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Posts posted by av93

  1. Just now, Enrique said:


    Not sure if I understand correctly... You can add as many animation variants as you want for spearmen attacks for example, and it will pick one randomly. 


    A lo que me referia es que si, independientemente de que todas las unidades tengan las animaciones hechas, si hay planes de añadir los sets cuando esten acabados. En otras palabras, si se acaban las animaciones de infanteria, aunque no esten finalizadas las de caballeria, se incluiran. O tendremos que esperar a que todos los sets esten hechos. (Puedes contestar en ingles)

  2. 14 minutes ago, causative said:

    Historically, archers and skirmishers would harass the opposing army before the main fight, and switch to a melee weapon once the armies met.  This was because of two reasons:  first, friendly fire was a thing.  You didn't want your archers shooting into a battle if they'd be hitting your own men.  Second, they had limited ammunition.  A peltast would only carry a small number of javelins, such as three, which they would throw before the battle proper began.

    In this game (and in many other strategy games) ranged units have a completely different role.  Two groups of melee units (champions typically) will engage, and the ranged units stand behind their melee units and shoot towards the backs of their own allies as they are engaged in combat.  Mysteriously, their shots always avoid the backs of their allies, and only hit the enemy.  This makes zero sense and is not historically accurate.

    Here's a more realistic mechanic.

    1. Friendly fire exists.  Ranged units (including fortifications) will pick a different target or refuse to shoot if it would hit their own allies.  If they accidentally hit their allies, it does damage.  There would be no friendly fire at very close ranges, so that you can have a few rows deep of ranged units that can shoot past each other at the enemy.
    2. Ranged units have limited ammunition.  Peltasts have 3 javelins, archers have maybe 10 arrows, and slingers can have 50 stones.  Cavalry can carry extra ammunition compared to infantry.  When a ranged unit is out of ammunition, it will pull out a dagger and fight weakly in melee, or automatically flee.  Ammunition regenerates very slowly over time, or rapidly if the unit is garrisoned.
    3. In compensation for these limitations, ranged units (except fortifications) do more damage.

    Game had to have a balance between realism and gameplay. I doubt that devs would change the game in this way.

    Friendly fire exist IRC only with stone throwers. It was planned for ranged units, but never implemented and I think that has been dropped.

    • Like 3
  3. Then, team bonus are possible, right? with an "autoResearch" tech + mutual allies as affectedPlayers.

    2 hours ago, sanderd17 said:

    Perhaps making a new diplomacy term, something like "StrictAlly", that excludes the own player would be the best. Any suggestions for names (or other solutions)?

    "OnlyAlly" ?


    Some topics talking about slaves:



    If a slave system it's added, my opinion would go to a slave pool, that grows with a % of killed enemies. No temporal life, but more fragile than women.

    Then, adding slaves should bring some strategic option and not being useless.  Slaves could be better at working than citizien-soldiers, or being 0 population cost but in a limited number, freeing some population to fight. For example.

  5. 22 hours ago, Palaiogos said:

    There are a lot of games that are both historically accurate and competitive. The entire Age of Empires series, Total Wars after Medieval 2 (but before Rome 2), Europa Barbarorum, the list goes on and on. The ancient world was a balanced place. If Rome had misstepped at the battle of Pydna, we might be speaking Greek today. If Scipio Africanvs died hen we might be speaking Punic. If Alexandros Ho Megas died before his conquests we might be speaking Persian. If he didn't die of malaria, well China might be Greek. My point is that all of the ancient world was balanced at a point.

    It's impossible to be 100% historical accurate (you will kil gameplay), but Age of Empires have very big flaws (mamelukes, f.e). Don't know about Total War

  6. I think that its better add broader civs than specific city-states, altough probably things won't change now about the greek civs. BTW I think that instead of adding more greco-roman civs, germans (a broader term like iberian) and schytians would be nice. But is better to do it  rather than ask...

  7. 5 hours ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    Grab the actors from Delenda Est and use those for now:


    Sorry for the Off-Topic. These are the new meshes with the old animations, right? (work done by stan, irc)

    Never understood why vanilla doesn't use the promotion animation as placeholder.

    • Like 1
  8. 11 hours ago, ivan said:

    Si me refiero a que descienda, en algunos mapas las personas cruzan aguas poco profundas. Estoy interesado en esto y en el reflejo sobre el agua incluso se puede ver como musgo o plantas acuáticas en el fondo de los ríos o riachuelos.

    So finally, he's asking how to make shallows, water reflection and allowing to see coral and water plants at the bottom of the rivers. Someone can explain? I don't have any knowledge in map editor, altought I think isn't hard.

  9. In my view of bring closer "civilizations" and "barbarians tribes" and fighting ethnocentrism, I would like to open a discussion trying to break stereotypes. Not only for making  justice and a game a little more historical accurate, but also cause I think (at least in design documents) that grecoroman civs gets a lot of mechanics and some civs like celts are like "spam a lot of warriors and go ahead".

    It's true that we have a lot of information regarding the "civilized" armies, and having standing armies means a lot of effort trying to get diverse estrategies and that imply different kinds of soldiers, equipment, tactics and movement, and also a lot of information about the "barbarian civs" come from roman and greek people, depicting that cultures likes less or more savages.

    Regarding gameplay, for example, we have hoplites phalanx. Instead of making an unique feature for Greeks (with Pike wall for succesors and Testudo for Romans) most civs could use shield walls with spearman, and then make a bonus for the hellenic cultures. Cause a phalanx is a shield wall. The point would be having civs like celts with normal stuff against civs that can train artillery, mercenaries (if the concept is well developped), specials formations... Of course it's fun playing with stereotypes, with different civ playstyles (the low on numbers but good, the zerg, etc..), but let's try to break some of them!

    My intention is trying to stick to the gameplay and design applications of the discussion. Maybe it would be nice a history subforum!

    • Like 1
  10. He's asking about sky reflection and shadows on the water and others features that I think that aren't implemented like ships making sound when moving and people getting descending when moving across the water.

    @ivan De momento creo que no hay ningun sonido de movimiento para los barcos, excepto si te refieres cuando haces boton click derecho para moverse que hacen un ruido raro (esto va unido a las respuestas sonoras de las unidades). Lo de que la persona se hunda, ¿a qué te refieres? ¿A que se ahoge o que descienda y le vaya cubriendo el agua? Quieres hacer vados con los que pueden pasar las unidades andando por rios?

    • Like 2
  11. 1 hour ago, wackyserious said:

    It would be cool if 0ad will have a gamemode that is similar to the Praetorians and Hegemony series, where you don't have to mind resource gathering, you just focus on training units, combat and competing for captureable sites, resources are auto-generated by captureable settlements (village/town) and resource buildings (wood/stone/metal) that are placed in different areas of the map.

    That's already possible

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