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  1. Here are two variation of the model. The historical one and the other with just the height of the roof fixed. I don't really know what to do with the back part on the last one, that's why its flat.
    1 point
  2. I made a big temple no bronze statue though I figure we ought to give the Carthaginians a wonder that's less easily concealed, once wonders become victory conditions granted the mausoleum of Atban looks amazing, and I may have stolen a couple horses from it; it's just too small. I wasn't liking how it was turning out, and I'm still on the fence a bit. I shouldn't have tried to make it a peripteral temple :/ didnt have a lot to go on though cut me some slack guys ;-;
    1 point
  3. The best translation for the so-called Theban Flamethrower I can come up with is Pyropallō, since we wanted to use pyro, with pallō being one of the Ancient Greek root words that catapult and its Latin root word catapulta were ultimately derived from.
    1 point
  4. This is a great thread.... I like the Byzantines. I only wished I had all this detailed art when I was studying them. The Byzantines did indeed inherit the Greek phalanx that the brunt of the Byzantine army besides the cataphract were a type of hoplite hybrid especially under Justinian. I would not clasify them being Roman in the truest sense, but they just like their big sister copied and used, hacked, changed, modify the strategies, weapons, tactics, army the lot to be something that was more of an elite force with superior quality rather than massive numbers of poor equiped soldiers. Think of Nazi Germany vs Russian serfs.. Larl Quality vs numbers and the Byzantine army were the biggest expence to the Byzantine Empire... They were eventially dealt heavy blows against the deadly Turkish horse archers which eventually shot the once mighty and potent Byzantine army to pieces. So yes Byzantium was Rome in a way, but they simply were the twilight of her eastern Empire...
    1 point
  5. The slingers would hurl normal stones.
    1 point
  6. We don't have the ability to differentiate between sorts of terrain, and we don't plan to add it, as it would require a lot more calculations, so cause a lot of lag.
    1 point
  7. ok ya te lo busco. Deberías buscar un poco más en el trac, allí hay todo tipo de ayuda.Voy a buscarlo.
    1 point
  8. Ok, vamos por partes, aquí ni lo sencillo es sencillo. Ya tenes los modelos de los germanos? O con suyas te referís al nombre del edificio? PD usa un párrafo para inglés y otro para español.
    1 point
  9. que tengo que modificar para que en vez de las estructuras britanas, las unidades construyan la suyas "germanas" what i must mod for the germanic units, build its own structures, build briton buildings no germanic as i want el mod germano germanic mod https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/101275290/tribusgermanasmod.zip
    1 point
  10. The development pace has been quite remarcable the last week, but I fear it will slow down in the coming weeks when school/work starts. It shouldn't be a problem to have a lot of volunteer activity while a freelance programmer works on short/long pathfinder rewrite or JS to C++ rewrite. I beleive a more playable game is best way to create a larger community.
    1 point
  11. IMO the main thing to fix is the unit lag. If you get rid of that, players will come. Because even if its still in alpha this game is more playable than a lot of finished games. Adding stuff will be good when the base will be fixed. Now what would be nice would be a resolution changer, because i don't think the minimum specs are this low anymore. So at least that would make it playable for old machines. If it is not in the menu an ini file would be great. Something that could be good to is to update the art thread which displays all the task needed. I have some 2d artists friends that could help if i could tell them exactly what to do. Moreover i think each faction should have its thread or at least its subforum. I don't know what you need in terms of programming. I know how to do C and some C++ but i don't see many methods to calculate square roots except the dicotomia method, which a slow loop or a big switch, in which you could also have a possibility of calculation if the value doesn't exist.
    1 point
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