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Alpha 27 Feature Freeze

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2 hours ago, Gurken Khan said:

What is "Infantry"?

Infantry are any foot soldiers.

2 hours ago, Gurken Khan said:

And what are "Auxiliaries"

The cavalry are reskinned to auxiliary cavalry, which have no different stats compared to regular cav. 

Its not really necessary IMO to have the auxiliary cavs in the structure tree, but conscript spearmen and the legionaries should be. However, this does result in a change in the number of units that appear in the GUI which is unsatisfactory to some.

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2 hours ago, Gurken Khan said:

The punctuation is effed. Every description I looked at had periods where I expected commas. Did it get verschlimmbessert automatically? Also "structure" capitalized?

I hope this release doesn't get rushed out the door.

How is it effed? I don't see these periods in your screenshot. Look closer? Or maybe highlight them for us?

I don't remember the description for Boudica being changed in this alpha. I think Structure might be capitalized because classes typically get capitalized in descriptions.

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2 hours ago, Gurken Khan said:

No. Do I have to search for them now? The mouseover said I should read & accept, but I'm pretty certain they used to pop up?

There should be a button on the right you click there and then the terms will appear. Once you accept enable feedback will be enabled

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well, I don't know what went wrong in building rc2, but I basically got straight to the mod selection panel when i start the game, and I can't get out of it...

I haven't spot any error while building the game however.  I got the night built from the 18 Jan and got it to work fine, so not a dependencies issue I think


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