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  1. When I was a kid the movies depicted a Huramentado as any crazy bolo-wielding man who chases anyone in sight with the intent to murder. And that was what I thought about them until this video. So this is a surprise for me. I'm guessing that those movies kept the drugs part of their concept.
    2 points
  2. Git: https://github.com/SlavomirSlovenkai/MMO Wiki: https://github.com/SlavomirSlovenkai/MMO/wiki I am moving here some discussion from https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/topic/28684-moba-mapmod/
    1 point
  3. Hi everyone, Ever heard of snaps as a new packaging format? If you haven't, information available at http://snapcraft.io/. I packaged 0ad as a snap, it is now available in the Ubuntu app store for amd64 and i386. Official announcement on the snapcraft mailing list: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/snapcraft/2017-January/002486.html. Note that the package is registered under my user in the ubuntu app store, but I’m happy to hand it over to the development team if this is something you're interested in maintaining. For anyone interested in the packaging details, the code lives here: https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/+junk/0ad-snap. Feedback welcome, and keep up the awesome work on 0ad, my favourite game by far.
    1 point
  4. Thanks! Maybe, but I think a novel theme wouldn't take too much effort and would make the map more interesting as something independent and new. Heck, just basing it around the heroes that are already present (which are at least somewhat historical?) could be a possibility. Having it too realistic would probably not be a good idea though as it would limit possibilities of having magic abilities for heroes etc. I don't want to spend too much time designing the exact details of the map yet though in fear that it will have to be adapted and changed, which would lead to a lot of extra work. For instance I'm still not sure about the size of the map (it's now Giant). I'd probably want to get some of the basic features up and running and see how the game feels to play, and once that is more established start putting in the details and make the map pretty. Anyways, I'm not in a rush here so I'm fine with exploring possibilities for a while both theme wise and with game mechanics.
    1 point
  5. Resistance is not yet implemented see D2808
    1 point
  6. no, sorry You need to remove template_gaia_flora.xml and template_gaia_fauna.xml from my mod, that should do it.
    1 point
  7. Yes, I removed selectable component from resources and I believe ability to be gathered from too.
    1 point
  8. You should thank @causative as well since he did most of the work
    1 point
  9. @myou5e I was thinking about particles, but that would be no help for people playing without particles. Maybe some mark hovering above item could help. I know, currently I use the same actor for equiped item and item on the ground. I plan to make another one for items on the ground. I just make functionality first then art Fixed. I rather create custom templates when I end up overwriting everything. It is easier than to keep all svn templates in check. Entities with inventory drops their equipment already. I am planning to implement loot that will drop from other entities. I had not updated svn version. Fixed.
    1 point
  10. This has been implemented differently in rP24001. Be aware that this breaks many previous templates. Old template code: New template code: This new schema allows for e.g. It is good to note that, after thorough discussion, it has been decided to NOT include directionality (yet). (But that is certainly on my ToDo-list ) This sets things up for resistances against Status Effects.
    1 point
  11. Was there any attestation of war chariots after Antiochus III? I can make the Chariots and Romanized Swordsmen swap out depending on hero.
    1 point
  12. New development version: - Allow user to configure position of monitor on screen. Right click and drag 'Overview' (e.g. Production Overview etc) button to move monitor on screen. New configuration options (x and y set from top to bottom, left to right, e.g. 0, 0 is top left): monitor.pos.x = <anumber> monitor.pos.y = <anumber> - Show player phase as first item monitor.zip
    1 point
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