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    • "Ships" should be moved to the front of the list IMHO.
    • I have not worked in 0AD for a long time, but decided to make a map for a region that is probably not within the time period of 0AD, but something representing from the earliest civilization there. I am working on a map of the island of Madagascar off the coast of mainland Africa, thinking that this might be interesting geography to make a map of considering the game region maps being based in Africa, Europe, and Asia, thought it might be interesting to implement a map of the island depicted around early civilization on the island.
    • As of https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructions#DebianUbuntu I have problem when installing libwxgtk3.2-dev package. Finally, I found the solution. Just add this PPA: https://launchpad.net/~hrzhu/+archive/ubuntu/wxwidgets3.2-backport sudo add-apt-repository ppa:hrzhu/wxwidgets3.2-backport sudo apt update sudo apt install libwxgtk3.2-dev I'm using Linux Mint 21.3 Cinnamon.
    • I've always called it the Holy Roman Empire, because it was tied around the faith of the "Holy" Catholic Church. Of course, then Martin Luther came along and the empire kind of got broke up. The reason it was originally called the Holy Roman Empire was after Rome fell everything was in chaos and people just wanted to go back to the good old times of unity, and so when Charlemagne united the tribes of Europe they had peace like when they had Rome, which was why the Pope gave him the title Holy Roman Empire (Also, it helped the kings to make it seem like they were part of a government instituted by God and the Pope, and the word Rome had some kick in it as well) But no I haven't heard it called Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation ever in the USA, but I was also homeschooled and have no clue what people are taught elsewhere
    • Has anyone outside of German-speaking regions ever heard it called Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation?  
    • @guerringuerrin Ok. As explained here, the icon tag has a property called 'displace' that allows moving the icon on the x and y axis by a certain number of pixels. Now, the target icons measure 32x32 pixels while the font is only 16 pixels high. A downwards offset by half the difference (in this case 8 pixels) perfectly centers the icon on the text => displace="0 8". (The text might appear a bit smaller than 16 pixels because it mostly contains lowercase letters, so I suspect an offset of 9 pixels might look slightly better, but you'll have to be the judge for that) I suggested according changes to the latest merge request.
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