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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2025-01-01 in all areas

  1. Wildfire Games would like to send you its best wishes for 2025! May you have a prosperous New Year!
    2 points
  2. Scythian princess or priestess https://www.inform.kz/ru/obshnost-kultur-proslezhivaetsya-na-prostranstve-velikoy-stepi-kazahstanskiy-restavrator-ea94d3
    2 points
  3. I'm happy to announce that I've been porting all features of boonGUI and proGUI into a new UI bundle for A27! Doing it made me realize once again how much work has been put into the development of 0AD but also to all those who contributed to the components of this bundle. So thank you! GitLab link: https://gitlab.com/4trik/ModernGUI DirectDownload link: https://gitlab.com/4trik/ModernGUI/-/archive/master/ModernGUI-master.zip In this mod: Retrieve your favorite A26 GUI style with a Quick Configuration page once you launch the mod. New exclusive features, like kill counts, flare message and more! (the skulls near unit icons indicate for Player unit kills and Gaia entities kills) Explore tones of extra options in your settings to customize your GUI! Hope you'll try it out and enjoy! Please report any bugs and feel free to suggest improvements.
    1 point
  4. there is something I miss in the game, that the heroes can command an army of different types, that they keep the formation when moving, and that there is an option to attack enemies on the road together while moving.
    1 point
  5. Humble suggestion to improve the 0AD homepage: Wouldn't it be useful to update the revision log on the 0AD homepage (at least once a month- while nightly built, so potentially manually mentioning the major changes in SVN) ? Currently it still looks like development has stalled - which is not true at all. You know: "do good stuff and talk about it"
    1 point
  6. Can you say which map and which settings?
    1 point
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