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  1. Wildfire Games, an international group of volunteer game developers, proudly announces the release of "0 A.D. Alpha 13 Magadha", the thirteenth alpha version of 0 A.D., a free, open-source game of ancient warfare. This alpha features the Mauryan Indians, AI improvements, six new songs and more! Easy Download and InstallDownload and installation instructions are available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. 0 A.D. is free of charge and always will be. Although you might find some people selling copies of 0 A.D., either over the internet or on physical media, you will always have the option to download 0 A.D. completely gratis, directly from the developers. Moreover, you can redistribute the game and modify it freely as long as you abide by the GPL. You can even use parts of the art and sound for your own projects as long as you abide by CC BY-SA. No "freemium" model, no in-game advertising, no catch. Top New Gameplay Features in This Release All-new and unique Mauryan Indian civilization, including new units, from war elephants to Brahmin priests; and new buildings, reflecting this culture's original architectural style. (See screenshot below.) The default AI, Aegis bot, has been greatly improved, be it at defending, attacking, or building a strong economy. It now supports researching technologies and should work much more reliably than most other AIs before. (Known problem: Aegis now has some issues with saved games. Sorry, we hope to fix this in A14.) Aegis can now play at several different difficulty levels, so beginners can easily learn to play, and more experienced players can get more of a challenge. Attack/move command: If you select units and then Ctrl + right-click on a location, they will go to the location, but also stop to attack enemies they meet along the way. Graphics and User Interface Improvements Helpful messages appear when a building can't be placed somewhere. (See screenshots below.) When you select a place to build a building, the building preview always shows the precise final variation that will be built. When some buildings are built, they now rise from the ground, and some also have lifelike scaffolds surrounding them. Tribute stats added to the summary screen. Players are notified when any tributes are given to them. Music and SoundNew Celtic songs: "Cisalpine Gaul" and "Celtica" (the latter featuring Jeff Willet's percussion),New Hellenic song: "The Hellespont" (also featuring Jeff),Combat music featuring taiko drums "First Sighting" and "Elusive Predator" by Jeff.First Mauryan song: "Land Between the Two Seas."New and improved animal sounds for lions, tigers and bears.Development Updates and Miscellaneous FeaturesUser mod support: See our modding guide to learn how to create your own mods for 0 A.D.The new JavaScript Debugger supports the basic features of debuggers (breakpoints, continue, step calls...), and allows 0 A.D. developers and modders to debug JavaScript scripts used by the game, saving a lot of time to understand some unexpected behavior or issue. 0 A.D. uses JavaScript in many different areas like gameplay logic, UI, AI and random map scripts. Thanks to mmayfield45 for contributing the web GUI. (See screenshot below, and the documentation wiki for more details.) Improved OS X build process, without need for MacPorts or Homebrew. Getting SupportPlease see the "Get Support" page on our website to find ways to get help from the active and friendly 0 A.D. community. We are well aware there is some room for improvement in 0 A.D. Some known issues are: Lag, visual glitches or textures not loaded, missing animations and more. When you provide feedback, we would ask you to focus on some of the other points that could be improved. Thanks. Please Contribute!We are seeking volunteer contributors in programming, art, sound, documentation and more. Programmers are especially welcome and can get started immediately. Interested? Log onto #0ad-dev on QuakeNet on IRC and meet the developers. Also, you are invited to register on our forums and start participating! Why "Magadha"?We name our releases according to development status ("Alpha" or "Beta"), successive release number (1, 2, 3, ...) and a word relating to the ancient world, in alphabetical order ("Argonaut" for A, "Bellerophon" for B, ...). Magadha was an ancient kingdom in northern India from which the Mauryan empire originated. The empire was founded by exiled general Chandragupta Maurya, who overthrew the reigning king of Magadha and went on to conquer most of the Indian subcontinent, as well as parts of Persia and Central Asia. Years later, the third monarch of the dynasty, Ashoka, would become famous for renouncing all violence, converting to Buddhism, and spreading the faith throughout the empire. Ashoka is also remembered as one of the most exemplary rulers in world history for his advanced social and animal welfare programs. Magadha also happens to be the birthplace of Jainism and Buddhism, two of India's historically significant religions. These religions' shared belief in rebirth and karmic retribution most likely derives from the culture of Magadha in the last five centuries BC. In honor of the release of the Mauryan Indian faction, we have decided to dub Alpha 13 "Magadha". For the next alpha, we welcome fan suggestions for words relating to the ancient world beginning with the letter N. Keep it original and related to the time frame portrayed in 0 A.D. (appx. 500 BC - 1 BC)! Subscribe to 0 A.D. Development News Contact info for press, bloggers, etc.: aviv@wildfireORACLEgames.com without the capitalized name of an ancient priest or priestess whom people would consult for advice or predictions of the future.
    1 point
  2. Hi, guys. I just accidentally saw this game on sourceforge. I'm new to Open source software, but i'm really interested in this game. I'm wondering if I can get involved with it. I have downloaded and run it in the lab. Unfortuately the graphic card is not good enough to run it smoothly, but i still find few things that i think it would be good to be included in the game. For example, when I choose a group of farmers or citizens, and trying to gather them to another location. I think there should be a sign on the position when we right click it to INDICATE they are moving towards there. Also a sound might be good to be included as well. And i'm a master of Computing student in Australian National University, i got my bachelor of Computing in Adelaide University in South Australia. I would also be happy to take some simple tasks to start to contribute to this lovely game. but I would need some helps since as said, I'm new to open source software, which is really a shame. My email is : Jethro.lu@gmail.com Really looking forward to get involved and contribute to this game. Thanks for your time all. Waiting for your reply. Jethro
    1 point
  3. In a related news Wesnoth 1.11.2 added Micro AI that can be used for campaign and scenario. Maybe something like that could eventually be done on 0 A.D..
    1 point
  4. Exactly (or something very close to that, depending on what works out for you). It's a detail, but you'd need to enclose both lines in the 'if' context: else if (notification.type == "attack") { if (notification.player == Engine.GetPlayerID()) { Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("PlaySound", { "name":"attacked", "entity": notification.message.target }); Engine.PingMinimap({ "entity": notification.message.target }); } }
    1 point
  5. I'm a designer at heart, I want to place farms where I think they would fit :-) I could live with a button in the farmstead that says: 'plant farms' and if you click that it will automatically build farms around it, but if you don't you can build farms around it yourself. Maybe that could satisfy the people who don't want too much micromanagement and the people who want to design beautiful cities.
    1 point
  6. Templates can have parents, can actors have this as well? this would save up a lot of space for the basic/advanced/elite actor versions of the same unit and would decrease the amount of changes needed to be made when changing e.g. one animation.
    1 point
  7. It seems all the egyptian civ files are missing the line "Culture":"hele", (this one i got from the athenians' file), which should be right after the "Code":"egyp", line.
    1 point
  8. Agreed. I've been working on an extended campaign storyline (fiction) which has 13 scenarios of which the first three are introductory. I'll just have to find that design document ... Anyway the story is that you are a roman senator and in the first scenario you have to navigate your way through the city to the senate with your guards. (this is the movement/attack/etc tutorial). At the senate you witness the murder the the caesar, and in the following scenarios you go on campaigns to prove your worth in order to be elected as new ruler of the roman empire. The first ones are two economy/defence tutorials and then the real fun starts: to conquer the gauls. After this campaign a triumvirate is selected, of which you are one. You receive the news that one of the others murdered the other and so you start a war against the the surviving one. Some of this may sound pretty familiar ... Then why not just make an actual historical campaign? I don't want any historical constraints when designing the scenarios and the maps. For the official campaign, however I would suggest two historical campaigns: one about the romans (they are really popular) and one about the mauryans (this will really bring something new to the gaming world). Alexander the great would be ... Well ... Great too. Of course I would like a campaign for every civ, but that is just plain unrealistic.
    1 point
  9. You don't need a completed project to present at FOSDEM. Certainly not for the lightning talks. The lightning talks are normally about a single component of the project. Something innovative and finished (maybe it could be the pathfinder against next year F.e., this year, Wesnoth gave a talk about the animation engine. It's a hexagon-based game, but some units come out of the borders of the hexagon. As they don't use GPU acceleration, they need to be clever in other ways, so they calculate which tiles need to be updated when something is animated. An other game, Unknown Horizons, was just talking about how they used Jenkins to continuously test their software. You also don't need to bring promotional material if you don't have a booth. People don't expect to get something at the talks, they just expect a decent technical explanation of the subject, and a possibility to ask questions. I didn't know about LSM btw, until a month or two ago, when it appeared on other places I follow too. Is LSM always in the ULB? FOSDEM is, but I wonder if it's some kind of twin event (one in the winter and one in the summer).
    1 point
  10. I sure don't have a clue, all I have are old Nvidia graphics cards, so I don't have a clue what would be better, though I probably should find out about all of these kinds of things if I ever want to play something like StarCraft II or even 0 A.D. better.
    1 point
  11. I think there could be a combination of ideas that add up to a coherent whole. Just need to be creative and look at the big picture. So, if we agree that we want to get away from the whole "surround your civic center with a bunch of farms" thing and we think it looks unrealistic and silly (which I do) and we think moving farming away from the center of the player's base on out to the periphery of the base is a desirable thing -- if we agree on all this, then we are halfway there. So, after reading everyone's comments, I think removing food.grain from the civic center is probably too restrictive, so let's scrap that idea right now. If we agree on that, then let's look at ways to make the farmstead more integral to farming. I think the easiest thing for us to agree on is that farm fields are unlocked by the building of farmsteads. This is what I would call a "soft" encouragement to plant farm fields around farmsteads. It was also part of the whole farming scheme from many years ago, so I like how the idea is making a comeback. A "hard" encouragement would be to require farm fields be built within a distance or radius of a farmstead. I'm open to more arguments on that matter, pro and con. One way to eliminate the need for such a "hard" feature would be to implement the farmlands idea in conjunction with farmstead unlocking farm fields. The whole farmland concept is a "soft" encouragement, since you aren't required to build farms there, but you are strongly encouraged to do so by the harvesting bonus the farmland terrain would provide. Another idea (but not necessary to the farmlands idea being implemented) would be to allow farmsteads to be built on farmland even if that land isn't within your territory. It allows you to build precarious and unguarded "farming colonies" on the map even where you don't have direct control. Though, perhaps that idea lessens the impact of territory too much (con), but then again, perhaps it would introduce an interesting dynamic where people try to snatch up farmland before the other guy does (pro).
    1 point
  12. Hi Lion just open a "Command Prompt" change the directory to SVN\0ad\binaries\system then just type in pyrogenesis.exe -mod=mymod -mod=anothermod or you could write a .bat file with that command use the Quickstart.bat file as a guide. ps I hope this was your question the text is not clear on what you wanted Enjoy the Choice
    1 point
  13. Honestly a dynamic/tile-based farming system makes a lot of sense (realistically) and is logical. I am refering to the concept of using special terrain tiles for placing farms Spahbod mentioned months ago. (I cant find the topic though.) And removing food dropsite form the CC seems like a good idea. However, why not keep it during the village phase? It would be logical because during the village phase the settlement is so small food would most likely be stored there. Oh, and nice terrain stuff
    1 point
  14. That's my code in the fancy water shader... Looking at it it appears like GroundDirection is obsolete code and should be removed alltogether. WaveforceHQ does appear to be incorrectly not deleted (probably should be done after its last use, or line 543 in WaterManager.cpp)
    1 point
  15. Auto reseeding farms basically remove any micro management from farming anyway. They require you to gather a bit more wood for the reseeding, but apart from that it is essentially the same as having infinite farms. The infinite farm implementation will limit the number of workers per farm to 5 and also encourage fewer by having a slight decrease in efficiency with more farmers. This will spread the farmers further from the CC because more space is needed, making raiding easier. Also you can't just ignore food as a resource, to play well you need to have a nice even distribution of resources so workers need to be added/removed from food as your situation changes.
    1 point
  16. Hi, I own the biggest gaming channel in my country (I'm owner, producer and the only uploader), dedicated mostly to Minecraft, but in a last year or so I started uploading other games just to see how well they are accepted and I also tried 0 A.D. today. The comments were positive, I'll translate some relevant: "Use take igre kot so AoE , ali EE so mi takoj usec , in pri tej vidim da se bo razvila v zelo dobro igro " I instantly like games similar to AoE or EE and can see this game developed into a very good game "To tak doro zgleja!!" This looks so good "Tole se pa splača pogledat " It is worth checking out "zakaj nisi spartan" "Why don't you play as Spartan? I played as Gaul on Nearest Badlands against Aegis. The video is in Slovene so I will just point out the highlights of my commentary: 1. Easy expanding (Gauls only need wood and meat to train new villagers) 2. Strong buildings and enemies pointlessly trying to destroy them with arrows 3. Different hairstyle depending on level 4. Lack of iron in late-game 5. AI system of prioritizing the targets And I still don't know how to post video on this forum
    1 point
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