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    • I suspect the report is showing data at the end of the game when things are smoother. You should try clicking "save live report to file" in the middle of the game. But based on that profiling, your render frames take exactly 16ms which is consistent with targeted 60 fps. The "sim" frame every 200 ms take about 50ms, which should be potentially noticeable, but not dramatic. Breaking that down ,the "gui sim update" takes about 10ms, and the sim update is probably variable but 5-15ms is expected. The full state hash check in that replay is 111ms which is definitely noticeable.
    • I don't think it would make a big difference (Especially given you already replaced most of the textures in your mod). Do you have reason to believe the converse? The reason all meshes need all the maps now (though most of them use a very light 2x2 norm and spec), is because shader switching is expensive, and the game needed to switch many variants of the shame shaders depending on the texture maps. If you look at Godot or Unity (Godot is another FOSS engine) materials for instance, they all have all the maps. Since our engine is a bit different we're just a bit more explicit about it. Another big performance hit is the entity variation. Many different units means many different textures to load and unload on the GPU. In your case, if you force all the entities to use the same textures (not identical ones, the same file) you might see improved performance.      
    • The profiler 2 excerpt is attached profile2.jsonphere:  
    • This video seems to show "regular sim lag" to me - I would expect A26 to behave similarly. If you upload the profile2 JSON file we could look more in-depth.
    • I already have everything set to minimum. Could we prohibit it from the engine somehow?
    • The hashing happens on the main thread so the CPU literally cannot do anything else. So it's a freeze of everything.
    • I have a combat demo huge auto map here -> https://github.com/0ADMods/trailer_tools/tree/main/maps/scenarios (You can also tweak the script to change the units or to make a bigger battle.) Also if you want one player, you can just set the AI to unnasigned. IIRC just setting material quality to minimum will do that. Setting quality to lowest will also reduce the size of the textures by 8 or something.  
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