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  1. I made this poll because I’ve always thought that the current market for the Iberian faction lacks a certain recognisability, and even after all these years, I still sometimes struggle to quickly find my allies’ Iberian market in a competitive match. In my opinion it’s a little too small, and looks more like a single market stall, than an actual market. A few years ago Stan` made a new Iberian market, but was not committed. I rather like that market, and decided to ask the community their opinion on the matter. The current Ibrian Market ("Old"): The "New" Iberian market by Stan`: https://skfb.ly/6Qvv9
    5 points
  2. Hello everyone, I have found this game and I love the whole concept behind this project. I'm a computer engineer and I have worked before on projects with C++ or javascript. I already programmed in unity but this seems very different to me and I'd like to get the experience of working in this project. First of all, I downloaded the source code from the svn repository and compiled it, then I continued looking for tasks required to complete but when I read it I don't know where to start and how your code works. It's really hard for me find a beggining. I started by taking a look at the simple tasks but I don't know which to choose because they look like they are resolved or have people working on it or I don't know if that bug actually exists. I've read Finding_Your_Way_Around, Mod_Layout and GettingStartedProgrammers. Do you have a tip for me? How can I understand better your code and it's operation? Which simple task do you recommend me? How did you personally started on this project? I'd like to be a very valuable programmer in this project and contribute as much as possible. I have been translating the game to spanish as Antonio_vazquez while I try to find out how to start. Thank you for your help, I am looking forward to your response.
    5 points
  3. 3 points
  4. So just to start off, I'd say that a lot of these ideas are great, but adding complexity does a number of things. Probably the most notable one is that it increases the skill cap of the game, which is critical in the RTS genre. Some games are more economically focussed (usually city-builders) while others are more combat based (Company of Heroes comes to mind). In short, each feature should do the following: make the game more in depth without requiring a significant strain on a player's attention. I'd say that the idea of a food being automatically used up by existing units would be a great option. It could provide a much more interesting way for how people would spend that resource since a raid could quickly cut off that source. Roads I think would be a fantastic option. I doubt that many expert players would use them, but that would definitely allow for players who enjoy base-building to have a much more enjoyable time.
    2 points
  5. Hello @Antonio_vazquez, we appreciate your interest and we look forward to see your contribution. As asterix said, it is better if you start in part you are interested in. Anything (or most part) about game simulation and whole ai is written in javascript, which communicates with engine written in c++ using global/direct messages or functions defined for it. Engine takes care about anything else, like drawing graphics, computing turns, broadcasting messages to entities, checking obstructions, unit movement, it stores all components and entities and so on. every entity in the game has its components, which are separate and every component takes care for specific logic and stores variables if needed (health, attack, unitai, ...) entity itself is defined in template file using xml syntax and components. then there is code in javascript related to session, grouped in gui folder ,it gets data to be displayed, decides if some icon should be red, grayedout, what will happen after some clicking on it (and other codes, for example what will happen when someone clicks to unit, ...) anything visual is located in art folder, where are actor files, they define how given entity will look, which animations will be played, of course given actor file needs to be bound with game entity in its template. If you find any ticket here is list with keyword simple (https://trac.wildfiregames.com/query?status=assigned&status=new&status=reopened&keywords=~simple&col=id&col=summary&col=status&col=owner&col=type&col=priority&col=milestone&order=priority) you think you are interested in and you have doubts if it is still valid or free, feel free to leave comment there or visit (what is recommended for faster communication) https://webchat.quakenet.org/?channels=0ad-dev there should be almost anytime (well, timezones) someone able to help you. Wish you good times with coding. Regards Angen
    2 points
  6. Some people like serifs. 0 A.D. uses the sans-serif font Linux Biolinum. I prefer Linux Libertine. Therefore I had a look at the source/tools/fontbuilder2/fontbuilder.py, generated new font images, and bundled them in a mod: linux-libertine.zip With the mod 0 A.D. uses Linux Libertine (Display and Bold) as the default font in game, and FreeSerif as the fallback font, which also happens to have a greater Unicode coverage (over 10,000 glyphs) than the default fallback font FreeSans (over 6000 glyphs). It should work with both the development version (A24) and the stable (A23), as well as earlier versions (A22 etc.), but if experiencing trouble when switching, delete the 0ad cache (see https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths ) and relaunch the game. [EDIT]: @Itms, maybe something to upload to mod.io?
    1 point
  7. Yes it's a general issue of the game. The speed of the game is conditionned in multiplayer by the slowest computer in the bunch. The game is a CPU intensive task which is mostly mono threaded ( As in not able to use more than one CPU core) Since in MP all the clients compute the game the AIs and whatnot on their own they have to sync regularly so the slowest computer defines the pace. Also in MP "turns" are slower than in SP (200ms per turn vs 500ms) I believe I answred most of it in the above post. There is some work being done to improve things for A24 mainly threading the pathfinder and the networking and @vladislavbelov is working on making the renderer a bit faster. (The renderer is also a bottleneck) Welcome to the forums @2fftr
    1 point
  8. Yes, it very much is. The last commit for the current stable (A23) was 21946; work on the next (A24) started on 26 December 2018. Right now we're at 23493, which means there have been 1547 commits in the past 14 months.
    1 point
  9. Hi, I'd like to say that I love this game and I am very impressed so far. I have played a lot of real-time strategy games and would like to share my suggestions for improving the game. I am also interested in participating, depends on how much I can free my time in near future I have played 2 single player matches vs bots so far, here are my thoughts: UI - Show and Select Idle workers in a better way. Took me a lot of time to find the button below the mini-map - Display how many workers are bringing food, stone, metal on top right. For example if 10 people are bringing food, Food 3185 (10) Metal 2100 (4) Stone 3120 (2). Maybe a worker icon as well in there. - Pause button (Pause break or ESC) to pause the game or bring main menu in single player - Better overall UI Design needed, it's hard to know what is what - Building and Units attack/defense values to be visible at all times, not only when hovering the shield. Also each value to have it's own row. Units to become more experienced after few battles (gaining experience and training) to have increased attack and defense values than new ones. - Send unit to a building (garrison) with right click and buildings that have troops inside to show head icons above their "health" bars. Random - Build roads from stone with workers for faster moving. Random roads to neutral villages to conquer (as vassals that will provide for you) on the maps would be nice as well. - Fruit + Nut trees + Plant new fruit trees that will give fruits once per year. - Seasons and their effect on spending resources like Wood to keep people warm or growing food. - Limited quantity in storehouses. - Middle mouse click to rotate map like with Shift + Scroll - Neutral markets to trade with. - Hunting animals to be harder, currently they don't run from anyone and anyone can kill them very easily. - Stone is very abundant in real world, should be the same in the game. Stone queries would be nice - Introduce Mines for Iron, Coal, Gold, Silver, Tin, Copper (check this) - Smelter and weapon smith and armor smith to actually create armor and weapons for the soldiers. - To make riders, first a horse breeding is needed, then a soldier that can ride that horse. To "grow" and equip the horse, you need to spend materials and food. - Color & light options for special effects in the map editor. Currently there is only fog and sun position. This would be nice to create some darker ambient with foggy maps (warcraft style). - Night time and lights from buildings + torches. People to go to sleep if they are tired, they can't work 24/7/365 This means you can't always spam troops to work all the time. - Diversity on Terrain textures + grass and bushes. - Diversity on Height in Terrain will make game more real, more uneven surfaces. Food - these tweaks will make people think more for the economy part of the game and it will prevent them to spam a lot of troops. - Making food should be harder and the whole process to require more time. For example getting food from grains to include preparation of the soil, planting, growing, sowing etc. Then that can be turned into bread from a "kitchen worker) or feed animals for example. - Different types of food as a sub-menu in when hovering food on the top. Different types of Grains, different meat (+ smoked), fishes, - Food decomposing (how much each type last). - Food Growing Seasons. Berries can't always be there, same as grain. This will make people shift more to fishing, fruits, nuts etc. - There should be "growing" of the animals that takes time and effort, currently I spend 50 food for 1 swine, kill it instantly and gain 100 food from it = kinda pointless. - More types of animals: Donkies, Cattle (for milk as well), chickens to give eggs, sheep, goats, wolfs etc. - Animals to reproduce (males and females) giving you more animals. - Age of animals = amount of meat. - Worker to feed the animals or they would starve & die. - Using animals for wagon transportation of raw materials. - Fishing to be available for workers on shores but in smaller quantities. Also fishing to be available anywhere (with smaller effect), not just in few select spots where there are few fishes. - Spending Food by the population, everyone gotta eat right. That means pausing work to eat as well and people to be able to make food or eat it raw. Starvation and dying when there is no food. - Kitchen worker to get food and prepare it (to feed soldiers and workers) Tweaks: - Attack values of soldiers against buildings are weak, my whole army couldn't even touch a civic center. - Battering ram is too strong, with 3 of them I completely destroyed an enemy (all troops and buildings) Bugs: - Defense towers shoot outside their maximum range endlessly if there is also an enemy Defense tower nearby. Eventually both do each other little damage. - Send unit to a spot on the map (right click on the map) - Once It didn't work, after that it was working, no idea why - After worker finished the task (cutting wood), it doesn't search for the wider area for new resource and just sits there when there is wood everywhere. - Swine animation for walking, currently there is none. Same for dying. - Peasants can't reach trees that are too high in the mountain and are all stuck trying to get to it I hope you will use some of these suggestions in order to bring more realism to the game Thank you!
    1 point
  10. Hello and welcome to the forums first of all It will be nice if you stated in what part of development are you interested in ( graphics, networking, maintance of libraries, optimizations, Art department, music department (there are some features that require programmer attention too), UI, GUI, simulation, components ...)?
    1 point
  11. I am the copyright holder of original works I post in the Wildfire Games 0 A.D. Art Development forum. I hereby release all original works I uploaded to this forum in the past, and those I will upload in the future, under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
    1 point
  12. Exactly: What you need is pango, which would also allow different writing directions and properly scaling text sizes.
    1 point
  13. The problem with Arabic is not the font. Choosing a font is easy. The issue is supporting RTL languages which apparently for some reason we do not. As to why CJK fonts have to be split, the reason is the way fonts are rendered in game. For performance fonts are cached as image textures for all the sizes we support (Which is why it looks blurry in 4K with zoom) and those images are pretty big. One solution would be to render fonts in real time using a lib called Cairo ( which is now deprecated) and would be slow. We can't use system fonts because the font rendering is done by a python script that is only run once. Also because it's a bit complicated to to do it on all platforms.
    1 point
  14. Hey Lion.Kanzen, Thanks for the reply I understand that not everything can be done easily, these are just ideas that can make the game little bit different than classic AOE and a lot of the suggestions come from other games as well. Those "realism" things will make people think more of a strategy way of playing instead of spamming troops. This is something that currently every strategy game is missing, implementing more things like these can make this game stand out more. Either way, this is just my thoughts only, it doesn't mean that this game should implement everything, everyone has different opinion and taste ???? Huh? Well it can bring realism to the game and make people think more instead of printing soldiers Get the raw metal, melt it, make armor and weapons from it. Different metals will give different weapons and ammo quality stats. You mean more technologies? Imagine to create 1 horseman you'll need to have 1 horse previously, meaning you'll need to make and feed horses. You can use shortcuts. - Didn't knew about shortcuts but still it's more convenient to see it in the UI Performance... - Fruit + Nut trees should be very easy to a specific point. Currently workers go to collect berries, it would be the same function for a fruit tree, just wait till next season once it's done. Planting trees can be left out No is useful and it can takes lot of development and pc resources - Building roads can be the same as building a wall, connect an existing texture from 2 points. Vassal towns would harm performance I agree This isnt a bug. I think it is because there was a tree relatively close to it. Expanding the search area would solve it We are doing that but is great idea , im not sure with the performance. These things can eat performance but people have different machines that can support greater graphics Just sayin Like what? I'll make a suggestion design layout I disagree with the first. You need which units are better destroying a CC with pikemen you or archer you can because their type of damage. With rams I agree. I agree, I need to research more details about each troop, it was my first impression from just 2 games
    1 point
  15. The defense of the Ynys Môn (Anglesey)! Tacitus account: The druid helmet from the illustration is based on the Aylesford bucket.
    1 point
  16. This is a tropical naval map consisting of mainland Vietnam, Laos, Malaisia, Camboja together with Indonisia. All players start in large jungle islands with only wood as a primitive resource. To get metal and stone, the players need to go out in the sea and find these resources elsewhere. But beware of the animal beasts scattered all over these rich areas... If I remember well,. this is a giant map that can take up to 6 players. Despite the abundant vegetation, it runs smoothly on an old desktop from 2011. Also, If I remember, i adapted it from the Blue Marble NASA map series and its based on the ALPHA 24 version of 0ad (that is currently under development). Let me know what you think!
    1 point
  17. Agis III is a problematic hero to Sparta. First, his design is sadly lacking. Having more hitpoints is in no way interesting as it offers no new interesting strategies to the Spartan player other than using him as a beefy hoplite. This issue is further exacerbated by the fact that the one thing he is famous for, bravely dying in battle to a superior force, is nothing unique or remarkable in comparison to most any other Spartan king. Leonidas already serves that function. Finally, 0 AD’s vision is to depict nation-states at the height of their power, not when they were simply a regional bully. Thus, I think that a different hero should be used. Enter Agesilaus, whose force of will affected much of Sparta’s foreign policy following the Peloponnesian War. He represents a moment in which the city was at the peak of its power before its collapse in the face of Thebes. Thoughts on Potential Abilities: Horsemen cost reduction (Agesilaus was a firm believer in the use of cavalry, forming one of the first and only effective Spartan cavalry forces.) Attack Aura to melee infantry units (Agesilaus was known be a charismatic person, and despite his having a lame leg, he was able to complete his training like other Spartans. Giving an attack bonus seems like a fair option as a result.) Horse Option: Agesilaus can use a form of packing and unpacking to mount on a horse. This would remove his attack aura if that was implemented at the bonus of extra movement speed. (Agesilaus was an adept horseman, relying on that for most of his daily travel.)
    1 point
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