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Proposal, Mayan City States [preclassic and classic]


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f4a769e03d52f233867a6846ecebb47e28e946f9 © AFP | The 1,500-year-old altar displays an engraving of the Mayan king Chak Took Ich'aak



A 1,500 year old Mayan altar discovered in a small archeological site in northern Guatemala is drawing comparisons to popular fantasy drama television series "Game of Thrones" for its descriptions of the Kaanul dynasty's political strategies aimed at bringing entire cities under its control.

The altar, carved out of limestone and weighing around one ton was found at the La Corona archeological site in the jungle region close to the borders with Mexico and Belize, Tomas Barrientos, co-director of excavations and investigations at the site told journalists.

Barrientos said the altar was found in a temple and showed King Chak Took Ich'aak, La Corona's ruler, "sitting and holding a scepter from which emerge two patron gods of the city."

According to studies, the 1.46-meter by 1.2-meter slab contains a hieroglyphic Mayan inscription corresponding to May 12, 544.

Other discoveries have allowed researchers to determine that King Chak Took Ich'aak also governed the nearby city of El Peru-Waka some 20 years later.

Barrientos says these pieces of evidence show that the Kaanul dynasty, or Serpent Kingdom, developed a political movement in La Corona that allowed them to defeat their Tikal "arch rivals" in 562 and thereafter rule the Mayan lowlands in southeast Mesoamerica for two centuries.

- 'Mayan Game of Thrones' -

That political movement was based around alliances with small cities surrounding Tikal ahead of the final victory push.

Alongside those revelations, researchers also found details of a wedding between a princess from the Serpent Kingdom and a King of La Corona, Barrientos said.

"This altar shows us a part of Guatemala's history and in this case, around 1,500 years ago, I would call this the historical Mayan version of Game of Thrones," he added, comparing the Kaanul kingdom's maneuvering to that in Game of Thrones of noble families competing over control of the seven kingdoms.

Barrientos said the altar "fills in the gaps" and "pieces together the puzzle" of the Mayan culture's political relationships.

"It's a high quality work of art that shows us they were rulers entering into a period of great power and who were allying themselves with others to compete, in this case, with Tikal."

La Corona "was the place where the most important historical Mayan political movement began to take shape."

The Serpent Kingdom expanded from its capital Dzibanche to present day north Guatemala, Belize and the Mexican state of Campeche but was finally defeated by Tikal.

- Dangerous excavations -

"Having information about what happened next, how they were plotting a political strategy here, teaches us a lot about politics in those times and the fight for territory," said Barrientos.

Excavating and investigating in the remote Mayan Biosphere Reserve where La Corona lies can be hazardous, though.

The region is constantly at threat from looting, invasions and incursions by criminal gangs, drug-traf@#$%ers and illegal ranchers, accused by environmentalists and authorities of starting forest fires that damage pre-Columbian monuments.

Culture deputy minister, Gladys Palala, told AFP that authorities are trying to counter encroachment by criminal groups besieging Peten, an area ripe with "archeological remains."

"Wherever you go and excavate, you find (something). It's an eminently archeological area," she said.

The Mayan culture reached its apogee during the classical period from 250-900 before going into decline over the next 300 years.


Edited by Lion.Kanzen
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  • 4 months later...

Along with the experienced architects and painters who worked both in La Blanca and Chilonché, the guild of sculptors stands out, in charge of adorning with striking stucco sculptures and reliefs the facades of the basements on which the buildings were built. In the case of Chilonché, this tradition dates back to the Early Preclassic (A.D. 300-250), a period in which monumental sculpture predominates with representations of fantastic creatures, intimately linked to the birth of a new political order in the region. Those found in La Blanca -a settlement founded in a later period- are reliefs carved in stone with the mosaic technique and complex designs, through which the Mayas tried to symbolize mythical events or other primordial aspects of their thinking.

In short, the presence of architects and builders capable of erecting monumental palaces with the widest vaults in the Mayan area, and that of other specialists dedicated to painting, sculpture and other arts, speaks to us of a highly developed society that generates economic surpluses and devotes part of those resources to architecture and artistic production. Undoubtedly, the inhabitants of the Mopán Valley benefited from the wealth provided by the control of the commercial routes that flowed through the rivers.


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8 minutes ago, soshanko said:

they will not have any siege and cav and big boats and any kind of metal equipments I guess. so it could come out as a under-rated civ like kush. 

no offence plz. :)

you don't need big boats in the rivers. some like viking ships. you don't need metal with Obsidian is more sharper. and they can use trunks or logs as ramming like any other. they use other kind of armor.

but I prefer Romans. 

the only real weapons, diplomacy (Niccolò Machiavelli) and european urban genetic.(Syphilis). 



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  • 3 months later...





Bodypainting to ambush.

Resultado de imagen para mayan body paintingResultado de imagen para mayan body painting

Resultado de imagen para mayan body painting



Permanent decorations

Some body decorations were permanent. The Mayans squeezed the skulls of the most privileged infants between two boards to elongate and flatten their heads and tried to promote crossed eyes by hanging a ball from children's bangs in the center of their forehead. Mayan kings and noblemen, or aristocrats, bored holes in their front teeth and inserted decorative pieces of stone, especially green jade and glossy black obsidian, which comes from hardened molten lava. All Mayans filed points on their teeth to make their mouths look more appealing. After marriage, some Mayans applied tattoos to their face and body. Some Aztec women stained their teeth red with the crushed bodies of cochineal insects, a native bug, to make themselves more sexually appealing. Aztec warriors signaled their success with the size and shape of the lip plugs that they inserted into a slit made in their lip. The most successful Aztec warriors inserted plugs shaped like animals and plants, while less skilled warriors inserted plainer shells and simple disks into their lips. Wealthy and honored Inca men earned the nickname orejones, or "big ears," from Spaniards for the large disks made of gold, silver, or wood they inserted into stretched slits in their earlobes.



Body painting

Less permanent decorations, such as body paint, were donned for special occasions to mark the status of the wearer. Mayan warriors painted their faces and bodies with black and red colors, and priests painted themselves blue. Although many Aztec women just emphasized keeping themselves clean, others, such as the most fashion-conscious women and the companions of warriors, smoothed yellow earth or a yellow wax on their faces, dyed their feet, and painted their hands and neck with intricate designs. Inca women did not paint themselves, but, much like the Mayans, Inca warriors and priests used paint on their face, arms, and legs to indicate their status.




The jewelry worn by the Mayan, Aztec, and Inca people was rich in variety and quite beautiful. Without metalworking skills, Mayans made jewelry from many other materials. Mayan men wore nose ornaments, earplugs, and lip plugs made of bone, wood, shells, and stones, including jade, topaz, and obsidian. Necklaces, bracelets, anklets, and headgear were made with jaguar and crocodile teeth, jaguar claws, and feathers. Mayan women and children wore less elaborate necklaces and earrings of similar materials.


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  • 4 weeks later...


Una cosa que impresionó a los arqueólogos acerca de las impresionantes exploraciones fue que había muchas paredes, fosos y fortalezas. Esto indicaba en gran medida que los mayas estaban acostumbrados a participar en guerras y necesitaban la infraestructura adecuada para defenderse.

Incluso Thomas Garrison no era consciente de lo preparados que estaban los mayas para la batalla antes de usar la tecnología LiDAR. Sin embargo, esto sólo arañaba la superficie de los increíbles hallazgos que recientemente hicieron sobre las estructuras mayas




One thing that impressed archaeologists about the impressive explorations was that there were many walls, moats and fortresses. This indicated to a large extent that the Maya were accustomed to participating in wars and needed adequate infrastructure to defend themselves.

Even Thomas Garrison was unaware of how prepared the Maya were for battle before using LiDAR technology. However, this only scratched the surface of the incredible discoveries they recently made about Mayan structures.


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Among the most startling discoveries was a large fortress complex now called La Cuernavilla. Built on a steep ridge between the Maya cities of El Zotz and Tikal, the heavily fortified site included high walls, moats, watchtowers, and caches of round stones that likely served as ammunition for warriors’ slings. It is the largest defensive system ever discovered in the region, “and possibly in all of the ancient Americas,” says Stephen Houston, a Brown University archaeologist and Maya scholar.


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  • 4 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Buenas, creo que se podría retomar la posibilidad de las ciudades estado , aunque hay menos información cuanto más atrás en el tiempo vamos , la arqueología avanza rápido y me enfoqué en el periodo Preclásico , también cojo cosas del Clásico temprano.

Entre las ciudades del Preclásico cabe citar a ;

1)-"Yax Mutul ------------------(Tikal)",
2)-" Tak'alik A'baj' " 
4)-"Edzná" , 
7) -"Yakxuná"
9)-" Tipikal "
 10)-"Ox te’ Tuun ------------(Calakmul)" 
11) -"Loltún" 
12) -"Lamanai" 
 14)-"Oxwitik-------------------- (Copán)"
17)-" Dzibilchaltún" 
18)-"Siaan Ka’an ---------------(Uaxactún)
19)-" Bàak’ ------------------------(Palenque)".

-posibles  unidades;  ................................................

(necesita revisión) 

------infantería ligera; (9)

1. Guerrero guerrillero (lanza dardos-javalinas);---------( Hul'che Bate)
2. Guerrero con Hacha;-----------------------------------------------( B'aat Bate)
3. Guerrero con  Garote;----------------------------------------------( Xet'el Che' Bate)
4. Guerrero con  cerbatana;-----------------------------------------(Puw' Bate )
5. Guerrero con  Honda;-----------------------------------------------( Yum'Tun Bate)
6. Guerrero con  macuauitel;---------------------------------------( Hadzab Bate)---¿Posclásico?
7. Guerrero con  Arco y flechas;----------------------------------( Jul Bate)
8. Guerrero con  Lanza obsidiana-corta;----------------------( Taj Lom Bate)
9. Guerrero con Lanza de pedernal-larga ;-------------------( Took' Lom Bate) 

----Bate/Ch'ahom/Xib' ; --Varón/Hombre 
---- Chakch'ok ;-- Infantería/hombre jóven .

http://www.marisolcollazos.es/noticias-criminologia/?p=7473 (hul´che)

------infantería pesada ; (5)

10. Guardián (guardaespaldas);-------------------( kokhom )
11. Guerrero jaguar;--------------------------------------( Aj Balam )
12. Guerrero noche;-------------------------------------( Aj ak' bal)
13. Incendiador ;-------------------------------------------( Tilo'm Bate )--- " Sustituye a la artillería"
14. Guerrero que captura;----------------------------( Aj Uchukuw / Aj' X' B'ak )

---- B'ate ;----(título de élite que significa cabecilla o ,literalmente; " Cabeza de lanza")

-----infantería campeonas ; (5)

15. Guerrero clase noble ;----------------------------- ( Bahkab )
16. General;---------------------------------------------------( Aj Payal )
17. Alto cargo militar;-----------------------------------( Sajaloob )
18. Guerrero de élite;-----------------------------------( Witz Moo' )
19. Gran Sacerdote ;-------------------------------------( Noj Aj K'uhun )

------Unidades civiles; (4)

20. Mujer;----------------------------------( ixik )
21. Comerciante;-----------------------( Aj Kon )
22. Sacerdote;----------------------------( Aj K'in )
23. Corredor /explorador;--------( A'nab / Aj'alka' )

-------unidades marítimas; (3)

24- Canoa de guerra;--------------( Jukuub' Tok' pakal )
25- Canoa mercante;--------------( Jukuub' Konol )
26- Gran canoa;---------------------( Chak Jukuub' )

-------Héroes; (3)

27. Soberano de Tikal ;------------------------( K'uhul Mutal Ajaw )
28. Soberano de Piedras Negras;------( K'uhul Yokib Ajaw )
29. Soberana;-------------------------------------( ix K'uhul Ajaw )

(para las unidades de héroes como no encontré personajes históricos verificables es mejor poner títulos de soberan@s )


posibles edificios ;


(necesita revisión)


------Edificios comunes; (14)

1.Centro cívico;-----------------( Ol noj na)
4.Alquería;----------------------(Mol nal)
6.Torre de defensa;-----------(¿?)
7.Cuartel;-----------------------(Bate nal)
8.Herrería;----------------------(K'al pibil)
9.Templo;----------------------(Pib naah)
13.Puerto;---------------------(Kayoom nah)
14.Fortaleza;------------------(Noj tuun atoot)

-----Edificios especiales; (6)

15.Cancha de juego de pelota;---------------(Pitzil)
16.Biblioteca;-----------------------------------(Hu'un nah)
17.Templo mayor;-----------------------------(Noj witz)
19.Acrópolis;-----------------------------------(Chak yotoot)

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-Bonificacion de faccion;

1)"Arquitectura monumental"( al acanzar la 3 fase"urbana", todos los edificios especiales de facción al igual que el centro cívico , la fortaleza y la maravilla , tardan menos en construirse)
2) Juego de pelota o " Pitzil" (Una pequeña capacidad  para que todas las unidades guarnecidas en la cancha aumentan lentamente su rango) 
3)" Sacrificios humanos o "K'ex" ( La unidad del Gran sacerdote puede capturar unidades enemigas y neutrales para sacrificarlas al igual que sacrificar a unidades enemigas y neutrales ya capturadas que al momento del sacrificio aumenta ligeramente el rango de todas las unidades cercanas y cuatos más sacrificios más aumenta sus rangos . Tambíen la posibilidad de que la estrucctura de "El templo mayor" crea unidades ya listas para el sacrificio de el "Gran sacerdote" , el cual si sacrifica a culaquier unidad cerca de dicho templo aumenta más el rango de las unidades dentro del área que si los sacrificara lejos del templo y cuantos más sacrificie más aumentan sus rangos)

-Bonificacion de equipo;

1) Calzadas o "Sakbé "/"Bih" (Todas las unidades de infantería se desplazan más rápido que otras civilizaciones)
2) Milpa de rotación o " Siho'm"  ( La recolección de madera es más rápida )

-Tecnologías especiales;

1)"Matemáticas"(el tiempo de reclutación de unidades de infantería por grupos es menor) 2) calendario o " Tzolk'in " ( la capacidad de las unidades al recolectar huertos y arbustos  es mayor que en otras civilizaciones )
3) Parcelas desbrozadas y quemada para la siembra o " Milpa"  (los huertos son más baratos) 

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Tapir_iguana_Mono aullador_jaguar_Pavo_ciervo de virginia_corzuela americana_Saíno/pecarí_Agutí_Tepescuintle_armadillo_oso lavador_boa constrictor_tortugas_manatíes_caimanes_Mantarraya_ocelote_faisán_mono araña_Tucán_Puma_margay_Quetzal_Venado _mapache_murciélago_Colibrí


Ceiba_Caoba_Zapote_cedro hispánico_tinto_higuera_jícaro_aguacatero_mandioca_Malanga_Ciruela_Guayaba_ anacardo, nenufar ,bejuco ,

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12 hours ago, asterix said:

@Stan` anything from this thread is to be committed?


3 minutes ago, Duileoga said:

¿Para símbolo de facción se puede usar un glifo de la escritura maya ? , muchos tienen forma redonda  , mi proposición es el glifo del calendario que indica el día solar;

https://esacademic.com/dic.nsf/eswiki/1176612 (simbolos para facción /glifos calendario)570442673_glifocalendariodiossol.png.3e34ac2d755d14558d5cf1a4847fec73.png

Conozco bastante a los Mayas. Igual siempre usaré un círculo. Voy usar el calendario maya por allí tenía un ejemplo.

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Para diseños de escudos no encontré ningún diseño fiable de esa época , pero sí del Clásico tanto temprano como medio , pero incluirlos en el preclásico sería un  anacronismo;

En estos códices y murales hay diseños de aspecto de los guerreros ; ( es evidente que así mismos se representan con piel morena asique sería incorrecto y racista crearlos con piel caucásica)



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15 minutes ago, Duileoga said:

-Bonificacion de faccion;

1)"Arquitectura monumental"( al acanzar la 3 fase"urbana", todos los edificios especiales de facción al igual que el centro cívico , la fortaleza y la maravilla , tardan menos en construirse)
2) Juego de pelota o " Pitzil" (Una pequeña capacidad  para que todas las unidades guarnecidas en la cancha aumentan lentamente su rango) 
3)" Sacrificios humanos o "K'ex" ( La unidad del Gran sacerdote puede capturar unidades enemigas y neutrales para sacrificarlas al igual que sacrificar a unidades enemigas y neutrales ya capturadas que al momento del sacrificio aumenta ligeramente el rango de todas las unidades cercanas y cuatos más sacrificios más aumenta sus rangos . Tambíen la posibilidad de que la estrucctura de "El templo mayor" crea unidades ya listas para el sacrificio de el "Gran sacerdote" , el cual si sacrifica a culaquier unidad cerca de dicho templo aumenta más el rango de las unidades dentro del área que si los sacrificara lejos del templo y cuantos más sacrificie más aumentan sus rangos)

-Bonificacion de equipo;

1) Calzadas o "Sakbé "/"Bih" (Todas las unidades de infantería se desplazan más rápido que otras civilizaciones)
2) Milpa de rotación o " Siho'm"  ( La recolección de madera es más rápida )

-Tecnologías especiales;

1)"Matemáticas"(el tiempo de reclutación de unidades de infantería por grupos es menor) 2) calendario o " Tzolk'in " ( la capacidad de las unidades al recolectar huertos y arbustos  es mayor que en otras civilizaciones )
3) Parcelas desbrozadas y quemada para la siembra o " Milpa"  (los huertos son más baratos) 

Ninguna de los bonus es posible me parece.

Eran más depredadores del bosque que recolectores.

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3 minutes ago, Duileoga said:

Para diseños de escudos no encontré ningún diseño fiable de esa época , pero sí del Clásico tanto temprano como medio , pero incluirlos en el preclásico sería un  anacronismo;

En estos códices y murales hay diseños de aspecto de los guerreros ; ( es evidente que así mismos se representan con piel morena asique sería incorrecto y racista crearlos con piel caucásica)



El tono de la piel es como el hindú debido al clima de las tierras bajas.

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7 minutes ago, Lion.Kanzen said:

Ninguna de los bonus es posible me parece.

Eran más depredadores del bosque que recolectores.

Puedo buscar más información y pensar en otros posibles bonus y tecnología o cambiarlas por otras ideas que si sean posibles ...

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