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  1. It's been mentioned that players would decommission civilian units during an attack to avoid letting the enemy get loot/exp, so direct decommissioning that allows return of loot values to the original player could be abused by very experienced players (in circumstances where a building is destroyed and the units could not make it to safety.) The other system (walking to buildings or applying only to garrisoned units) was considered too much effort for too little gain. I get the impression that it's simply a difference in player skill. An experienced player has no issue with unit deletion because they plan well enough to never need to delete any units. They are always producing new units; they don't really make a massive attack force all at once. It is an issue for casual players who like to build up a big economy with a massive store of resources and then free up the entire pop cap for an epic battle afterwards. The play style is basically a slower pace regular game that ends with death match level resources.
    2 points
  2. No, this is not wanted behaviour at all, don't worry! Sorry for the inconvenience, I will fix that asap. Replying to some opinions above, the current system (once the bug is fixed) can lead to some weirdness, see ticket #2710.
    2 points
  3. I now have some grip on map analysis and play around with village layout. This is the current status: Each centre has a no-build here zone with a radius of 40m. Also Hannibals trys to detect possible streets. It selects 48 points from an inner circle and 48 points on an outer circle and runs the pathfinder on each of these pairs: Cells visited by the pathfinder multiple times qualify as street-cells and block buildings. Hannibal launches 4 builder groups for houses. The groups build the next house near the last one, but may start from different points, hence the "clumps" in the maur village. The find-a-free-place algo allows to define a border with of size 0, 1, 2, 3. A border of 0 doesn't work with random building angle. In the villages above the maur build houses facing north and a border of 0, all other face centre with border 1. The spart have always face centre and border 1. Also interesting on small maps is facing map centre. In mind a have an agora for the greek cultures, may have a monument or a tower in the middle. Also, idle units can met here or healer do their stuff. I think, a few simple rules might be enough to layout a complex looking village. Ideas, proposals below
    1 point
  4. Model 1 Model 2 Stan you are the only one to take this task.
    1 point
  5. Artists' rendition of broad swords pertaining to this culture: Artist's rendition of a bronze shield: Artist's rendition of a short sword: The latter was based on the design of this miniature sword found on a burial site:
    1 point
  6. I recall seeing black Roman legionaries in a History Channel documentary (when that channel was still good and made shows actually about history), so that could be fitting for the Romans at least.
    1 point
  7. Next alpha will have a technology tree that will show you all of the buildings, units, and tech of each civilisation.
    1 point
  8. Thank Nicolas. I didn't think it was intentional behavior. I don't know what the other guys were on about. About ticket, yeah that was a (very small) exploit with the foundations. Only really useful to see if enemy was building a cc in a particular spot.
    1 point
  9. I agree with you that the deathmatch feeling has to do with the fact that citizen soldiers can gather (and generally, with other points you have stated). Benifits in one resource type can be 'converted' to benefits in another one quite easily by training gatherers that cost first type of resource. But because of this i'm also afraid that the proposed solution will have undesired consequences: we'll get better wood gatherers that cost only food and train faster, so again, more resources and more possibilities for the same time. With the last version the situation with resources has developed from 'in 0AD, you normally don't severely lack any kind of resource' to 'you have lots of everything, a dead army is np just train another'. I am convinced that this is caused by techs changes which give higher gathering speeds eventually. So it would be good to try to lower techs' effects first (increasing cost of units/buildings will have the same effect just with some multiplier, and the default pop cap, which people hurry to reach, obviously has to stay the same).
    1 point
  10. a big thanks to ffm, mario, supertux and mandrillatore for letting me record and comment their games
    1 point
  11. Remains of a chariot wheel: And some axe-heads, along with a depiction of an axe-wielding warrior: http://natmus.dk/historisk-viden/danmark/oldtid-indtil-aar-1050/bronzealderen-1700-fkr-500-fkr/vognudstyret-fra-gallemose/importerede-og-hjemlige-oekser/
    1 point
  12. For ships, there are some ship drawings that they made that can give us insight on how their ships would look like: ...there are also depictions of chariots, which could be used as a base for a chariot unit:
    1 point
  13. Cool =) Here are some burial sites, which can be used as a reference for the units' clothing: The hat there (which is made of wool) can be used to help differentiate one type of unit from another. For instance, it could be used to differentiate an archer from the swordsman:
    1 point
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