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Sorry if this has been posted before. I am new around here.

I usually enjoy single-player gaming rather than multiplayer gaming. So when I looked at 0 A.D., I was really sad that there was no campaign, scenario whatsoever.

The question is, is there any work on a single player campaign? Will 0 A.D. ever have single-player fun?


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Currently, no one is working in a Campaign and the only scenario being made, as far as i know, is this one: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16913 (which is also a bit slow)

The reason behind this is that the team is really focused in implementing and improving the features of the game before developing content. The team has no plans of releasing any content before the final version of the game, though.

But there are good news, too. The trigger system is being developed for part 1, and there are a couple fans already waiting for the system to finally start designing Scenarios and Campaigns. The Scion Development team, of the Rise of the East mod is also planning to do campaigns, after the other main features of the mod are complete.

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It would be nice to put the two tutorials (and possibly the defense mod which looks fun even if I still didn't try) under the campaign section (with a campaign name as something like "Tutorial"). Where they are now they are hard to notice, also other RTS put tutorials under a campaign.

Eventually also adding a check (saved in local preferences) to enable the second tutorial only after the first is successfully completed (and the defense mod after finishing the second tutorial).

It's not a huge difference, but it should please users :).

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  • 3 weeks later...


I've been working on an extended campaign storyline (fiction) which has 13 scenarios of which the first three are introductory. I'll just have to find that design document ... Anyway the story is that you are a roman senator and in the first scenario you have to navigate your way through the city to the senate with your guards. (this is the movement/attack/etc tutorial). At the senate you witness the murder the the caesar, and in the following scenarios you go on campaigns to prove your worth in order to be elected as new ruler of the roman empire. The first ones are two economy/defence tutorials and then the real fun starts: to conquer the gauls. After this campaign a triumvirate is selected, of which you are one. You receive the news that one of the others murdered the other and so you start a war against the the surviving one.

Some of this may sound pretty familiar ... Then why not just make an actual historical campaign? I don't want any historical constraints when designing the scenarios and the maps.

For the official campaign, however I would suggest two historical campaigns: one about the romans (they are really popular) and one about the mauryans (this will really bring something new to the gaming world). Alexander the great would be ... Well ... Great too.

Of course I would like a campaign for every civ, but that is just plain unrealistic.

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  On 03/04/2013 at 12:11 PM, idanwin said:


I've been working on an extended campaign storyline (fiction) which has 13 scenarios of which the first three are introductory. I'll just have to find that design document ... Anyway the story is that you are a roman senator and in the first scenario you have to navigate your way through the city to the senate with your guards. (this is the movement/attack/etc tutorial). At the senate you witness the murder the the caesar, and in the following scenarios you go on campaigns to prove your worth in order to be elected as new ruler of the roman empire. The first ones are two economy/defence tutorials and then the real fun starts: to conquer the gauls. After this campaign a triumvirate is selected, of which you are one. You receive the news that one of the others murdered the other and so you start a war against the the surviving one.

Some of this may sound pretty familiar ... Then why not just make an actual historical campaign? I don't want any historical constraints when designing the scenarios and the maps.

For the official campaign, however I would suggest two historical campaigns: one about the romans (they are really popular) and one about the mauryans (this will really bring something new to the gaming world). Alexander the great would be ... Well ... Great too.

Of course I would like a campaign for every civ, but that is just plain unrealistic.

love that epoch.we can be distribute with some Designs :P, and banners
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If you make some nice maps I could modify the AI a bit for you (tell the story through chat messages, move a few units around, etc).

Don't get your hopes up yet, I made half of the maps ... on paper xD it generally takes me a week to make one map in atlas, and I've got big plans for the first scenario. I really want it to look like Rome ... which means I'll probably be making new 3D models for the Romans, buildings slums and other stuff like that (I'm of the opinion that a tutorial should look awesome, because admit it: tutorials are boring, that's when you really need the nice view. Once you get playing harder scenarios it can look ugly as @#$% and you'll still keep playing because you want to win). And I've got exams in a week.

But when I finish the first few maps (I might just start with a simple city and redesign it when I get time to make some slums), I'll give you a notice.

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  • 4 years later...

Nice to see a dev replying here, thank you :) I have been waiting for single-player campaign since I first heard of 0 AD many years ago. Good to hear of A23 but I honestly don't have 0 AD installed on my PC until I can find some single-player story in it.

Edited by Majorix
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  • 2 years later...


I'm new to the 0 A.D community and have only recently discovered this game when looking for AoE for mac. Absolutely love the game and very happy to see that developments are still being made.

I was just wondering as a further follow up to this thread if there has been any progress made on the campaign. I am loving playing against the AI and am still exploring the different worlds/styles of play but would love to see a campaign implemented within this game. 



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