I now have some grip on map analysis and play around with village layout. This is the current status: Each centre has a no-build here zone with a radius of 40m. Also Hannibals trys to detect possible streets. It selects 48 points from an inner circle and 48 points on an outer circle and runs the pathfinder on each of these pairs: Cells visited by the pathfinder multiple times qualify as street-cells and block buildings. Hannibal launches 4 builder groups for houses. The groups build the next house near the last one, but may start from different points, hence the "clumps" in the maur village. The find-a-free-place algo allows to define a border with of size 0, 1, 2, 3. A border of 0 doesn't work with random building angle. In the villages above the maur build houses facing north and a border of 0, all other face centre with border 1. The spart have always face centre and border 1. Also interesting on small maps is facing map centre. In mind a have an agora for the greek cultures, may have a monument or a tower in the middle. Also, idle units can met here or healer do their stuff. I think, a few simple rules might be enough to layout a complex looking village. Ideas, proposals below