I've tried to implement two changes in farms, which are available as a mod. 1) the first one is rather cosmetics, it gives to the farm the same ownership as the terrain on which it is. This doesn't change the gameplay as units can already gather from any fields. But this has 3 advantages: - there was no reason for enemy farms in our territory to not switch ownership after we have expanded territory - idle soldiers will no more try to destroy these farms which we could use - that will ease the job of the AI, which currently only tries to gather its own fields 2) the second change tries to make early rushes more efficient in destroying the enemy economics. Currently, an easy defense is to garrison its gatherers in the cc with a few arrows, and wait for it to kill the attackers. As units does not make significant damages to fields, the economy is usually not really affected. The proposed changes is that fields loose health when not worked on, and only regain health (very slowly) when having workers (i.e. they are no more directly repairable). Thus during a rush, if we succeed to kill all gatherers (or make them flee), the field will be severely damaged and eventually destroyed if the attack is long enough. As the goal is really to help rushes in early game, I've also added a tech (irrigation, thus fields need less maintenance) only available in town phase which decreases the health decay when not worked on (there is a temporary icon for it, but if anybody could provide a good irrigation icon, that would be great). Any feedback welcome. newFarms.zip