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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2024-10-05 in all areas

  1. I only used the right mouse button at first which was pretty intuitive for me. I clicked on tower and right clicked on unit, and then shift + right clicked on another unit to queue the focus fire. After I was done setting the order I used ctrl (attackmove) + right click on ground to set rally point. The focus fire queue stays active even when setting rally point. As for the middle click button. I didn't understand the function. The "Focus fire" hotkey I managed to set and use but honestly, the phrasing in the "Latest Changes" confused me for a bit. "(Left)" made me think I had to press the hotkey and left mouse button. I realised later that I had press hotkey and right key. I would recommend the text to be phrased differently, maybe something like -Hotkey: "Focus Fire" can be set in the hotkey menu and used to control the arrows of the selected building(s). Can be queued with Shift. Unbound by default.
    1 point
  2. Thanks for keeping the minimum range on Bolts. Makes me feel like my feedback is heard even though I don't keep up with all the changes. Bit late cause I was out but the mod works fine for me. I was only able to test with Petra bots though.
    1 point
  3. We need a concept that differentiates us from other RTS, not just being a more detailed . Basically vision and mission but from the gameplay. Make the game have more unpredictable tactics,without becoming repetitive.
    1 point
  4. They probably use PBR which makes lights look better.
    1 point
  5. Nice work! The colors of the roofs are often very similar to the colors of walls and other parts of the structures. I think that makes it difficult to quickly identify the building, which is especially important for multiplayer. I think it would be good to make the tile-based roofs either a darker brown or a darker grey.
    1 point
  6. Would love to add this to DE. Or just add it to base game so it can be used elsewhere.
    1 point
  7. Hi @Grapjas, I signed the mod! Amazing work. I would love to see the sandstorms in the vanilla game!
    1 point
  8. Why not make it optional then? A gamesetting called "Reveal enemy civs" (which is enabled by default) There is an old ticket about it, it suggests to also hide them on the gamesetup page. I definitely like the idea. https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad/issues/3971
    1 point
  9. I lean a bit towards the idea that these kinds of uncertainties make the game (and the exploration of the territory) more interesting.
    1 point
  10. AOE2 is also popular because rush, turtle, and boom are all viable options.
    1 point
  11. this is what I quickly threw together for a scythian 'trade settlement.' The idea is it is like a market you can put in neutral territory like a roman army camp, and train mercenaries from. I thought it could nicely represent some of the sedentary subgroups of scythians.
    1 point
  12. Buenos días o tardes ; -Estas son las facciones que ya creé; (Solamente la arquitectura) (A) -Europa (10); ilirios Lusitanos Tracios Suevos(A) íberos(A) dacios(A) Urálicos(A) Dálmatas(A) Épiro(A) Bósforo(A) -Asia (3); Xiongnu (A) Escitas(A) Beduinos(A) -América (8); Mayas Tupí Mochica Guaraní(A) Zapotecas Anishinaabe(A) Arawakos(A) Lencas(A) -África (8); Númidas Garamantes Khoisan(A) Batwa(A) Axumitas(A) Gaetulia(A) Cartago(A) Nok(A) -Oceanía (0); -No tengo suficientes referencias de esa época .Pero los Polinesios, Papúes y Aborígenes Australianos son muy potenciales. Total:29 y sumando. -Para que se hagan una idea más visual , aquí les dejo los mapas;(son extensiones aproximadas...)de las facciones que pretendo crear.Las facciones con estrellas de 5 puntas están creadas o en proceso. -Iré subiendo el contenido que estamos creando @Lopess y yo a este tópico o a los de temáticas relacionadas, si ustedes tienen sugerencias , referencias , críticas , correcciones ,dudas, peticiones etc... no duden en comentarlas . @wowgetoffyourcellphone @wackyserious @Stan` @Sundiata @Mr.lie @Ultimate Aurelian @Lion.Kanzen Disculpen las molestias*
    1 point
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