A new major upgrade of Petra AI has just been commited in svn. It features a first version of naval support, as well as some bug fixes. Tests (specially that no regression were introducedfor land maps) would be very usefull. In case of errors, please provide the commands.txt file and the version of your svn build. Concerning naval maps, there are a few known issues - ship combat is not yet implemented (ship are mainly used for transport of armies in oversea attacks) - path finding issues with ships blocking themselves - the placement of defensive structure (tower and fortress) is not adapted for small islands, so the AI rarely built them - carthage does not yet use shipyard, so does not have war ships - trade is quite broken in naval maps - the reaction of the AI to its ennemies actions is still quite dumb Finally, if anybody want to help and improve this AI, all these issues are a good way to start. I can point you to the right file and piece of code if needed.