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The Kingdom of Kush, an Illustrated update I present some more visual references of some details including pyramids, jewelry, pottery and other more random things. Random things Firstly, yet another Kushite temple to Amun from Tabo, on Argo Island in the Nile, measuring 75.6 metres (248 ft) long and 31 metres (102 ft) wide. On the right is a statue of King Natakamani, found in Tabo. This copper-alloy statue of an unidentified Kushite king was discovered at Tabo on Argo Island within the court of the Great Temple in a pit. Note the thumb-bring, indicating the importance of archery, even for royals. Kushite offering tables, used for the pouring of libation. Often found at temple sites. Note the Meroitic script lining the edges. On the left and right, we see Kushite altars. In the middle, we see an elaborate temple relief/sculpture depicting Amun in the form of a Ram, flanked by 2 lions representing Apedemak. Remnants of a colonnade of a large temple at Naqa, depicting the god Bes. An actual picture of the now lost fresco from the shrine to victory in the royal city in Meroe, depicting a Roman soldier, alongside Egyptian and Nubian captives. This is the same shrine where the bronze head of Emperor Augustus was found. Some more Pyramids The lesser known pyramids at Gebel Barkal, close to Napata. Meroitic pyramids in a relatively intact state (late 19th to early 20th century). Pyramid field at Meroe Pyramid fields of El Kurru and Nuri. Kushite Pottery Kushites were excellent potters, and their pottery was desired and exported on a large scale to Egypt and other surrounding area's since predynastic times, well in to Roman times. Here's a selection of Meroitic pottery: Kushite Jewelry Kushites were also excellent jewelers, and were world renowned for their gold. Most of the graves and pyramids had been looted in antiquity, but not all of them. The pyramid of Kandake Amanishakheto (reigned c. 10BC - 1AD), plundered by Giueseppe Ferlini, proved to be one of the most extensive Kushite treasures ever found. Here I present some of her jewelry, alongside other beautiful examples of Kushite metallurgy. Amanishakheto herself, on the left, and one of her crowns (center) and bracelets (right) More of Amanishakheto's bracelets. Kushite earings Kushite pendants. On the left is a Ram's head with an uraeus, representing Amun. Second from left a lion/ram sphinx, third from left is a ram's head on top of a crystal and on the right a lion's head placed on top of a circle of golden baboons. On the left are signet rings, worn by people of authority, used as stamp of authenticity on documents. On the right is another bracelet. On the left and right are shield-rings. Center-left is a heavy bronze anklet. Center-right is a pendant with "magic" potion inside a hollowed out crystal, topped with a golden image of Hathor.7 points
I like the building dependency concept, especially requiring more than one type of parent, like corral + farmstead = market. Just have to make sure the tree makes sense, but the concept is good. Allow me to introduce the technology dependency web. In this case, for the blacksmith: In the above example, since the player has build 2 blacksmiths, he can have up to 2 techs researching at one time.6 points
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@sauerkrautpie I do agree with the need for more factions. The Helleno- centrism of the current game is a little too much. For some classicists, there is no need to go beyond the Mediterranean, but that just leaves all the rest of us wanting for more. There were indeed other powerful and relevant states, which would fit nicely in the current game. I don't think any faction should be removed though. Even if the team is able to add the Thebans (another Hellenic civ), I wouldn't object, as long as other more unique factions are also added. The Kingdom of Dacia for example, could represent both Dacia and Thrace, and would be a nice addition. Maybe you'd care to check out this topic on the Kingdom of Kush, that I started several weeks ago. We've been working on a mod for the Kushites, a Sudanese Kingdom/Empire that fought wars with the Egyptians, Persians, Ptolemies and Romans. They're unique in terms of architecture, units, clothes… @LordGood has already done some really nice modeling work on buildings (houses, tower, barracks, drop-site, farm). You could get an idea of the minimum necessities for adding a civ (including information gathering). You can also contribute to this end. With hard work and dedication, maybe one day the Kushites can be added to the main game, but before that can even be discussed, we need to finish them first, and that will take a lot of work, as with any faction you'd consider adding.3 points
I'm back on this again. I have an update: I believe I've more or less fixed the stuck units problem, by making units slide only if they are following long paths. When following short paths, they behave as before. Here is the latest diff for trunk: I might want to try implementing flocking as well, to make the units more responsive. Units tend to pack too close together and a large group doesn't stop all at once. Instead, units wander around at the destination. Flocking could solve both of these problems. Flocking would also mean only one long path needs to be computed when you select a bunch of units and tell them to move, instead of one long path per unit. mergedslidingdiffmar2017_2.diff3 points
I found this, maybe it's helpful for someone. https://gamedesignconcepts.wordpress.com/2009/08/20/level-16-game-balance/3 points
Would love to chime in and draw up buildings. Reference material is much appreciated @Lion.Kanzen2 points
Establo pablo para dianas solo madera lo mismo que con la diana, si te parece que esta ok te voy pasando los archivos. toda la escena sin las dianas tiene 1075 poligonos y 832 vertices2 points
Enrique es verdad lo que decis, nada mas dame tiempo, termino con este tema de la diana y si veo que voy a seguir con este tiempo para poder ayudar me meto con eso de las texturas. Aca termine la diana, si les parece que hay que corregir o mejorar algo me dicen y sino damos por terminada la diana y sigo con el galponsito En concreto la escena tiene poligonos 215 y vertices 156 A las patas del atril le deje unos 30 cm por debajo del suelo, por si el terreno es irregular, no se si dejarle mas o así esta bien Todas las texturas que use las saque de la textura de los celtas y les hice algunas modificaciones para que encajaran bien en la diana.2 points
If you split the metal resource into iron and silver, then please make gathering them different ways. I have detailed some ideas on this elsewhere.2 points
I think this adds uneeded complexity and houses with higher pop is good enough for addressing repetitive interactions. If women should have a bigger role, I think it should be in a different way. I like the proposal. Even there are some things that I was initially against (splitting iron resource) but you made some good points about the reason behind adding it.2 points
aaa ya te entendi.... tengo que ir a la carpeta donde esta instalado el juego en mi computadora... jaja no entendia nada. despue sla voy a buscar porque asi como me la pasas no aparece, pero debe andar por ahi. se los voy a pasar archivado a ver si lo pueden abrir así. estan trabajados en 3ds max 2009 sino diganme en que formato se los paso diana arquero.zip ESTABLO PARA DIANAS.zip1 point
bueno en base a lo que me explicaste (que soy duro de entender, yo no soy muy ducho con el tema este de la computadora, descargar programas y esas cosas :s) y con la textura de los celtas que me pasaste arme esto, lo que no me termina de cerrar el el techo, pero no se como lo ves vos al techo le puedo dar un estilo mas smilar a este, haciendolo un poquito mas desparejo1 point
I hope your missing an s there That should require about 2 or 3 lines of code changed, maybe you want to look into it? Should this tooltip also be shown in other places? Maybe in the captions of the resources tab in the summary screen? In the tooltip of the resource count caption of the selection details? The carrying resources tooltip can't show it as we can't conceptually show tooltips of tooltips (because moving the mouse cursor hides the tooltip). Sometime we should be able to select starting resoures for each type individually, we could show it there then too. If the answer to the above question is no, then I can still conditionally accept your request. The condition being that you create a JustusAvramenko or wowgetoffyourcellphone account on http://code.wildfiregames.com, test the proposed fix to your request with vanilla 0ad and delenda est for functionality, try to look at the code whether it remotely makes sense and doesn't look ugly and click on accept. We have the review requirement so it needs the attention of two people: one team- or non-team member confirming that the patch is sensible and one team-member taking the full responsability of the diff by committing it.1 point
1 point
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leekfrith_torcs Thought you all might be interested in some recent archaeological findings in the time period of 0 A.D.1 point
@sphyrth Terra Magna merged RotE and Mesoamerican mod( Lordgood version) and this include Kushites.1 point