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  1. Like farms, suppose we can plant forests with a diverse range of seed, once forests become barren. But trees have to take a long time to grow, otherwise this will be unrealistic.
    2 points
  2. May I ask when a game is for the mass and when one isn't and what's wrong with attracting a lot of people (the mass) to a open-source game? Next, do you think that a game is being killed if only one mechanic is implemented that doesn't your exact view of how a RTS should work, a mechanic that solves other problems being involved? Lastly, I do think that open source games should be a solid game and be democratic, and should function as a solid base for mods. These are what makes a good open source game a good open source game.
    2 points
  3. What Romulus fails to see here against his argument, and has been stated a few times, is that realistically farms do not cost any resource. The siege mechanic is represented in 0 A.D. by denying your opponent to expand, and therefore, making your opponent unable to access resources. To his argument that you can trade food for any resource because it is infinite, a very experienced player (and anyone who has played 0ad in a medium level) knows that it isn't enough. You can have all the food you want in the game, but if you're not able to gather other resources at a good rate, you're not going to be able to defend your farms for a long time (unless you're playing against a dumb AI) Another argument, reseeding... Why bother the player with any kind of interaction in reseeding, if the farms realistically do not cost any resource? aren't the workers intelligent enough to know when they need to reseed the field? is like having a worker idle after a tree has been depleted and you have to tell him which tree to cut next. The only thing that would make sense is to make some "rebuild" time in the farms representing a new batch of crops growing, but this is balanced already by the lower gathering rate of food. To his argument about infinite resource being a game killer, why on earth he creates a thread to consider forest plantation? Conclusion: in my opinion making farms bigger would look more realistic, but I don't think it's going to make farms harder to defend... people will just place them in the most defended/hardest place to reach in their city, just a few arrows shot at the farm and you'll have to pay the wood penalty to replant them. Send a raid near the farms and you're going to see the females garrisoning in the nearest building, and stopping food production, and to be fair, I've never seen until now someone complaining about infinite farms since they were implemented (just the opposite when they weren't)
    2 points
  4. Athenian marines! 300 sequel! I know it'll be all kinds of historically inaccurate but it looks cool anyway!
    2 points
  5. I wanted to mention that I uploaded a movie today with 0 A.D. gameplay. Nothing special nor exciting even not a whole game.
    1 point
  6. Another post from the same author is very interesting, although about the Mycenaean. He describes Myceneans as you would describe Sea People raiders indeed. http://www.karwansaraypublishers.com/cms/karwansaray/ancient-warfare/about/readmore-aw/8-ancient-warfare/ancient-warfare-blog/292-warfare-among-the-mycenaeans.html And yet I can't help but recall one of the hypothetical origins for some of those Sea People. At this time Mycenaenan and Minoean ruled on the sea. And then a Sea People would come with unheard naval technology? I read on Wikipaedia that the western European who were in touch with the Mycenaean traders could have slowly acquired their naval technology and when ready, would have tried their chance to the East where riches were and the Mycenaean came from. At first allied with the Mycenaean to plunder Near Orient and Egypt, they might have then turned against each other. There, the same author think the same: http://www.karwansaraypublishers.com/cms/karwansaray/ancient-warfare/about/readmore-aw/8-ancient-warfare/ancient-warfare-blog/291-mycenaean-warriors-and-the-sea-peoples.html
    1 point
  7. Well, maybe 0 A.D. isn't going to be your favorite game then I still hope that 0 A.D. will provide some enjoyment for you, and mods can definitely do other things than the official release, but the main game has always been intentioned to be a war/economy game and not an economy/war game or citybuilder. In other words, the area where the game is likely to become more complicated is rather the fighting than the gathering.
    1 point
  8. 0 A.D. is a game of war, not of admiring nature, think about that (I'll elaborate a bit more in the infinite farming thread)
    1 point
  9. Ok so I was maybe out... How about 59 minutes? Yeah, which is I said a Gaia mechanic. Gaia automatically grows trees after long periods of time. Okay let me be honest and tell you why I had this idea... Think of AOE days... I love keep the match going on forever. I'm just like that... I love to maintain a game and keep it from ending. But in AOE you get those times where look at the deforestation, and land been stripped of everything that was on it, and you think... Man... Its a shame. How nice if you could see the trees grow back and animals respawn... (Specially the fish for the love of christ) but you always feel "darn" that sadness that there's nothing more but barren land. Kills the game... Imagine a game that lives like nature....... Think about it
    1 point
  10. Yes, only the hashed password is used for authentication (because there are a lot of users that use the same password for multiple purposes, we didn't want to endanger their password by putting it in plain text on the HDD, so it's always hashed). Currently, there's no way to reset your password other than contacting a lobby dev (Josh, scythetwirler or leper). Also, the accounts aren't set in stone yet. As it's the first release of the lobby, it's quite possible that the accounts will have to be deleted or reset at some point.
    1 point
  11. this is excellent Zophim, pictures recently uploaded by me represent Khopesh warriors. I will upload for two handed axe warriors. So i painted these figures for concept art. With a Sea People intruder Peleset
    1 point
  12. Beautifully done, zaphzaph! Speaking of Egypt, here is my rough preliminary document for the New Kingdom Egyptians. I know that this is a major Aristeia civ, so any comments, suggestions, and/or constructive criticism would be appreciated. NewKingdomEgyptians.pdf
    1 point
  13. The animations generally look alright, but you definitely need to make them feel more organic: on the idle one the head alone moves in the end, on the attack one the back of the body doesn't move at all. I know you've said they were concepts, so you're probably aware of this, but I just want to make sure.
    1 point
  14. Sorry, I don't understand this sentence. Can you reword it? I fail to see what is especially unrealistic about infinite farms. As other people have mentioned real farms do have a tendency to be infinite as long as you keep a bit of last years crop to replant. They definitely don't continuously consume wood. We have to sacrifice realism in a very large number of ways in order to make a playable RTS game. (glaring examples are gathering some berries in order to have a woman magically appear after 30 seconds). I was arguing in my previous post against your argument that infinite farms are unbalanced. The strategy you mentioned in the first post is not viable vs a skilled opponent. Infinite farms are not unbalanced, many other games have implemented infinite resources.
    1 point
  15. I'll be a lot more critical since I actually think you have some talent and want to see you push these. I think the looseness works well since they will be viewed at such small sizes, and your speed seems to be excellent. I think a few of them could stand to be tightened up a tad even at such small sizes, and I think you need to heighten contrasts in a few key areas as currently a lot of information is hidden in shadow, likely areas that you felt less confident in tackling. You also want to be more choosy in your shadow shapes, you have some dramatic sweeping shadows that look cool at 200x200 but I don't think are working perfectly at 40x40. Additionally, please tighten up some of the shield shapes, you can use the ellipse tool if you have trouble drawing ellipses, but some of the shields are getting kinda mushy looking. I think the biggest thing your painting overall requires right now is for you to get a stronger grasp of edges, so far most things are painted softly, and it's not such a big deal at these sizes, but if you start trying to really observe and implement a hard edged transition between values and learn when to let edges be soft selectively, it will improve your painting dramatically. If there's anything I really dislike about any of them it's the background, it's too obviously a gradient and I don't think it does justice to the units. If needed I could paint a quickie sky background that you could just take chunks of to use for your backgrounds, or honestly, just grab a picture of a sky from the public domain or the CC section of flickr and paint over it with a soft oils or cloud brush to get it look painterly, some of the best painters in the entertainment industry use tons of photo collage that they drop into their paintings and paint so it looks seamless. Please for the sake of what you already have done,d on't keep those backgrounds. No offense intended of course. That said, I do actually like the last background you posted. Also, is there any consensus from an art director or any of the dev leads as to precisely what framing is desired? Are we going head and shoulders for heroes and torso and head for vanilla units or what? I think clarity on this subject is important. In fact, I've seen your architectural drawings, there's no excuse for your edges, I know digital is weird and tends to make you wanna have everything smooth, but you can draw, bring some of that sense of plane and edge into your figures, it'll really help.
    1 point
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