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Buenas , Creo que aquí será más lógico subir la información para crear a la facción lusitana . -Posibles edificios; 1.Centro cívico;----------------------------------------( Treba) 2.casas;--------------------------------------------------(Treb ) -Modelos; 1 2 3 4 3.Almacén;---------------------------------------------( trebo ) 4.Alquería(granja);----------------------------------------------( Treb harase ) 5.Corral;-------------------------------------------------( ... ) 6.Cuartel;---------------------------------------------------( Treb coriam ) 7.Herrería;--------------------------------------------------( ...) 8.Templo;--------------------------------------------------(Treb ailatio ) o (Trebopala) 9.Muralla;--------------------------------------------------( ...) 10.Huerto;--------------------------------------------------(Olca ) ( X ) 11.Mercado;------------------------------------------------( ... ) 12.Puerto;--------------------------------------------------( ...) 13.Fortaleza;-----------------------------------------------(Briga ) Puerta;----------------------------------------------------(Gab) ( X ) Edificios especiales (3) 1."Maravilla"(Monumento reverencial);---------------(Crougia Deiwos ) 2."Castro mercenario";------------------------------------(Bria coriam ) 3."Sauna";---------------------------------------------------(Bormano) Referencias ; Fuentes; fuente más fiable parea el idioma lusitano; Reconstrucción lusitana prerromana; https://www.academia.edu/12579862/La_mirada_del_otro_Lusitania_prerromana Reconstrucción virtual 3d de aldea lusitana; http://sensos-e.ese.ipp.pt/?p=5463 Culto religioso file:///C:/Users/M%C2%AA%20Rosa/Downloads/Dialnet-ElSacrificioHumanoAdivinatorioCelticoYLaReligionDe-148779.pdf creencias https://repositorio.unican.es/xmlui/bitstream/handle/10902/8185/PuenteVerdeMarina.pdf?sequence=1 Posible símbolo; https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lusitanos (dice que tiene símbolo laberíntico) Posibles unidades; Unidades ;(28) (Español);-----------------------------------------------(en su idioma original) Infantería ;(4) (Reclutados en ;"cuarteles "y "centro urbano") 1. Lancero raso ;---------------------------------------------( Gestikapoinan ) 2. Escaramuzador raso ;-------------------------------------( Iovaman ) (Reclutados en ;"cuarteles"y"Casas") 1. Lancero raso ;--------------------------------------------( Gestikapoinan ) 2. Escaramuzador raso ;------------------------------------( Iovaman ) 3. Espadachín ;-----------------------------------------------( Caetranan ) 4. Hondero ;--------------------------------------------------( Trokalobutiam ) Infantería de élite ;(2) (Reclutados en ;" fortaleza"y "cuarteles " ) 1. Lancero de élite ;----------------------------------------(Scortamareva) 2. Escaramuzador de élite;---------------------------------(Clona tekonac ) Infantería Campeona;(1) (Reclutados en ;" fortaleza " ) 1. Campeón;--------------------------------------------------( Ambakaro ) Infantería (mercenaria); (3) (Reclutados en ;" castro mercenario " ) 1. Mercenario Cynete(cónio) ;----------------------------------(... arimos ) 2. Mercenario Túrdulo ;------------------------------------------( ...arimos ) 3. Mercenario Vetón ;--------------------------------------------( ... arimos) Caballería;(2) (Reclutados en ;"cuarteles "y "casas" ) 1. Lancero ;----------------------------------------------------( Epones Pretre ) 2. Escaramuzador ;--------------------------------------------( Epones Aeiste ) (Reclutados en ;" Cuarteles", "casas" y "centro urbano") 1. Escaramuzador ;--------------------------------------------( Epones Aeiste ) Caballería de élite;(2) (Reclutados en ;" fortaleza " ) 1. lancero ;--------------------------------------------------------( Ambakaro Epones ) 2. Escaramuzador ;-----------------------------------------------( Katuvaram ) Caballería mercenaria ;(4) (Reclutados en ;" castro mercenario " ) 1. Caballería Galaica ;-----------------------------------------------(Epones ... arimos ) 2. Caballería Astures ;----------------------------------------------(Epones ascanno arimos ) 3. Jinete Vetón ;-----------------------------------------------------(Epones ... arimos) 4. Jinete celta;-------------------------------------------------------(Epones ... arimos) Civiles;(3) (Reclutados en ;" centro urbano"y"casas") 1. Mujer;------------------------------------------------------------(Petanim) (Reclutados en ;"Mercado ") 2. Comerciante;----------------------------------------------------(... ) (Reclutados en ;"Templo ") 3. Sacerdote;-------------------------------------------------------( Ampilua ) Armas de asedio mercenaria ;(1) (Reclutados en ;" fortaleza "y "Herrería") 1.Ariete íbero;------------------------------------------------------(Ahariburu) Navíos mercenarios ;(3) (Reclutados en ;" Puerto") 1.Balsa pesquera galaica;-------------------------------------------(...) 2.Navío mercante fenicio;------------------------------------------(... ) 3.Navío militar cartaginés ;-----------------------------------------( ...) Héroes ;(3) (Reclutados en ;"Fortaleza ") 1.Viriato ;--------------------------------------(Viriato ) 1.Púnico ;--------------------------------------(Apimano) 3.Cauceno;-------------------------------------(Kaikainos ) (Caucenos y otros generales lusitanos invadieron África con ayuda cartaginesa) Posibles Bonificaciones; -Bonificación de Civilización; 1."Citania"o "aldea fortificada"(Las casas , el cuarteles ataca al enemigo aunque no hayan tropas resguardadas ) (lo puse por que no encontré restos arqueológicos ni de ningún tipo sobre torres defensivas y por que según los romanos este pueblo era muy guerrero y defendía muy bien sus tierras) 2."Mujer Guerrera"(Cuando una mujer se resguarda en un edificio , este aumenta su daño contra los enemigos , más que si se resguarda un hombre) 3."sacrificios humanos"(Las auras de curación de los templos curan a las propias unidades pero también atacan a las unidades enemigas dentro de ese aura) -Bonificación de equipos; 1."iuventus lusitana "o "organización paramilitar juvenil" (las unidades tardan menos en ascender de rango) 2.Mercenarios ( cuando se alían con los lusitanos , sus aliados pueden construir una barraca lusitana y reclutar unidades de infantería y caballería ligera lusitana y cuando una facción lusitana se alía con otra facción lusitana , el precio de los mercenarios en el Castro mercenario sean más baratas para ambas ) -Tecnologías especiales; 1."Sauna"(las unidades lusitanas se sanan automáticamente sin tener que desarrollar la habilidad en el templo pero esto no afecta a los mercenarios lusitanos ) 2."bandolerísmo"(Las unidades de caballería ligera e infantería ligera pueden ser reclutadas tanto en cuarteles como en las casa) (Si alguien tiene información relevante , que se ponga en contacto conmigo mandando me un mensaje ,gracias) Disculpen las molestias*3 points
Pos Posdata; Todo es con la ayuda del inestimable @Lopess , los dibujos que subí son bocetos , pero si creen que tienen futuro , Lopess es quien creo que los moldearía fantásticamente , ya que vi su trabajo y es un artista además que tiene práctica con los diseños 3D. Disculpen me todas las molestias causadas*2 points
Posdata referencias para la maravilla; ( estos son altares religiosos "Vetones" mayormente , pero tenían una religión muy similar a la lusitana ( excepto que los vetones no realizaban sacrificios humanos "hasta donde ahora conozco" solían sacrificar animales como cabras , cerdos , ciervos , toros ... ) Estatuas religiosas lusitanas;(verracos) ( se encuentran entre Portugal y España y aunque los Vetones los usaban como delimitaciones de pastoreo o territorio , los galaicos como ornamentos y los lusitanos los utilizaban como estatuas reverenciales " por lo que tengo entendido hasta ahora") Disculpen las molestias *2 points
1 point
I'm not sure he cares too much, given many conversations I had with him I'd say not. Maybe he feels it's part of some edgy part of his personality, or whatever. If he states he feels personally offended sure I'll apologize and stop Been there done that, I won't dig the thread though1 point
He's talking about the lore and cinematics storyline, it likely won't effect the mod very much, besides lore related things.1 point
Boudica is right, althought I didn't read all his post (long like vinmes). But yeah, not caring how others will read your post != writing the only way you can1 point
1 point
Thanks, Dizaka, for remembering me in the context of language skills. You wouldn't be saying the same if you heard me talk. But I guess this is a good reason for me to follow up with a large offtopic post all about why I'm so good at life. So where do we start? Just kidding. There were a few things I wanted to say about the writing style though. I'd probably agree that this is more about the effort one puts in to make his posts easy to comprehend. The lack of capitalization or interpunction as well as the use of unnecessary shortcuts might all be a sign that the writer prefers his ease of writing over the comfort of the possibly dozens of future readers of his post. Most of the non-native speakers probably learned English at school. My guess is that the use of leetspeak is more a thing of trying to appear informal or cool (like "Look, I'm writing in a way my old English wouldn't approve"). The biggest problem with the incomprehensible posts is, in my opinion, the lack of a structure. That is something you can't easily judge by just looking at the post, but when you read it, you see that the writer didn't have a clear message in his mind while writing. It feels more as if he was just transcribing his flow of consciousness, which can feel a little disrespectful towards the reader. I'd expect to give away that I'm not a native speaker by small things like not using the right preposition with a phrasal verb, or just by using a wording that doesn't sound natural. Perhaps the key there is to know what one doesn't know. I sometimes try using a word or phrase that I saw somewhere, in an attempt to move it into my active vocabulary. But if I'm afraid of mistakes, there is still this option to play it safe and speak like the simple English version of Wikipedia. The other option is using Google for cases when improving is a priority. This reminded me of this one time when I wondered how something sounds to a native speaker. You probably remember that there was this guy named HelpMeWinning, and one time I asked user1 how the name sounds like to him, thinking that the usual wording would probably be "help me (to) win". I got my thoughts confirmed, but user1 also suggested the alternative "help me at winning", which I hadn't thought of. I think that this intuition of how smooth a phrase sounds is what really takes practice to build. That all being said, I've also been wondering what the right approach to learning a language should be for me. I am afraid that some people will learn a foreign language better than they need to. It's something that sounds cool among the peers, but at the end of the day, the communication still mostly is about getting the information across. And in many cases (like talking to a group of non-natives), a simpler language just does a better job there. I'd rather consume some true wisdom written in leetspeak than the opposite.1 point
From binaries/data/config/default.cfg: [hotkey.selection] add = Shift ; Add units to selection militaryonly = Alt ; Add only military units to the selection nonmilitaryonly = "Alt+Y" ; Add only non-military units to the selection idleonly = "I" ; Select only idle units woundedonly = "O" ; Select only wounded units remove = Ctrl ; Remove units from selection cancel = Esc ; Un-select all units and cancel building placement idleworker = Period ; Select next idle worker idlewarrior = ForwardSlash ; Select next idle warrior idleunit = BackSlash ; Select next idle unit offscreen = Alt ; Include offscreen units in selection The names are slightly misleading (see session.js); what is actually checked are these entity classes: idleworker: "FemaleCitizen", "Trader", "FishingBoat", "Citizen" idlewarrior: "Unit+Melee", "Unit+Ranged" idleunit: "Unit+!Domestic" Good point! That's easy to fix, though: hotkey.selection.idleworker = Period, NumPoint hotkey.selection.idlewarrior = ForwardSlash, NumDivide hotkey.selection.idleunit = BackSlash [EDIT] https://code.wildfiregames.com/D30291 point
Hey @The Undying Nephalim, long time lurker here, but uh... What's this about Rebooting/Retconing? You're not... like, starting over on this project, are you?1 point
Ok this is just getting unprofessional from devs now... 1. Imagine if someone with a rather pricy internet connection is on the recieving end. 2. This is actively ruining the multiplayer experience from what I can tell. 3. Thread was made in September 13 and no one with a blue nick has even bothered replying here. At least implement a central relaying proxy so people don't have to expose their public IPs. I will reply to my own post as well because I literally know the response. "This is an unpaid volunteer project"1 point
Yes, I talk about it at the beginning of the topic. There is a Roman mural depicting the spoils of war, alluding to the end of the war in the Iberian Northwest, where we can see the weapons used. The scamatta lorica appears to have been originally of use of the Lusitanians, and later copied by the Romans as the "glaudius hispaniensis". The use of crimson color, the Roman army wore gray, when the invasion of the Iberian. The "salutatio iberika" was also copied by the Romans. Shield called by romans caetra, probably name lusitanian "Ataga" with "kladiwos"/sword. lorica squamatta1 point
The Lusitanians Sanctuaries The Lusitanians held their religious ceremonies in rupestres "sanctuaries" in the hills, called "croio teutático". Strabon reports that: "The Lusitanian often sacrifice to the gods, examine the entrails without the boot of the body of the victims, also observe the chest veins, and also take certain indications by simple probing. Even Consult in some cases human entrails, serving up to that of pows, previously lining the sagum ([xvii]) to the sacrifice, and when the victim falls to the open womb by the hand of arúspice ([xviii]) take the first omen of own downfall of the body. often also cut the right hand to the captives and offer it to the gods. " Croio Teutático1 point
1 point
Generic Name: House Specific Name: Tegos Class: House. Notes: History: Tegos, em formato circular com paredes de pedra, coberto por palha, algumas com uma pequena varanda na entrada.1 point
Generic Name: Civic CentreSpecific Name: TrebaClass: Civic Centre. History: Treba was the house of the lineage, the political-territorial unit which extendia agricultural land area. Was located in the Castro (Brix). Model Citânia Sanfins rectangular format: View inside the Citânia Sanfins: Panoramic view:1 point
Just to illustrate how one could play, the combat mode of Lusitanian according to historical references:1 point