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Alpha 27 Feature Freeze

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2 hours ago, Gurken Khan said:

What is "Infantry"?

Infantry are any foot soldiers.

2 hours ago, Gurken Khan said:

And what are "Auxiliaries"

The cavalry are reskinned to auxiliary cavalry, which have no different stats compared to regular cav. 

Its not really necessary IMO to have the auxiliary cavs in the structure tree, but conscript spearmen and the legionaries should be. However, this does result in a change in the number of units that appear in the GUI which is unsatisfactory to some.

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On 23/01/2025 at 9:37 AM, Gurken Khan said:

The punctuation is effed. Every description I looked at had periods where I expected commas. Did it get verschlimmbessert automatically? Also "structure" capitalized?

I hope this release doesn't get rushed out the door.

How is it effed? I don't see these periods in your screenshot. Look closer? Or maybe highlight them for us?

I don't remember the description for Boudica being changed in this alpha (edit: 3 years ago for hero garrison, 5 years ago for boudica aura). I think Structure might be capitalized because classes typically get capitalized in descriptions.

Edited by real_tabasco_sauce
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2 hours ago, Gurken Khan said:

No. Do I have to search for them now? The mouseover said I should read & accept, but I'm pretty certain they used to pop up?

There should be a button on the right you click there and then the terms will appear. Once you accept enable feedback will be enabled

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well, I don't know what went wrong in building rc2, but I basically got straight to the mod selection panel when i start the game, and I can't get out of it...

I haven't spot any error while building the game however.  I got the night built from the 18 Jan and got it to work fine, so not a dependencies issue I think


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7 hours ago, zozio32 said:

well, I don't know what went wrong in building rc2, but I basically got straight to the mod selection panel when i start the game, and I can't get out of it...

I haven't spot any error while building the game however.  I got the night built from the 18 Jan and got it to work fine, so not a dependencies issue I think


Can you enable the public (0ad) mod at the bottom ?

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23 hours ago, Gurken Khan said:

the ad for Nastasen says he grants a bonus for Kushite triremes; do they have triremes anymore? Can't find that word and the portrait of the arrow ship doesn't look like three rows of oars.

15 hours ago, nifa said:

the tooltip for the spartian Syssition (phase 1 building) says you can train heroes there, but they are actually trained in Gerousia (phase 2 building)

Thanks for the reports, I have opened an issue for those and others you may find. However this is not fixable for A27, as that would need re-translating them.

14 hours ago, Gurken Khan said:

I hope this release doesn't get rushed out the door.

This release has been in preparation for two years, with the last two months fully dedicated to the release process. We don't have the same definition of "rushed" it seems :P

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3 hours ago, Stan` said:

Can you enable the public (0ad) mod at the bottom ?

I can try again, but for whatever reason building the rc2 also disabled all mod on my 18 Jan nighbuild version (they are in different folder). i could reanable the baisc mod in the nightbuild and get the game to run,   but not on the rc2

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57 minutes ago, zozio32 said:

but for whatever reason building the rc2 also disabled all mod on my 18 Jan nighbuild version (they are in different folder)

The mod folder is probably not in the folder you built rc2. Instead since you said you was on Ubuntu the mods probably are in home/.local/share/0ad/, something like this.

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12 hours ago, Atrik said:

The mod folder is probably not in the folder you built rc2. Instead since you said you was on Ubuntu the mods probably are in home/.local/share/0ad/, something like this.

Sorted.   I had put the files into home/.local/share/0ad/ and recompile from there, not a good idea.   Not it is on separate folder, no problem

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15 minutes ago, zozio32 said:

Sorted.   I had put the files into home/.local/share/0ad/ and recompile from there, not a good idea.   Not it is on separate folder, no problem

Sorry I meant the rc use the same mod folder as other 0ad release afaik, you shouldn't need to compile it in there.

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9 hours ago, umatbro said:

Any ETA for Alpha 27? The Gitea page says its 100% completed.

Everything is ready for release. We wish to let players test the RC2 as long as possible. Since a testers match is planned for tomorrow, we'll wait for this competition to assert no breaking bugs were found.

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On 22/01/2025 at 6:59 PM, zyli said:

I checked if it is possible to compile 0ad-0.27.0-rc2 on Live Debian Bookworm 12.9.

Short answer: you can't, because 'rustc' is too old.


Hi @zyli,

so it is impossible to build it on bookworm? If you have the time, u might explain to me tech nub why i have rustc --version = 1.84, but still get the above error?
does it mean the only way to install rn is to upgrade to next debian?

Thx for ur help in advance,

Edit: I got a hint from someone called Tucker:

Its possible to install a newer version via debian testing repo. It works.
Look here:



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First of all: what system do you have?

cat /etc/debian_version
lsb_release -a
apt policy rustc

There is no 'rustc' in Debian Bookworm in ver. 1.84:


Unless you have a so-called Frankestein Debian:


Then, sorry, but don't expect help from anyone.

When compiling 0.27.0-rc2 under Debian Bookworm 12.9, as I wrote above, you will see:

0:02.40 checking rustc version... 1.63.0
0:02.42 checking cargo version... 1.65.0
0:02.45 ERROR: Rust compiler 1.63.0 is too old.

Best regards

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23 minutes ago, zyli said:

First of all: what system do you have?

Hi, thx for the reply.
I have bunsenlab linux running on debian bookworm.
I followed instructions from the error message, downloading rust from its website. There i got 1.84. From testing repo i got 1.83.

somehow the build wont use the one set in the PATH.

now using rustc works just fine, ive run into different problems now. it didnt find enough disk space, although i got > 200 GB free.

23 minutes ago, zyli said:

Then, sorry, but don't expect help from anyone.

Not sure what you want to say here. Nobody is forcing you to help me.
I just wanted to pass the hint from Tucker to you.


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@ Meister

You're getting irritated for nothing.

I suppose you didn't read this link very carefully:


Then, maybe you would read my sentence as:


If you broke your system, don't expect help regarding 0ad.

Back to the point.

I downloaded Bunsenlabs from:


I launched it and what do I see?

root@debian:/home/user# cat /run/live/medium/.disk/info
Debian GNU/Linux 12 "Boron" - Snapshot amd64 LIVE/INSTALL Binary 20240123-08:09

user@debian:~$ uname -a
Linux debian 6.1.0-17-amd64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Debian 6.1.69-1 (2023-12-30) x86_64 GNU/Linux

user@debian:~$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)
Release: 12
Codename: bookworm

user@debian:~$ cat /etc/debian_version

user@debian:~$ apt policy rustc
 Installed: (none)
 Candidate: 1.63.0+dfsg1-2
 Version table:
 1.63.0+dfsg1-2 500
 500 https://deb.debian.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 Packages

user@debian:~$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list
deb https://deb.debian.org/debian bookworm main contrib non-free non-free-firmware
#deb-src https://deb.debian.org/debian bookworm main contrib non-free non-free-firmware
deb https://deb.debian.org/debian-security bookworm-security main contrib non-free non-free-firmware
#deb-src https://deb.debian.org/debian-security bookworm-security main contrib non-free non-free-firmware
deb https://deb.debian.org/debian bookworm-updates main contrib non-free non-free-firmware
#deb-src https://deb.debian.org/debian bookworm-updates main contrib non-free non-free-firmware
deb [trusted=yes] file:/run/live/medium bookworm main contrib non-free non-free-firmware

user@debian:~$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bunsen.list
deb https://pkg.bunsenlabs.org/debian boron main

Where do you see 'rustc' in ver 1.84?
You probably installed ver. 1.84 by force from sid.

Therefore you have Frankenstein Debian.

See link:


And therefore ... etc.

By the way.

I know that the road to hell is paved with good advice (such a proverb),
but instead of installing some exotic distribution, wouldn't it be easier to install Debian with default OpenBox like in this Bunslabs?

Best regards.

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1 hour ago, zyli said:

Where do you see 'rustc' in ver 1.84?
You probably installed ver. 1.84 by force from sid

I assume rustup was used, I'd say a fairly reasonable means to get it. If you already install 0ad manually doing the same for a rust compiler isn't a stretch. Using derivatives has it's place, and I'm not talking about Ubuntu here. A well known example would be Raspian, sure you loose some but at least your hardware is supported. We all have to live with tradeoffs.


5 hours ago, Meister said:

it didnt find enough disk space, although i got > 200 GB free.

You sure that is for the same partition you are building on?

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Hi, yes i used rustup.
This got me 1.84
(i think the testing repo provides 1.83 max)
But the problem is: even though it is installed and added to the PATH, the builder still uses the old version from apt. so if i remove it via apt, the build tells me i have no rustc at all.  Where does it search for it?

The disk space problem might have something to do with m tmp folder, which is on a different partition that is full (idk, came like that by default)

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3 minutes ago, Meister said:

Hi, yes i used rustup.
This got me 1.84
(i think the testing repo provides 1.83 max)
But the problem is: even though it is installed and added to the PATH, the builder still uses the old version from apt. so if i remove it via apt, the build tells me i have no rustc at all.  Where does it search for it?

The disk space problem might have something to do with m tmp folder, which is on a different partition that is full (idk, came like that by default)

Usually when you use rustup it either installs it itself in path or you have to edit your bashrc.

Could also be you installed the wrong toolchain.

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