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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2015-01-22 in all areas

  1. Please don't use more than one exclamation mark in the title, we see it just as easily with one -- but with more than one you seem as if you are screaming. Also, please don't make the text large like that, it doesn't make it any easier for us to see/read it, but there is a risk that it annoys us, and that will not make it more likely that we will help you. In most cases it will not make it less likely either, but my point is that it can only be a bad thing, and never a good thing.
    2 points
  2. I would make the rowing animations separate from the main model. That way they can be separated from the boat when it sinks (fall out). As it is currently, the oars would fall towards the bottom of the ship because they are parented to the boat. Since the boat randomly angles when sinking, the oars wouldn't sink properly. Also, we would need separate masts with their own destruction animations. This will allow us to have sunken ships on the bottom without masts sticking so far out of the water. Masts animation ticket: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/2986 Ship sink ticket: (requires the above ticket to be done first for best results) http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/2461
    2 points
  3. If it's can be implemented on the game i have no problem with making any animation. but like i said before, it's not up to me
    2 points
  4. Or both net and rod as variants yeah more work. Enjoy the Choice
    2 points
  5. I think the issue is that it has to work for all animals. Otherwise there would have to be different animations for each and every animal that can be slaughtered.
    1 point
  6. I don't think the props need to be 100% realistic, IMO it's more important that the player can see what they're carrying at normal camera views.
    1 point
  7. Hi Everyone I'am Ryan, i don't know much to say, this game is awesome just say hello
    1 point
  8. From the topic that contains the application form:
    1 point
  9. +Carry Grain/fruit +Slaughter +Carry Meat I think maybe every death animations must be finish in the center of the model, so there would be no problem like the one you see in the meat gathering video I'll finish all the FC's animations and then i'll check and try everything you ask
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. Thanks for the color variation suggestion Wijitmaker , I thought about multitexture before, but this way is efficient too (it's not player color, but object color). So I kept those colours variations for the male auroch : <group> <variant name="chocolate"> <colour>98 83 78</colour> </variant> <variant name="roan"> <colour>242 219 164</colour> </variant> <variant name="liver"> <colour>172 117 98</colour> </variant> </group> It's quite subtle once in game (compared to cow which are only brown at this time) How the textures look like : I also encoutered a seam problem with the UVs, but since I feel to lazy to unwrap it again , I googled and found this awesome technique : http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/1800/completely_eliminate_texture_seams_.php PS: I just find the tail a bit too thick, even seen from top view, but it's not significant.
    1 point
  12. Thanks for the references Micket Here is a WIP for the auroch bull! Of course at this time there are still seams, I'll clean it after. And I think about adding opacity at the end of the tail, but maybe it won't be noticeable on a 128² texture... And also some highlights to show its musculature.
    1 point
  13. the textures will need some sharpening, and the buildings still need to be propped. the dock, market and corral are still on my to-do list. and I made some Achaean spear dudes
    1 point
  14. lol Stan. I made the same mistake some time ago. I think I might have the files in case you want them for the RotE mod:
    1 point
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