Tarde routes around America(pre Columbia)
Most of post talk about Olmecs were Africans descendants.
What techniques were used to help people utilize the natural resources?
That they had three techniques to aquire natural resources:
Slash and Burn
They Burn the growth in the area, then the burn and use it as nutrition for the soil.
Terrace Farming
To farm in mountainous areas, they make terraces in mountains.
Raised Field Farming
In low lands they dug up the mud and shaped it into raised fields that rose 2 to 4 feet above the water canals that surrounded them. Fish swam in these canals and provided fertilizer via their droppings. Plants grew on the canals like the water lily, helping to keep the canals from drying up, and farmers would use the plants as fertilizer.
Mayan house.
How carry goods... Mayan "Tumpline"