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@alre I like that you cross-checked it. But I'm not sure if we can discern from the written Latin how ironic it was meant. When I think of all the dongs on Hadrian's wall or the graffiti in Pompeii I get the feeling they were a pretty mischievous bunch. ;)

(Reading up on the dongs they supposedly were meant to ward off bad luck...)

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@Genava55 I heard about it yesterday on Deutschlandfunk and also meant to post about it.

What I found interesting is A: that finds are skewed because flintstone arrowheads can't be found with metal detectors. And B: they figured from the arrowheads that the group from the south attacked at a bridge, were repelled, fled downstream where they were shot down with northern arrows.

Here's the Antiquity article: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/antiquity/article/warriors-from-the-south-arrowheads-from-the-tollense-valley-and-central-europe/C4F6ECB759833BFD337D37ADAE564C4B#article

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Archäologischer Sensationsfund "Der älteste Christ nördlich der Alpen war Frankfurter"

Es ist ein Fund, der die Geschichtsschreibung verändern könnte: In Frankfurt wurde ein 1.800 Jahre altes Amulett mit Inschrift gefunden. Experten halten es für das älteste Zeugnis christlichen Glaubens nördlich der Alpen.


They found a 1,800 year old Roman silver amulet with a Christian inscription, believed to be the oldest evidence of Christianity north of the Alps.

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1 hour ago, Gurken Khan said:

Archäologischer Sensationsfund "Der älteste Christ nördlich der Alpen war Frankfurter"

Es ist ein Fund, der die Geschichtsschreibung verändern könnte: In Frankfurt wurde ein 1.800 Jahre altes Amulett mit Inschrift gefunden. Experten halten es für das älteste Zeugnis christlichen Glaubens nördlich der Alpen.


They found a 1,800 year old Roman silver amulet with a Christian inscription, believed to be the oldest evidence of Christianity north of the Alps.

What was in the inscription?

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