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Posts posted by av93

  1. On 1/6/2016 at 11:06 AM, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    Why do ram attack soldier again anyway? What was rationale for that change?

    IRC, to avoid infantry block the ram movement.

    1 hour ago, Palaiogos said:

    But anyway maybe we should take the ladder men from Stronghold 2 (not Crusader, or original) the ladder men are able to serve as combatants without the ladder, but with the ladder are sitting ducks. Another idea from Stronghold is units can only attack palisade walls, not stone walls. But will someone answer me on why we don't want Stronghold Crusader micromanagement? It is simpler than a lot of other RTS's (until the combat comes at least)

    A somehow "simple" way to introduce ladders without implementing movement on the walls, would be a ladder unit that can garrison units (they should follow the unit and be able to be attacked) that can unload (with a process bar) units into enemy walls. Then, walls should have "enemy" prop points next to the civ props, and units in walls should be able to fight. Melee units should be able to attack others units on wall section altough not in range. (yeah, ,maybe would look a little ugly)

    When a wall section is garrisoned only with enemy soldiers, then would be captured to that civ. It shouldn't be able to be deleted (unless is in civ territory). Ungarrisoned walls that touch an occupied and captured wall, should be captured. Wall towers could work as firewalls.

    Don't know if its a very simple or hard concept to implement

    • Like 1
  2. 10 hours ago, sarcoma said:

    Lately I've been spamming spartan 2nd-age demi-champs (short swords) to rush enemy before age 3.

    Build order: get to age 2 asap with 2 barracks preferably and healthy farming and mass produce this guys to chop wood and mine gold, no need to even phase 3, just a blacksmith to improve attack and armor. As soon as you reach 50 to a 100, send them to destroy people and buildings.

    Pretty unfair against most.  Can be countered by enough slingers or seleucid horse archers.

    Probably this strategy would be nerfed with the next alpha. If I recall correctly, the planning for the game was having 25% less work rate per level, so a Elite unit like the spartan commando will be -50% worst working, but was broken until now, that was fixed. So if you focus on building a economy based on commandos, you will be a step behind another player with the same level in the economical side.

    @elexis correct me about that. I think that this fix doesn't appear in the changelog.


    EDIT: Maybe Skiritai Commando (Ekdromos Skiritai) should be renamed to Skiritai runner (Hammipos Skiritis). very short to read Sources 1, 2. Maybe not. I found the explanation that Mythos have in mind here. But this is a little Off-topic.

    EDIT2: 18131 and 18165

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  3. 2 hours ago, Tomcelmare said:

    Yes, you're right about the numbers :P BUT whether it's 3000 BC, or 300 AD, ancient history is ancient history and middle ages is another period. Besides, civs like vikings and carolingians are closer to 1000 AD than 500 AD...


    Hmm, well isn't the same "bronze" age and  classical age. Just wanted to make my nerdy social anthropologist point and disturb a little :P

    • Like 1
  4. I like a lot the new changes, at least in paper. We will see what kind of gameplay gives. 

    @elexis In the Alpha XXI changelog, it says that r8025 adds champs in town phase: I had dig in the files and didn't find which ones, maybe the stoa champs?

    Edit: only the Thracian Black Cloaks?

  5. Just now, Tomcelmare said:

    I think that Aristeia is the mod closer to the original game in terms of historical scope: ancient history.

    Well, Ancient Egyptians were in 2000-1500 BC, and Millenium mod first part is into 500-1000 A.D. 0 A.D is into 500 B.C and 1 B.C, so technically Millenium is closer to 0 A.D in time-space :P

  6. On 29/4/2016 at 6:03 AM, wackyserious said:

    What about deteriorated/abandoned structures of the current period?

    I used it in a modified version of Cycladic Archipelago to add abandoned structures on some parts of the islands. (On one of the matches, I managed to capture and garrison the tower before the AI started expanding, so when the AI colonized the island, the southern part of the island was under my control)


    It reminds me the ruins of cinematic of the first age of empires. Nostalgia factor :P

  7. 3 hours ago, niektb said:

    I don't really understand what the problem with the current system is. All generic properties go in the parent template and child (often civ-specific) templates can override those properties. Perfectly understandable and perfectly moddable. (and that last point is very important when considering groundbreaking template changes)

    Yes, but I was trying to say if there could be a system to define the actor, by the civ that want to build it, in the entity. Then the numbers of entities could be reduced, if a lot of entities just change the name and the actor. 

  8. Last night I was thinking about how a Age I mod could be done. Btw I realized that maybe 0 a.d uses too much templates: Instead of ptol_house and athen_house, couldn't the actor be defined in the template file depending on the civ, and then with a dropdown list near and like the player selection one, for choosing the civ variant for the actor. The same for common units.

    This way there would be less templates and the list should be cleaner.

    Maybe I didn't express well, but the objective would be doing something like relative parents with actors in one file, instead of making a lot of them. What do you think?


  9. The ancient age mod for Aoe III used a miner unit: was basically an infantry unit that changed to a shed, doing damage without projectile. Maybe it could be implemented for ram only civs, but allowing to targe only walls, turrents and fortress. With a long range like stone-throwers, and a limit of 2 (for example). 

  10. Meanwhile, a simplier version can be made. It's a matter of organization and some map making, no need for new features.

    A tournament could be made with x maps (I would say 3) with 3vs3 players (for example). Each tournament could be a historical one with three major battles with or without some triggers. The winning side could have some bonus units/eco/whatever you want for the next scenario.That could be announced in the homepage and other media. Broadcasting, youtubers and polls (for who will win)  could add some excitement, and could bea way to make some advertising for the game. Then, every game it's finished, it could be a new article/video explaining the battle and showing the results.

    Balancing could be the only problem. But just for fun.

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, LordGood said:

    alright, as it stands, a battering ram does more damage to my pike formation than a freight train. I don't understand why we went back to the pierce+hack hybrid for spears and pikes. It should be melee - ranged - and siege, these added mixed types makes pikemen obsolete late game. They make wonderful heavy infantry, but the seleucids have no barracks units suitable to take down siege equipment, and as I see it, melee units have to beat siege weapons if they close with them. all siege needs to be situational.

    that said, what would you guys think of a mantlet unit? I hear a lot of talk of nerfing defense and ranged units, a slow pierce armor aura  siege unit might do the trick?

    Mantlet units would give more diversity to ram-only civs.

    • Like 1
  12. I would give you only feedback when the game is released. I won't play Alpha XX a lot, but Alpha XXI looks promising with the new features and I will try to make some thoughts on.My core idea is that all strategies should be viable (booming, rushing and turtle). Then comes the design decisions.

    2 hours ago, scythetwirler said:

    I'm thinking of scaling building armor with phases, so that buildings are weaker in village phase, and phasing gives you armour bonuses so that citizen soldiers can destroy structures somewhat easily in village phase, but not by the time the opponent reaches city phase. Any opinions on this?

    In last alphas with the champ spam strategy, rushing with c/s was a little suicide. Don't know about the new changes that you propose how affect gameplay, but, if it's needed to make rushing more viable, it had been suggested to nerf Civic Center defensive potential and then grow with each phase.

    And last, if secondary attacks get implemented this alpha (please!), it would be nice to try to balance the hybrid units. Spearman champs armour and hp, with an archer champ range, attack and rate of fire, could be very unbalanced.

    • Like 1
  13. I enyojed a lot AOE. Was my first PC game that I bought. But I understand that some more older players didn't enyojed. Can agree that leveling system for multiplayer was bad, but also an icnentive to play: you always could select to play people with a max of 10 level of difference, if IRC. The problem with Aoe I is that it's very old: art and gameplay could be cool, could have a lot of nostalgia factor, but things like little population limit, poor AI and pathfinding, etc..

    I think that AOEO was worst: the pay-to-win model and the very cartoonish look. Don't know why they re-use all the engine and art to make and actual game.

    • Like 2
  14. Just now, SeleucidKing said:

    I think what he means is say, add the spearmen anims, even though the swordsmen animations arent finished. To add animation sets one by one, not to wait to ALL the required animations for the game are finished. (translation I think)

    He's from Spain :P

    Just now, Enrique said:

    Animations being ready is much closer than you think. Once I have the basics now (as I do) only simple modifications for each type of equipment are yet to be done, even cavalry only have 2 or 3 different animations, so the only thing I would like to make is some horse walk/trot/galop for the cavalry, so it wouldn't be much wait. Also I think it would be more epic to just commit all new units regardless their role.

    Okey, thanks!

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