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  1. Buenas , (Aquí traigo la información un poco mejor presentada y sigue siendo un boceto); Estructuras ; (arquitectura de tiendas ) Edificios comunes (15); 1.Centro cívico;-----------------------------------------(Ger-Tereg ) 2.Casas/tienda o vivienda;-----------------------------(Ger) 3.Almacén;---------------------------------------------(Ger-Sayin ) 4.Corral(sirve también como granja);-------------------(Ger-Nidug ) 1.Oveja;---------------( ) 2.Cerdo;---------------( ) 3.Cabra;---------------( ) 4.Buey;----------------(Khainag ) 5.Vaca;----------------( ) 6.Dromedario;--------( ) 7.Camello;------------( ) 5.Cuartel/campamento de tiendas militares;----------------(Kotan ) 6.Herrería;-------------------------------------------------(Ger-Temür ) 7.Templo;--------------------------------------------------(Ger-Idugan ) 8.Murralla /Empalizada;------------------------------------(Kerem ) 9.Mercado;-------------------------------------------------(Tsachir) 10.Tienda centinela (con gran visión );---------------------( Jodgor) Edificios especiales (5) 1."Maravilla"(Gran tienda ceremonial y religiosa) ;------------------------------------( Ger-Shasin) 2.Gran tienda ( investigar tecnologías especiales y recluta campeones;-------------(Maihan) 3.Cairn chamánico( inspira a los chamanes a curar más rápido);--------------------(Ovöö) 4.Tienda militar ( se pueden reclutar mercenarios);----------------------------------(Ger-Nokai) 5.Tienda de los jefes (aquí se pueden reclutar a los héroes) ;------------------------(Ordos) Bonificaciones (posibles); -Bonificación de Civilización; 1." Cultura Pastoral” (Menor tiempo en reclutamiento de caballería y ganado como ;Ovejas , Caballos , yeguas , dromedarios, camellos, cerdos ...) 2." Esquilo"(Las unidades que no son campeonas o de héroes , pueden esquilar a algunos animales [ovejas , cabras , camellos , dromedarios y bueyes] y llevar ese producto al mercado para conseguir "dinero/metal" en pequeñas cantidades ) 3."Ordeño”(capacidad de las unidades femeninas de ordeñar al ganado ) "así se consigue alimento sin matar al animal "[En otras facciones se crea un huerto y este proporciona alimento infinito hasta que sea destruido ,con los actuales Xiongnu tienes que estar muy ocupado todo el rato de cuanto ganado te queda y como unidades y ganado cuestan alimento es muy difícil de economizar y conciliar ya que eso con los huertos no pasa , solo intento dar mayor jugabilidad e igualdad ante otras facciones y claro , el ordeño daría alimento pero más lento que si matas al animal pero proporcionaría alimento continuo como pasa en otras facciones] -Bonificación de equipos; 1."Arco compuesto ”(las unidades aliadas de caballería con armas a distancia tienen "x" de fuerza extra al atacar mientras dure la alianza) 2."Estribos ” (las unidades aliadas de caballería son "x" más rápidas mientras dure la alianza) -Tecnologías especiales; 1."Emboscada”(Arqueros a caballo que se retiran al ser atacados y tienen un mayor rango de disparo que las demás unidades de caballería de otras facciones) , 2. "Cultura Nómada” (estructuras más débiles pero móviles y mucho más baratas que ignora los requisitos para avanzar de fase de civilización). Unidades posibles ;(27) Infantería ;(3) (Reclutados en ;"cuarteles") 1.Lancero;---------------------------------------------------------(...) 2.Arquero;--------------------------------------------------------(...) 3.Espadachín;-----------------------------------------------------(...) (Reclutados en ;"cuarteles "y "centro urbano") 1.Lancero;----------------------------------------------------------(...) 2.Arquero;---------------------------------------------------------(...) Infantería de élite(campeona) ;(2) (Reclutados en ;" Gran tienda ") 1.Guardián xiongnu;-----------------------------------------(...) 2.Jefe tribal xiongnu;----------------------------------------(Uduriducgi) Infantería mercenaria (no élite );(2) (Reclutados en ;" Tienda militar ") 1.Arquero estepario ;--------------------------------(...) 2.Mercenario Xianbei;-------------------------------(...) Caballería;(4) (Reclutados en ;" corral") 1.Caballería ligera ;----------------------------------(...) 2.Arquero a caballo;--------------------------------(... ) 3.Lancero a caballo;---------------------------------(... ) 4.Espadachín a caballo;------------------------------( ...) (Reclutados en ;" corral "y "centro urbano") 1.Caballería ligera ;--------------------------------- (... ) Caballería de élite(campeona);(2) (Reclutados en ;"Gran tienda ") 1.General xiongnu;----------------------------------( Dunghu) 2.Nobleza xiongnu ;---------------------------------(Tumen) Caballería mercenaria (no de élite);(3) (Reclutados en ;" Tienda militar ") 1.Arquero Escita;--------------------------------------------(...) 2.Jinete Yuezhi ;--------------------------------------------(...) 3.Jinete nómada;-------------------------------------------( ...) Civiles;(6) (Reclutados en ;" centro urbano") 1. Mujer;-----------------------------------------------------(...) 2.Carretas ;-------------------------------------------------(...) 3.Cetrero;---------------------------------------------------(... ) (la cetrería es originaria de Asia central ,esta unidad no sería militar y recolectaría alimento más rápido de la caza que cualquier otra unidad además de tener un rango de visión muy grande) (Reclutados en ;"Mercado ") 4. Comerciante(camello bactriano);------------------------(... ) (Reclutados en ;"Templo ") 5. Chamán;-------------------------------------------------(Böö) 6.Chamán a caballo;---------------------------------------(Udugan) Armas de asedio;(1) (Reclutados en ;"Herrería ") 1.Ariete;-----------------------------------------------------(...) Arma de asedio (mercenaria);(1) (Reclutados en ;"Tienda militar ") 1. Catapulta china;------------------------------------------(...) Héroes ;(3) (Reclutados en ;"Tienda de los jefes ") 1. "Touman";---------------------------------(Tūmān) 2."Modu”;------------------------------------(Mòdún) 3."Laoshang";--------------------------------(Jiyu) Fuentes; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laoshang https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modu_Chanyu https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Touman (las demás fuentes ya las subí antes , pero seguiré trabajando en ellos) Disculpen las molestias*
    4 points
  2. Ceremonial does not mean symbol (although the Labrys is both). Yes it is a functional tool for religious ceremonies like in every other indo-european cultures. We have the same issue with the Celts, we found a tremendous amount of axe-heads in settlements, but they are generally associated to ceremonies when they are outside a domestic context. Try to apply this hypothesis and this reasoning to other civs, the Romans use axe-heads in ceremonies too and it doesn't mean they commonly use axes on the battlefield. Seeing the "barbarians" as functionally different from other civ is a bias. More functional for the battlefield? Really? Did you have an idea of the weight of such an axe-head and the imbalance in wielding such weapon? Against something that fights back, this is suicide. Look at the evidences for KNOWN and ATTESTED battle-axes among other cultures and contexts, generally the axe-heads are smaller or thinner. Even the viking axes evolved to lighter forms to resolve this issue, even the two-handed axes tend to be lighter over time because that's really impractical. They made thinner heads or with a narrower blade to lighten and increase the balance of the weapon. The design of this Labrys is horrible, the blade is far too thick for a proper use on the battlefield. In comparison, a broadaxe is far more lighter because the head is hammered to have a thin piece of steel. So a fat double-bit axe, that's not credible as a weapon. Since Bulgarian archeologists are often involved in very unethical actions and claims, I will stick to a skeptical view unless there is a convincing evidence. That's generally an undesired effect of community-based projects. But I rose the issue with intent because I know this is a way to get attention. I want simply to avoid a common situation when someone took a considerable time to produce something for a project and people start expressing their opinion on the concept only at the end when most of the work is done. That's not a rule, this is simply a consequence of human behaviors. That's, I think, the core of the issue, finding something that could fit for both Hellenistic inspired structures and the common structures of the inhabitants. That's why I am reluctant about a design based entirely on wood because I see it as an impossible equation to solve. Ideally, if we want to honor the Thracian culture, we should be able to include a Royal tomb or/and a rock-cut monument. Either as a wonder or as a functional building. Personally I find interesting your references posted previously because it depicts houses built with bricks and stones as something in use for the commoners: My point was not about that, this is simply an issue with the iron age in general: a house is a house. The basic structure of any settlement can look very similar along different cultures. My point was on the design and on the variability of the references in the same culture. You have a few stones in Dacian structures, as there is stone for the Gallic structures as well. But that's not the point! I am trying to talk about the guideline, the general direction of a design, the features one should easily see*. There is no way the Dacians would not have their design based on wood. Yes there would be a few stones, but most would be wooden. This is a problem of texture and coherence in the visual representation of a civ in a game. Contrary to the Dacians, the Thracians had very contrasted urban centers. Creating nice looking design for the structures is not something easy and if there are several civs based on wood and wattle-and-daub, it could become challenging at the end. *illustration Anyway most of the game is inevitably depicting the elite oftener than the commoners. This is the case for all the civ currently.
    2 points
  3. Hmmm, I don't think silence means consent. Thracians with both "traditional" as well as Odryssian Kingdom references is perfect in my opinion, as they coexisted. Stone and wood is good. But the stones should actually be well cut in the Hellenistic inspired structures. But most Thracian architecture wasn't Greek style cut stone. Thrace was relatively densely populated, and sites like Seuthopolis and Helis (isn't that one Getic?), definitely represent a fractional amount of the population. So indeed, good references for elite structures, but not for the rest. But the Dacian capital Sarmizegetusa also featured stone architecture and even a stone paved road. It's better to just use Dacian references for the Dacians and Thracian references for the Thracians, regardless of comparisons between the two. They shouldn't be artificially contrasted, nor equated. There's enough material in this thread to create a number of referenced structures, unique to Thracians, as well a number of referenced structures for Dacians. That should be the start. Here's an article about a Thracian axe recently returned to Bulgaria. A Bulgarian archaeologist describes it as a Labrys, and points out it was probably a battle axe, also saying "She points out that the Ancient Thracians used the double-bitted labrys ax for both battle and hunting as well as a cult (religious) artifact, and a symbol of power." http://archaeologyinbulgaria.com/2014/03/14/mysterious-benefactor-from-maryland-returns-thracian-ax-labrys-smuggled-from-bulgaria-to-usa/ The axe looks a lot more functional than ceremonial axes (more ornate ceremonial axes usually don't look so functional): And at least one Thracian mural shows it's functionality as more than just a religious symbol: Something like this would be cool.
    2 points
  4. ….since I last played 0AD. It has come a long way. The engine is excellent and the artwork is truly stunning, beautiful. By far the prettiest of this genre of game I’ve ever played. The amount of clever thought that has gone into the game overall is amazing, so many nice little features such as being able to use the I key to select idle workers out of the middle of a mob. And to be able to queue tasks for workers, that’s so handy. Last time I played 0 AD there was only 3 civilizations and one of those didn’t have it’s own art yet. And there were 2 different AIs to choose from. I never play online, Petra Bot has become everything I could want in an AI, with all the different options available as well you can play whatever sort of game you feel like. There’s still a few things that could use a little more work, but this game is turning into one of the all time great classics that people will play for decades to come. My main computer had an industrial accident and I’m using a very low end laptop until it gets fixed, the game plays really well up until it starts to get a bit busy, then it can’t cope. So I’ve been practising different game start strategies instead, seeing how quickly I can get up to battle readiness. I like playing as the Mauryans, I love those worker elephants. And my wish list of areas that could do with a little more attention: The mini map could do with a bit of a tweak to it’s colours and shades, it’s not the easiest to read at a glance. The path finding is a bit awkward. They find their destination unerringly but may wander considerably wide of a straight line to get there. This is unhelpful when you’re trying to flank an enemy without being seen. My memory might be playing tricks on me but I thought you used to be able to set waypoints when sending armies across the map. Or is that feature still there and I just haven’t found it again yet? The current path finding also seems to cause formations to behave quite strangely at times, as well as creating situations where so many workers/soldiers are tripping over each other that the CPU becomes bogged down with continuously reassigning paths for them all. And I wish there was one more option under the graphics section of the settings – to be able to alter the screen scroll speed, on some low end graphics cards scrolling the screen or rotating it jumps too quickly to have decent control over what you’re looking at. The world editor seriously needs some more thought put into it. Did it used to be called Atlas? For a lot of people, making maps and scenarios is every bit as much fun as playing them, but the world editor is an awkward beast to use and lacking a lot of handy features such as being able to lock out buildings and technologies. If the same work went in to that as has gone into the main game it would be truly wonderful to use. Cheers, Andrew.
    1 point
  5. /ban current_player_in_game should ask for a conformation or be something more complex like /ban! or so to avoid accidental bans and therfore end of the game. This can happen with auto completion and i saw it at least 3 times
    1 point
  6. Buenas , Acá les traigo imágenes de "Capas" , pero que también podrían usarse para diseño de la ropa; Aquí , diseños para escudos ; (los escudos Tracios eran en forma como de media luna ("Peltes") y ovalados) Disculpen las molestias*
    1 point
  7. ¡Genial ! si ya ha leído aquel libro y tiene una idea orientativa , no dudaré en corregir mis errores acorde a sus consejos( ya que ahorra estoy muy ocupado ya como para leer más fuentes) No sabía que acá el silencio significaba consentimiento. Disculpen me las molestias*
    1 point
  8. Buenas , Ahí estaba mi error , no mirar el panorama general , mi intención no es hacer todas las facciones sino apoyar en lo que pueda (lo máximo posible ) para ayudar a este juego de gran potencial. Una idea posible , sería hacer que para los tracios , las dos primeras fases estuvieran basadas en casi madera con un estilo único y al llegar a la tercera fase (fase urbana) barios edificios sino todos , pasasen a tener más influencia helenística representando así su evolución al "Reino Odrisio" e incluyendo unidades algo helenizadas para la tercera fase de las unidades. Así ; -Conciliamos ambas ideas Tracios y Odrisios . -Evitamos crear dos facciones(tracias). -Podemos dar en un plano general un aspecto diferenciado para la posible facción "Dacia". -Y mostramos una evolución de facción (que sería una faceta única para esta facción "Tracia") Disculpen las molestias*
    1 point
  9. No hay problema, estoy feliz de traer un ojo crítico. Como ya he leído gran parte del libro que he citado, tengo una buena idea de lo que parece plausible y lo que no. Como usaban espadas con hojas anchas y curvas, las hachas eran de poca utilidad.
    1 point
  10. Buenas ; Espero confirmar que tuvieron "Hachas de Combate" históricamente hablando (si no las tuvieron no hay nada que hacer), porque sería otra particularidad posible de facción .Como todo apunta a que no, se puede suprimir esa unidad o a lo mejor sustituirlo por un "Hondero"( tengo alguna referencia, pero claro , necesito unas bases que lo confirme con seguridad ) Disculpen las molestias* En este caso creo que ha sido mucha molestia , gracias por sus correcciones @Genava55
    1 point
  11. @user1 My user: PurpleMotion Offender User: KarlJhonson (1236) Game was going ok, he was rushing me and all fine, then I took out his TC and he exited the game, few minutes later he joined back in and claimed it was due to lag and I didnt pause it. He clearly left the game. Then he paused the game and started talking and left again without resigning. commands.txt metadata.json
    1 point
  12. That's a Labrys. Labrys is a ceremonial axe. No doubt that Persians used axes but for the Thracians the question remains. This kind of shape for axe-heads is better suited for tools. You can find axe-heads everywhere, it doesn't mean it is a weapon all the time (obviously). The article from where the figure comes doesn't tell if those are weapons. Those are clearly medieval shapes. Probably Varangian. The Sagaris is a Scythian axe. It is plausible, we do find some in the North among the Getae but that's not something common for the Thracian infantrymen. Here what the book "A Companion to Ancient Thrace" (p.429) tells on the matter: Hasta la fecha sólo hay dos hachas de batalla de segura procedencia tracia, una de Sboryanovo, la otra de la rica tumba en el montículo III cerca de Kralevo. La fecha de ambos contextos es la primera mitad del siglo III (Stoyanov y otros 2006, 44-45, fig. 65). El inventario de la tumba de Kralevo sugiere que estas hachas fueron utilizadas por jinetes. Hachas similares, conocidas en el Cáucaso y en Escitia ya en el siglo IV, son armas típicas de la caballería del reino del Bósforo cimeriano del siglo IV y se representaron en artefactos del norte del Mar Negro (Melyukova 1964, 65-68, pl. 21.10-16, 21). That's another word for the Labrys.
    1 point
  13. I recently came across a very rare photograph of a decorative Meroitic period stone cut window featuring some kind of figurative lattice work, from Qasr Ibrim, which was in itself a pretty interesting architectural feature that I was unaware of. It's is a figure of a man, carrying an elephant on his shoulders, comparable to a mural from the royal city in Meroë, with noticeable Hellenistic influence and possibly represeting a Nubianized Heracles: The mural from Meroë? More cool shots of Qasr Ibrim:
    1 point
  14. This is why I made a synthesis on the 7th page of this thread based on a few academic books and articles. To simplify the research for the others. I don't see the point in making two Thracian civ based nearly on the same material. Especially if there are the Dacians and the Illyrians as other potential civs. Is there any evidence for battle-axe among the Thracians? Just curious, I am genuinely interested by the topic.
    1 point
  15. Buenas @Genava55; Estas fuentes son muy interesantes , voy a usarlas para las traducciones y en unos días tendré casi todo . También e visto sus referencias a la arquitectura y haré bocetos . ya que creo que hay suficientes referencias para crear a las unidades . Ideas; Posible símbolo; ideas para las unidades ; Unidades ;(28) Infantería ;(5) (Reclutados en ;"cuarteles") 1.Lancero;---------------------------------------------------------( ) 2.Escaramuzador;-------------------------------------------------( ) 3.Espadachín;-----------------------------------------------------( ) 4.Arquero ;---------------------------------------------------------( ) 5.Guerrero con hacha;--------------------------------------------( ) (Reclutados en ;"cuarteles "y "centro urbano") 1.Lancero;----------------------------------------------------------( ) 2.Escaramuzador;-------------------------------------------------( ) *posibilidad que toda la infantería menos arquero , tenga dos armas , la X y las javalinas. y los escaramuzadores , las javalinas y una espada corta. Infantería campeona;(1) (Reclutados en ;" ") 1.Campeón tracio;-----------------------------------------------( ) Infantería mercenaria ;(2) (Reclutados en ;" ") 1.Mercenario dacio(genérico);--------------------------------( ) 2.Mercenario ilirio(genérico);---------------------------------( ) Infantería campeona mercenaria;(1) (Reclutados en ;" ") 1.Mercenario Hoplita griego ;----------------------------------( ) Caballería;(2) (Reclutados en ;" ") 1.Caballería ligera (con hacha , espada...);-------------------( ) 2.Escaramuzador a caballo;-------------------------------------( ) (Reclutados en ;" "y "centro urbano") 1.Caballería ligera (con hacha , espada...);-------------------( ) Caballería de élite;(2) (Reclutados en ;" ") 1. Jinete campeón ;-----------------------------------------( ) 2. Jinete escaramuzador campeón;----------------------( ) Caballería mercenaria (no de élite);(2) (Reclutados en ;" ") 1.Caballería griega (con lanza);----------------------------( ) 2.Caballería celta;-------------------------------------------( ) Caballería mercenaria de élite;(1) (Reclutados en ;" ") 1.Caballería escita (con arco) ;-------------------------------( ) Civiles;(3) (Reclutados en ;" centro urbano") 1. Mujer;------------------------------------------------------------( ) (Reclutados en ;"Mercado ") 2. Comerciante;----------------------------------------------------( ) (Reclutados en ;"Templo ") 3. Sacerdote;-------------------------------------------------------( ) Armas de asedio;(1) (Reclutados en ;" fortaleza") 1.Ariete;--------------------------------------------------------------( ) Arma de asedio mercenaria ;(1) (Reclutados en ;" ") 1.Catapulta macedonia ;----------------------------------------( ) Navíos ;(3) (Reclutados en ;" Puerto") 1.Balsa pesquera;----------------------------------------------------( ) 2.Navío mercante;---------------------------------------------------( ) 3.Navío militar ;------------------------------------------------------( ) Navíos mercenario;(1) (Reclutados en ;" Puerto") 1.Navío militar griego;-----------------------------------------------( ) Héroes ;(3) (Reclutados en ;" ") 1." ";-------------------------------------() 2." ";-------------------------------------() 3." ";-------------------------------------()
    1 point
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