I saw that when the AI wants to take the resources on the field eg. wooden planks, but these are fenced, the AI does not destroy the fence to access resources ... I wish that when it encounters an obstacle on the path Gaia destructible destroy it ...
Thanks, that sounds interesting! So I could technically implement a "siege" victory condition with regular reinforcements via triggers... Interesting :-)
Can I alter the health of my units? And, can I prevent units from doing specific actions (building farmland)? I'd then be able to script attrition when food runs out!
Is not offense, I choose Lion, isn't a name my real name is Marcio( I don't really like) Lion is by the animal, Kanzen meaning Perfect in Japanese, I like the perfection as artist. And the perfection is a constantly, nobody can reach but still there.
Lion. You have a point, but Tereza/Theresa is also a present day name and many might find, what you said, to be rude. You might want to edit your post and find a better way to express how Tereza sounds in Spanish.
No offence, here is how your name sounds to me