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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2014-01-09 in all areas

  1. But wait! There is a solution! www.blender.org
    3 points
  2. Tested Animation, not sure if exportable though
    2 points
  3. Made me think, Alpha XVI : Pureon, and then, why not, Alpha XVI : Prodigal Son. Stupid jokes aside, Pythagoras and Prometheus sound good to me. Or something more Seleucid related, like Panium (which also includes Ptolemies).
    2 points
  4. This is indeed a new bug (at least the part about the planes), I can see what caused it. I'll fix it tomorrow when I'm on my computer.
    2 points
  5. Ooh that fountain looks nice!
    1 point
  6. However, they did not adopt the oriental religion. They kept with what could be called a pre-Hellene indo-european pantheon. Like other people in the area, their alphabet was derived from the Greek and not directly from the Phoenician. Of note is also the fact that both the Roman and the Greek were scandalized by the the way upper class women could lay on the same dining bed than their mate, and worst, attend to the "Gymnasium" and other sport places. "Etrusca" was synonymous to @#$% in the Republic. [Edit] I like it very much when the filter translates _who***!
    1 point
  7. We don't have incremental updates yet (mostly because most developers use SVN so that's a non-issue for us), but we intend to implement something like that someday.
    1 point
  8. Sorry that we haven't gotten these snippets published. Even though I'm no historian I'll try to see that all of them are used. Your contributions are definitely valued and I think the lack of criticism is not so much because of low interest but because few team members have the credentials or knowledge to criticize these.
    1 point
  9. Peloponnese: The peninsula which contained Sparta, Corinth, Argos, Elis, and others. And is used today to refer to the the league Sparta led. It would be nice to use that as we have not actually named anything specifically after the Spartans. Anyway, the Peloponnesian war ushered forth the Hellenistic era of the Ptolemies, Seluecids, and so on; so having this name would be rather appropriate.
    1 point
  10. You can download the developer version by using SVN.
    1 point
  11. I think the structures look great! I get really tired of looking at the same Roman/Carthaginian/Greek textures.
    1 point
  12. I think the structure is too similar to the current rotary mill. It needs to be bigger overall, with a wider entrance and wooden beams framing the entrance. What I'd like to have is the mill not in the center of the round structure, more towards the outside, so even if the roof is closed the mill is quite visible and when the donkeys are walking around the mill, they actually get totally outside and they are easy to view. You can see in my sketch top view that the mill is partially outside (top right of the sketch). Keep in mind that the normal point of view of the building in-game will be from an angled top view and with your layout the mill and donkeys are not going to be seen. Donkeys will be eventually animated along with the mill turning 360 with them.
    1 point
  13. Hello All, Sorry for my prolonged absence. I'l be getting back into the programming thing in the new year. Its good to hear all of this oniterest in the sound stuff. I'll try and explain some thing as easily as I can. I'll also be writing up a short description of how the sound stuff works. Some of it is counterintuitive but it explains a lot of why we do things the way we do. Currently the sound system will locate a sound source so when listening in stereo sounds from the righ of the screen come out of tthe right speaker. My issue with the battle intensity sounds is that this would largely eliminate that. and I think it would be bad. I believe if we had formations, and could easily locate a group of fighters to one area, it would then make sense to have one sound for 10 archers firing instead of playing 10 singe arrow shots at one time. But otherwise we lose a lot unless we introduce some complicated method of grouping and locating similar fighters. Of course we need to be very careful not to do anything that takes too long. This code would need to be executed every frame. I have always worked to keep the computation time to a minimum there. Also note that the current code does alter the pitch, volume and frequency for most sounds randomly. This is in addition to the 10 or sos sounds there are for a sword clank. These also get used in a random order and have their volumes and pitches altered randomly. I think it is important to remember this is a game. The sounds should first serve the game, making sure to alert the player of important events, and not serve to confuse them with too many sounds. It would be nice if in addition to that everything sounded like a hollywood movie battle scene, but playability should come first. Please feel free to ask any questions. I'll try to be in IRC more too. Let me know if there is a good time and I can try to be online.
    1 point
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