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Scenario Making


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RPG/Quests - Characters, Lots of triggers, Lots of Eyecandy.

Build and Conquer - Start With Little or Nothing Build an Army

Defend An Existing City - Start With an Army and Defend

Attack An Existing City - Start With an Army and Attack

Mix - A Mixture of any of the Above

Other (expalin) - What other types are there??

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  • 2 weeks later...

I always used to make RPGs. But they're pretty complex to make, So I usually gave up. I hope the 0AD/TLA editor will have things like functions,variables and loops (The programmers will know what I mean and they're the ones who make this stuff) which would speed stuff up a lot.

But a good mix is pretty good too. Like Mark Stoker's stuff for AOK, awesome, truly awesome. Or AOKasino, that was pretty rad too.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I chose "Other". What I like usually is multiplayer scenarios with different rules from the regular game that highlight its most fun features, such as the TTF racing map for Age of Kings, Cheezy's Rogue Wars for AoM, and "Bloodsport" by TwentyOneScore.

In single player maps I mostly like a mix of build and destroy with fixed-force battles, like Ingo van Thiel's campaigns.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 4 months later...

I am actually attempting my first RPG/Fixed Force scenario right now - based on the battle of Thermopylae. It's proving difficult in the extreme. Finding out that things seem very boring without side quests, etc. So... it's turning out to be more work than my original plan for the scn. However, I think in the long run, it'll just be that much more appreciated.

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The best campaign ever made.

It's for Age of Empires 2: The Titans Expansion, by Ingo Van Theil who has been designing since the days of AoE (1998). He didn't design for AoM because he wasn't digging the mythological theme, you're really limmited to designing myth/fantasy based things in a game like that.

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He didn't design for AoM because he wasn't digging the mythological theme, you're really limmited to designing myth/fantasy based things in a game like that.

Sorry CheeZy, but that's completely, and utterly, inaccurate! AOM actually allows for MORE types of stories than any strictly historically based game ever could - mythological or historically based scenarios being possible! I personally am designing a scenario for Age of Mythology that is completely histocically based.

Maybe you meant to say that medievel stories aren't possible, but even then all it takes is a little imagination to believe that medium hoplite really represents a knight or something. ;)

It's for Age of Empires 2: The Titans Expansion, by Ingo Van Theil

:D Shouldn't that be "The Conquerors Expansion"?

At any rate, I'm sure Ingo is a fantastic designer, but it's disheartening that he's hamstrung himself to the AOK editor, without first fully exploring the vast amount of historical material that is ripe for mining utilizing the AOM editor. I personally am doing it right now, so I know historically themed scenarios and campaigns are possible.

I'm sorry if I seem like I'm jumping down your neck, but I'm not. :lol: But I have seen this excuse a million times from AOK-fanatics. A poor excuse. I just wish the AOK-phytes would just admit that they are comfortable designing for AOK and that's the reason they won't switch, instead of coming up with the "I hate the mythology angle" when designing historically for AOM is more than possible.

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The AoM editor and the design of the game really do limit what you can create. If you want to create a scenario that takes place in surreal setting AoM is great. Everything looks perfect; in fact everything looks better then perfect. If you want to create something that takes place in the real world you tend to run into to some trouble. For instance, I was once trying to construct a seedy rundown town and I found it to be impossible to accomplish with the AoM editor, everything in the editor looks too good.

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Well, don't know what to say to that, other than I was talking about types of stories - historical vs. mythological. ;)

As far as the seedy run-down town. Have you tried placing buildings and then setting a trigger to "damage unit"? Stone walls, for instance, get a "broken" appearance once they are damaged. Other buildings start on fire, so, you'd have to experiment. There are also "destroyed buildings" objects. Perhaps mixing them in with standard buildings would achieve your desired effect. The fact that the AOM editor even has damaged buildings objects makes it a plus over the AOK editor. :lol:

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I didn't want the town to look destroyed so I only damaged objects to the extent that they didn't catch fire. I tried to use a lot of overlapping using damaged objects and normal buildings but its just didn't work. The normal buildings (Greek Buildings, had to be Greek it was a scenario about Athens) looked much too good. I also found the terrains to be lacking, there were no good mud or dirt terrains to be used in a city.

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