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Planned Disruption - Migration to git and Gitea


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Dear contributors,

We plan to perform a long-discussed migration to git as our version control system. We have been very happy with SVN for a long time, for its simplicity and its ability to handle our game assets. But we yearn for the collaborative features of git and for the many git-based tools that would allow for a more efficient development process.

We managed to keep using SVN and to collaborate efficiently on Phabricator for the past 6 years, but unfortunately all good things must come to an end, and Phabricator is now unmaintained.

We thus decided to take the plunge and to migrate to git, and we have chosen Gitea as our self-hosted git forge.

Our historical Trac bug-tracker will become read-only, and its contents (tickets, wiki) will be entirely migrated to our Gitea instance. After some time, Trac will be stopped, and links to Trac will be redirected to Gitea.

Access to our Phabricator instance will be restricted so that our contributors can port their open work to Gitea. After some time, all sensitive user data will be deleted from Phabricator, which will become read-only. Please keep in mind that, even though Phabricator holds a meaningful history of important discussions, it constitutes a security liability. We cannot guarantee to keep it online indefinitely. No ready-made tool exists, at this moment, to migrate Phabricator discussions to Gitea.

The migration is planned to happen on the 19th and 20th of August (European hours).
During these two days, the aforementioned services (Trac, Phabricator) and the SVN repositories will be down. Development progress will be halted.

We plan to provide a functional git-based development environment immediately after the migration. Most CI/CD systems are ready to be launched, and user documentation is ready. But the transition to a new development flow will, of course, take some time.

We hope that this transition will allow us to make swift progress on the long-awaited release of the next Alpha.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wishing you all the success and luck I can in performing the migration! (holding my breath while keeping my fingers crossed)

(and looking forward to some svn update mechanism. I know am am being greedy and unreasonably impatient, but you folks have achieved a marvellous game evolution over the past >10 years and I am eager to see more!!!)

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The migration is done! :holiday: The last part of it was quite rough, as we had an unplanned and unrelated server outage this morning, which set me off track. Please expect some features to be still partly activated while I go through things in the upcoming days.

NOTE: Phabricator is down for the night (it redirects to the "ariadne" tool for now). It is trying to rebuild its search index, which incurs a huge load on the server. I'll let it run overnight while activity is low.

1 hour ago, real_tabasco_sauce said:

I see our phabricator accounts are registered, as I tried to sign in. Are we allowed to sign in yet? If so, I think I locked myself out XD.

Now you can issue a password reset, email is activated :) NOTE: Those are the Trac accounts, not Phabricator ones. (don't hesitate to PM me if you have a doubt about your email address).

1 hour ago, real_tabasco_sauce said:

Btw, it looks super clean and organized. Well done @Itms and others!!

Thanks for the praise, it means a lot!

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Maybe we've overwhelmed it already.  I'm getting a 503 Service Unavailable for https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/

UPDATE: Now working.

UPDATE: Now not working.  I think I'll come back later and give you time to sort it.


Also KUDOS!!! I do this stuff for a living and it ain't easy (and you're doing it for free)



Edited by xone47
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2 hours ago, Itms said:

The migration is done! :holiday: The last part of it was quite rough, as we had an unplanned and unrelated server outage this morning, which set me off track. Please expect some features to be still partly activated while I go through things in the upcoming days.

NOTE: Phabricator is down for the night (it redirects to the "ariadne" tool for now). It is trying to rebuild its search index, which incurs a huge load on the server. I'll let it run overnight while activity is low.

Now you can issue a password reset, email is activated :) NOTE: Those are the Trac accounts, not Phabricator ones. (don't hesitate to PM me if you have a doubt about your email address).

Thanks for the praise, it means a lot!

Request, can we switch it to default not show email addresses. I had to scramble to hide my email address hidden.

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6 hours ago, ShadowOfHassen said:

Request, can we switch it to default not show email addresses. I had to scramble to hide my email address hidden.

Hello, the config is set to hide user emails by default. It was the same config during the PoC. I do not see any emails when I'm not logged in. :unsure:

Can you explain how it was possible to show your email before you hid it? By PM if it's sensitive.

6 hours ago, ShadowOfHassen said:

Otherwise though it seems to be working fine, and now I know how everything works!

Well some things keep crashing but I'm fixing issues as they come :)

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9 hours ago, ShadowOfHassen said:

Request, can we switch it to default not show email addresses. I had to scramble to hide my email address hidden.

After investigating with sera's help, it looks like users were imported from Trac without the "Hide Email Address" ticked in the Preferences, however email addresses were not disclosed. The Gitea instance is configured not to display addresses in users' profiles, regardless of that checkbox. The checkbox is only used to disclose, or not, your email when you create a commit or a wiki change from the Web UI.

I set all users to have "Hide Email Address" set to true, please disable it if you want your account to be associated with your commits and wiki changes (as the tooltip informs you).

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4 hours ago, Itms said:


Can you explain how it was possible to show your email before you hid it? By PM if it's sensitive.

It was on my profile page and when I went to settings it was set to public I am almost certain. No harm done though I had the same thing happen to the last two gittea instances and checked that first .

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1 hour ago, Stan` said:

So we will fetch upstream and rebase each time we want to make a change? It seems like a bit of a chore compared to svn and I'm sure I will mess that up frequently. Although, maybe i'll get used to it.

Is there really no way to just automatically update the our fork with 0ad/0ad?

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