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  1. It is pronounced like the word "I". The reason it's pronounced like an "I" and not like an "eh" or "ee" is because the latter two pronunciations are a result of arabic turkish influence, through modifications of letters like the diaresis. E.g. Aetius should be "Aye-tee-oos", not "Ee-tee-oos" or "Eh-tee-oos" because the Diaresis often put over the E in Aetius' name did not exist until the 11th century AD. (Although the pronunciation is also debatable because it is Latinized Greek [Aetios -> Aetius]) As for the letter Y, I think that in the Latin words that used a Y (can't think of any off the top of my head) its pronunciation was based on context. And yes, the German "Kaisar" is the correct way to pronounce "Caesar"
    4 points
  2. Great you solved the first issue with parenting (selecting all prop-point-empties and afterwards select the parent object, then press CTRL+P [the last selected object will be the parent!]). You can texture it and if you join it, then at least the UV maps should be joined too. Of course you can only use one texture and thus you have to make sure the locations of the different UV islands don't overlap. => It's easier to first join (CTRL+J as niek said) and then TAB into Edit Mode (just like the workflow you recalled above): Define/Mark seams to cut the mesh into islands (not required in your case as your object already is constructed of individual islands, i.e. sets of connected vertices). Press U for Unwrap and choose an option (e.g. Follow active quads or simply normal Unwrap depending what gives better results). Now choose one vertex of one of the many islands (connected vertices) in the UV/Image Editor window. Press CTRL+L to select all connected/linked vertices. Press G to move the island where it fits best on the image texture. (repeat this and the previous step for all islands until they are spread nicely over the image texture) (optional & not recommended in general) Fine tune the individual vertices by arranging in such a way that it doesn't look distorted/unnatural. (probably the most difficult part, often it's best to keep the UV vertices in the UV/Image Editor view as is after the Unwrap otherwise it will be distorted. It's thus better to adapt the image texture to fit these UV vertices, best even export the UV map and paint the texture to fit this UV map perfectly using External Autorefresh.)
    2 points
  3. NOTE: THIS IS A REVISION OF THE ORIGINAL PROPOSAL BASED ON FURTHER RESEARCH AND GAMEPLAY CONSIDERATIONS. THE FACTION WILL NOW ALSO COVER THE FIVE DYNASTIES AND TEN KINGDOMS PERIOD AS WELL AS THE TANG DYNASTY, EXTENDING ITS SPAN TO FROM 618 TO 960AD. PLEASE NOTE THAT MANY ELEMENTS IN THIS PROPOSAL ARE INCOMPLETE AND MAY CHANGE DUE TO ADDITIONAL RESEARCH AND GAMEPLAY CONSIDERATIONS. SPECIAL THANKS TO WOLFLANCE FOR HIS INPUT. FACTION PROPOSAL: THE CHINESE Map From Wikipedia BRIEF HISTORY Tang Dynasty (618-907AD): The Tang Dynasty is commonly regarded as a golden age of Chinese civilization where great strides were achieved in science and the arts and military might flourished. The most populous nation in the world, it was home to 50-80 million people and its capital Chang'an was the largest city on earth at the time. At its greatest extant its territory covered as far south as modern Vietnam and as far west as present day Kazakhstan, drawing in a cosmopolitan society of various different cultures. The Tang exerted strong influences to and fought against contemporary kingdoms in Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Tibet, and Central Asia. Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms (907-960AD): The collapse of the Tang Dynasty saw a time of great political upheaval in which 5 dynasties succeeded one another in the north and more than 12 warring kingdoms establish over the span of a few decades. This period saw some of the most important advancements in military technology in history. The battle of Langshan Jiang in 919AD saw one of the fist documented use of gunpowder in warfare. GAMEPLAY Being the most advanced nation of the medieval world grants the Chinese notable technological and economic advantages. The Chinese have a powerful well rounded military consisting of strong heavy infantry and fast cavalry backed by foreign auxiliaries of nomadic warriors. The Chinese are unique in being the only faction with access to primitive gunpowder units in part 1. CIV BONUSES: * Houses accommodate 15 pop each from the start, upgradable to 20, allowing the player to increase population quickly, however they require slightly more room * Most technologically advanced faction: which means many technology, blacksmith and agricultural upgrades are available cheaper, earlier and take less time * Multicultural: access to various auxiliary or mercenary factions as well as research that grants trade bonuses WEAKNESSES * Champions units can be trained only from the palace, and you can only build one palace, so think carefully where you want to place it SPECIAL STRUCTURES [buddhist Temple] Trains monks. Built in pagoda uncovers fog of war over a wide area [Daoist Temple] Has healing aura. Shady Daoist priests are hard at work on an elixir of immortality there. Let's hope their formula don't prove to be a but 'explosive' [Confucian Academy] Research hub for economic and technology upgrades [Palace] Required for and trains champion units and heroes (except Ashina Simo) [Turkic Camp] Trains Turkic auxiliary units and the hero Ashina Simo. Can be built in neutral territory [Mongolian Camp] Trains Proto-Mongolic units. Can be built in neutral territory [Korean Embassy] Trains Korean auxiliary units from the Silla Kingdom [Tibetan Embassy] Trains Tibetan units [Wonder] The Giant Wild Goose Pagoda SPECIAL UPGRADES: [Gunpowder Formula] Adds gunpowder weaponry to certain existing units. Unlocks Dragon Boat and Grenadiers [block Printing] Increase Daoist Temple healing aura size. Increase Monk healing range. All other temple upgrades becomes cheaper and take less time [silk Road] Trade grants bonus metal [健兒/Jiang Er System] Dissolves your Fu Bing Institution: ending conscription. All citizen soldiers become full time volunteer soldiers making them stronger but can no longer build, farm or gather resources. New civilians you recruit are now of mixed gender and they gain the ability to build military structures UNITS (Open spoiler box for details and illustrations) ORIGINAL PROPOSAL:
    1 point
  4. I hope you're not angry if we took over your post in our Roadmap topic? Have linked back to this post of course. Please tell me If I shall remove it again.
    1 point
  5. I do a Alternate one you know. https://soundcloud.com/marcio-duron/attack2
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Flavius: I think everyone here (at least me, you and GunCheloc) agrees on the pronunciation. However, some vowel sounds do not correspond to anything existing in English, due to the shift. This is the reason why 'ae', pronounced [ae], is very close to 'I' [aǝ]. To solve this Babel problem, I suggest you make remarks directly about the recordings, so I have a precise idea of possible mistakes! And by the way, I just updated the voices in the first post.
    1 point
  8. this picture is also an half burried farmstead, like i found in my research, see my previous post. They are called "Sel". Basicly they build a small version of the longhouse to use as short time house and as stables. So it would be the logical replacement for the farmstead. (maybe with a townbell fuction for the animals?) Since cows where there most valued farm animals we should have a corral that produces cows i think. Also those walls seem important too the Vikings, they where shoulder high and there was law too keep them in place. We might want to research walls to somehow incorperate them. Maybe as walls surrounding the cows while there grazing, and the suggested hayfields? hope it helps PS if you need any pics/info i can still ask my Danish friend to do some research.
    1 point
  9. I would think we can't do without farms.. (Sel) i coppied from my previous post: Sel (farm/shed): A small shed/farmhouse this could replace the farmstead with maybe as "technology" making skyr and/or inventing partially buried vats (like fridges!) to store products such as skyr. Also meat and fish were preserved by smoking. While some excavated Viking-age farms appear to have had dedicated smokehouses. This could be an upgrade. "In the summer months, livestock was driven to pastures at higher elevations, called sel (shieling). During this time, from mid-June through mid-October, most of the livestock were left to forage freely, while milk cows and ewes were kept close so they could be milked every day. The raw milk from the animals was collected and processed in a shed on site, where the farm family, or their hired hands, lived during the summer while they tended the livestock." from Icelanders in the Viking Age: The People of the Sagas Door William R. Short corral : Vikings build smaller versions of the longhouse as a shelter for there cows, so corrals should produce cows and look a bit like longhouses. (Are there even cows in 0AD? Eh, not black and white ones ;-) ) tún (Hay the home field near the farm) : because Cows need lots of hay, maybe making a hay field (like the crops groing fields) would be nice. Proof: "Over two tonnes (2 tons) of hay was needed for each cow to last the Icelandic winter. A large farm in Viking age Iceland had around 20 to 40 milk cows, so harvesting and storing sufficient hay to last the winter was an arduous but important task. Studies of several Viking era farms in north Iceland suggest that farms could produce between 0.5 and 0.9 tonnes of hay per hectare (0.22 - 0.44 tons/acre) in good years. These figures imply that large farms required 20 to 80 hectares (50 to 200 acres) of land set aside for hay cultivation to keep their livestock over the winter."
    1 point
  10. Some suggestions for Roman Tech names in the next release: Plywood Shield Construction -> Clipeus (Ovoid Shield) Reinforced Shield Construction -> Scutum (Legionary Shield) Irregular Infantry Skirmishers -> Velites Iron Spearheads -> Contus (Infantry Spear) Roman Logistics -> Logistica (Logistics) Civic Virtue (The +2 Citizen soldier Attack) -> Virtuitas Battlefield Medicine -> Medicus (Doctor) Spolas -> Subarmalis (Underarmor) Lorica Ferrarea - We commonly call this Lorica Segmentata in the Re-Enactment community, but nobody knows what it was really called other than just "Lorica." Furthermore, the Lorica Segmentata dates to 9 AD at the earliest. A few suggestions for Greeks: Spolas and Linothorax need to be switched as the Spolas was the Leather Armor most people think is a Lino Thorax, and the Linothorax was quilted linen, not glued. In fact they think they found a piece of one and it was quilted linen. Spolas is singular, and Spolates is plural by the way. Looking through the rest of the game, will update this list soon.
    1 point
  11. voy a agregar a los zapotecas, me harías el emblema de ellos, si es que tienes tiempo
    1 point
  12. I doubt it. More likely a bug in the engine. Do you really mean over "100" objects? That's not very many, what were you doing when placing them? Also you should post the logs after the crash (using the above link) and any error messages you received. Is this a consistent crash, or does it only happen sometimes? That may not be relevant anymore, since the SpiderMonkey upgrade and changes to its memory allocation. New tests would be needed for A16. Then again, there is the RangeManager crash/assertion failure that was introduced some time ago, you can encounter that with large numbers of densely packed entities, but you would know if you saw that.
    1 point
  13. Wow, yet another 3D artist. What's the giant ball? Is it a brewery? The textures of the props you don't have to care for. They are just dummy/placeholders/ how it would look to determine the attach-/prop-points' positions. You don't export those with your building's mesh. Instead you define the props to your chosen attachpoints in the Actor XML file.Hence the props don't need texturing (if you didn't create new ones, did you?). I would assign materials (and with those some textures) to each of the mesh parts of you building, e.g. the big tank, the stairs, ... until it looks as desired.Then I would follow this baking process to generate a texture: http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Doc:2.6/Manual/Render/Bake#Workflow After that you can use External Autorefresh Extension with Photoshop or GIMP to improve the textures, add some details, special effects, all you wish.Then after all looks promising, export the mesh and all the prop-empties (which have to be children of the building).Export to File -> Export -> .dae (COLLADA) Give it a proper name, i.e. egypt_farmstead.dae and put it into the folder: data/mods/Aristeia/art/meshes/structural/Now we need to create an actor, use any other farmstead as template. Create it in the folder: data/mods/Aristeia/art/actors/structures/egyptians/farmstead.xml<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 2 <actor version="1"> 3 <castshadow/> 4 <group> 5 <variant frequency="100" name="Base"> 6 <mesh>structural/ptol_farmstead.dae</mesh> 7 <props> 8 <prop actor="props/structures/ptolemies/farmstead_cart.xml" attachpoint="cart"/> 9 <prop actor="props/structures/decals/iber_corral_mud.xml" attachpoint="root"/> 10 </props> 11 <textures> 12 <texture file="structural/ptol_struct.png" name="baseTex"/> 13 <texture file="structural/ptol_struct_norm.png" name="normTex"/> 14 <texture file="structural/ptol_struct_spec.png" name="specTex"/> 15 <texture file="structural/ao/ptol_farmstead.png" name="aoTex"/> 16 </textures> 17 </variant> 18 </group> 19 <group> 20 <variant frequency="100" name="Idle"/> 21 <variant name="death"> 22 <props> 23 <prop actor="props/structures/ptolemies/farmstead_cart.xml" attachpoint="cart"/> 24 <prop actor="particle/destruction_smoke_small.xml" attachpoint="root"/> 25 <prop actor="particle/destruction_dust_small.xml" attachpoint="root"/> 26 <prop actor="particle/destruction_dust_small_gray.xml" attachpoint="root"/> 27 <prop actor="props/structures/decals/dirt_3x3.xml" attachpoint="root"/> 28 <prop actor="props/structures/decals/farmstead_mud.xml" attachpoint="root"/> 29 </props> 30 </variant> 31 </group> 32 <material>player_trans_ao_parallax_spec.xml</material> 33 </actor>
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Thanks gameboy for the report. The first group of warnings (mistyped argument) is just a new spidermonkey warning. I'll try to get rid of it in a next commit, but this has no effect. The second group is a forgotten debug printout, already removed in svn For the third group, I've no idea !
    1 point
  16. Just to add some information to this, I encountered the problem again today, but this time I noticed that there was another *pyrogenesis.exe* running in the background (without actually doing anything). Also the \Appdata\Local\0ad folder was being used (by the pyrogenesis.exe). So I think that's what caused the problem.
    1 point
  17. Can't listen to the voices so not criticizing you guys here, but here is proper Latin pronunciation in "Classical Latin" according to my Latin Teacher with a PHD in Roman culture. v - pronounced like a w (So Flavius is pronunced Flawius) a - pronounced like "ah" e - pronounced like the Fonz ("Eh!") ae - pronounced like the word "I" u - pronnounced like a double O (So Flawioos) i - pronounced like the long way (like the word "I") ii - pronounced like the letter E (So Gladii is Glad-eey-eey) c - pronounced like a K o - pronounced normally, just depends on the letter usage y - pronounced like in the word "I" "So Lekythos is Lek - aye - thos)
    1 point
  18. I see the list as this: 500 AD - 1000AD Northern Germanics: Saxons Vikings Southern Germanics: Franks Lombards Middle East: Umayyad Arabs Abbasid Persians (Sassanids are kind of early for the 500-1000, only covering the first 150 years) Steppe Nomads: Avars Eastern Europe: Bulgars Slavs Rus Roman: Rhomaion (Thematic Byzantine 700-1000 AD) Mesoamerica: Mayans Far East: Tang Dynasty China Asuka Japan Chalukya Dynasty India
    1 point
  19. Pretty much like archers. but with faster, more precise and smaller projectiles, a longer loading time, a different loading/firing animation.
    1 point
  20. Here's a proposal for the civic center. I also tried to draw a Shinto temple, but it looked @#&#036;%. It should be something like this, but smaller and with a torii in the front : http://www.houseofjapan.com/travel/historic-ise-jingu-gears-up-for-vicennial-big-move
    1 point
  21. Oppidum Avalon is a large Iron Age Brythonic fortification. Situated on a hill in the middle of a vast swamp, the Romans would surely be 'bogged' down if they dare lay siege...
    1 point
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