ages that all civs have to follow. There a lot of things that make us all things be like are now...

    Sorry for the offtopic, maybe is important to make a topic against the "barbarian idea" of the other cultures

  10. When do you think that will be finish, approximately? I seen in the track that you found an annoying bug... I hope that it will be fixed soon.

    Performance will be better?

    Also, for the next alpha, you could add the scenario "Defense Mod"

    I'm waiting :sword_rune:

    • Like 1
  11. #1 most effective strategy: tower pushes. Get the crenellations upgrade, it's highly effective. Particularly as Iberians (who have very strong towers), tower pushing is a very difficult strategy to counter in this game.

    So, there's a need of nerfing towers or make military units more able to deal with them! That's a question for the devs, what will happen?

  12. [...]Greeks, Romans, or any advanced nation against barbarian nations

    Please avoid sentences like that. In my opinion we should stop to name Barbarians to European tribes, they just were different. Don't take it badly, but we're still living in an occidental ethnocentric society, and we're also ethnocentric when we spoke about the cultures that we take as our ancenstors.

    By the way. back to the topic.

    As a lot of players there, My first videogame was Aoe1. So it brings me a lot to happy days of my childhood. I played all Aoe games, Aoe Online one time only, they screwed it. By the way Aoe3 was great, the problem I thing is that they change a lot of gameplay... but was fun!

    I played also Empire earth 1 and 2 but they bored me...

    Civilization , Heroes of Migh and Magic 3,4; Widelands, Caesar 3, Imperium games, Battle of Wesnoth..

    Blizzars RTS too. I would like to see a good editor like the Warcraft 3 one!!

  13. Two posible solutions for the two problems:

    *Change the elephant role, instead of a dropsite, make them a worker. Just attach two dudes as workers with the elephants for the graphics. The purpose of this unit would be:

    - A worker unit that doesn't need a dropsite

    - Also can work in neutral territory

    - Economic production like 2 citizien soldiers.

    - Good HP

    *And for the maiden guards, maybe limit to 15-20 units

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