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Add Chinese dubbing to Han Dynasty units.


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14 minutes ago, Sp00ky said:

Never understood why they yelled Santiago when attacking lol.

Is a Spaniard battle cry.


The meaning of the phrase is, on the one hand, to invoke the apostle Santiago(James or Jacob), patron saint of Spain and also called Santiago Matamoros.



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I don't think I can from that site at least. Maybe it could be replaced by some modern counterpart like Hebrew (considering is a semitic language). I don't think that there is text to speech for ancient/dead languages :(


I am asking chatgpt (yeah awful source) about common words and it says there might be a couple, but chatgpt tends to lie a lot. such as


In Hebrew, the word for "walking" is הָלַךְ (halakh). This word is derived from the same Proto-Semitic root as mentioned earlier. In Hebrew, הָלַךְ (halakh) is used to convey the action of walking or moving on foot.


I will try to investigate more during the week and if I can get the software to pronounce some of these it might be useful.

I was also thinking that maybe something can be done for gauls and such, taking into account some words from different celtic languages.

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8 minutes ago, Sp00ky said:

I don't think I can from that site at least. Maybe it could be replaced by some modern counterpart like Hebrew (considering is a semitic language). I don't think that there is text to speech for ancient/dead languages

Is there no way for any language to try to pronounce it?

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13 minutes ago, Lion.Kanzen said:

Is there no way for any language to try to pronounce it?

Well I kept investigating with chatgpt, it points to a diferent word sawal for walking, wich could be pronounced in Arabic which is also semitic.Screenshot_20230528_231019.thumb.png.4c8a74c80a7e15b6ac0665993500823d.png


I honestly don't know enough about linguistics to see if ChatGPT is saying the truth or not, but I might try this same method with a bunch of words that we could use. We might end up with gibberish, but then again we might end up with something close to the actual language and it might be good enough.

It concerns that it says the hypotetical word, so it might be just made up by the AI.


EDIT: it is most likely just AI invention as it failed to produce any kind of source to back it up *sigh*

EDIT 2: I found some resources for phoenician dictionaries (https://archive.org/details/richards.tombackacomparativesemiticlexiconzlib.org/page/n23/mode/2up) and it does point to hebrew words, so maybe it could be translated, the thing is finding the actual words in the dictionaries as they are not easy to read, at least without understanding of linguistics.

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12 hours ago, Sp00ky said:

If anyone can find a good text to speech with male/female voices that would be great.

You should check out http://beta.elevenlabs.io

It's a voice cloning tool,but they also have pre-made voices there. cloned voices give even better results. The text2speech is so good you actually can't tell if it's AI generated or not.

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16 hours ago, Sp00ky said:

I added a new release with some Hindi voice overs. As I said previously it is probably not accurate (sanskrit would be better) but narakeet don't has that option. If anyone can find a good text to speech with male/female voices that would be great.

Hindi is a modern language, it originated in 12th century probably historically inaccurate like using Italian for Roman Civilization. 

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1 hour ago, leopard said:

Hindi is a modern language, it originated in 12th century probably historically inaccurate like using Italian for Roman Civilization. 

Yes I am aware of that, I just wanted to have something that isn't greek and it's at least closer to the region. Same for han (they probably didn't speak mandarin). As someone mentioned earlier, this mod is more like just placeholders until the game has proper dubs, to sound at least closer to the place these civilizations are from and not just speaking greek.


As for Phoenician @Lion.Kanzen I have been reading about the topic and many people agree that phoenician is very similar to traditional hebrew, that dictionary that I found points to some words such as the one i mentioned for walking (halakh). I also read that  for example Civ 6 uses neo-punic for the voice lines of Dido and it seems like the voice actress speaks hebrew.



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3 hours ago, Sp00ky said:

Yes I am aware of that, I just wanted to have something that isn't greek and it's at least closer to the region. Same for han (they probably didn't speak mandarin). As someone mentioned earlier, this mod is more like just placeholders until the game has proper dubs, to sound at least closer to the place these civilizations are from and not just speaking greek.


As for Phoenician @Lion.Kanzen I have been reading about the topic and many people agree that phoenician is very similar to traditional hebrew, that dictionary that I found points to some words such as the one i mentioned for walking (halakh). I also read that  for example Civ 6 uses neo-punic for the voice lines of Dido and it seems like the voice actress speaks hebrew.



Go look up how to pronounce dead languages with the artificial voice.


With Carthage you could also look for some language very similar to Berber or Berber some units could speak Berber.

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On 28/05/2023 at 10:45 AM, AIEND said:

Half a year ago, I planned to record the dialogue voice of the Han Dynasty unit, but due to the rapid spread of the new coronavirus, this task was paralyzed, and I wanted to start this work again, after all, I don't want the Han Dynasty faction to exist in two versions of the game and still have no native language dubbing.

But the problem is that, as I have reflected before, in this voice list, the three jobs of logging, mining, and quarrying seem to be expressed in the same sentence, and there is no appropriate sentence in spoken Chinese to express this. , three different voices must be recorded separately for logging, mining, and quarrying.
I want to coordinate on this question, if I record three voices separately, will it work fine in the game?

Action             	                    – English
order_build             	            – I will build.
order_walk                                  - I will walk.
order_repair                                - I will repair.
order_attack                                - I will attack! I will go out against them! I will march! I will retreat! Battle cry.
order_gather                                - I will gather. I will fish. I will hunt. I will work land. I will herd.
order_guard                                 - I will guard.
order_garrison                              - I will garrison.
order_patrol                                - I will patrol.
order_trade                                 - I will trade.
order_heal                                  - I will heal.
select             	                    – What is it? My lord?

I don't know Chinese, but it would be nice if the phrases referring to the player had words that apply to both genders universally. Because it's very funny when units address a hypothetical girl-player as "sir".

In general, this rule would be great to apply to all dubs.

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19 hours ago, Lion.Kanzen said:

You're not going to ask us to invent pronouns or titles that don't exist in our languages?

I'm just asking that the developers avoid using words that uniquely determine the gender of the player when composing phrases for the sake of greater universality. Or use words that are equally suitable for both women and men. For example, instead of "Yes, my lady!" or "Yes, sir!", use the word "majesty" or its equivalents.



In Age of Empires 2, this rule is followed by:



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On 31/05/2023 at 10:42 AM, Vantha said:

Actually, there are some Sanskrit Text to speech tools out there, but I don't know how good they are. For example: https://huggingface.co/spaces/CjangCjengh/Sanskrit-TTS

That sounds great. I think at some point I will try to make a document that maps the voices and words used, so people who actually knows the languages better can contribute with terms to generate if there is interest.

I added some "phoenician" to the repo, altough I realize that to have the civ fully voiced I need to make voices for gauls and iberians too lol. I based on terms suggested by chatgpt, I double checked some of them with that phoenician dict I found earlier and seem to be close (I guess). But definitely needs to be checked by someone who knows this stuff.


Probably I wont be updating the repo for a while, I have quite some studying to do this weekend as I have some exams next week.

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On 30/05/2023 at 3:00 AM, Delfador said:



Words like "sir" or "madam" were translated from European languages more than a hundred years ago when China was Westernized, and before that they did not exist in Chinese.
Old Chinese first, second, and third person pronouns do not distinguish between men and women.

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4 hours ago, AIEND said:

Words like "sir" or "madam" were translated from European languages more than a hundred years ago when China was Westernized, and before that they did not exist in Chinese.
Old Chinese first, second, and third person pronouns do not distinguish between men and women.

It is that Europeans and Americans have the mind of being colonizers, sometimes pretending that some cultures move our way of expressing ourselves to what seems to them a sensitivity of their culture not the needs of ours.


These two vast nations which in turn are made up of small western nations sometimes pretend to see us as barbarians and to be the ones who are always right when in fact it is they who are on the verge of changing their civilization.


As you can see before they were complaining that there was no one way to refer to male and female.

And now they are complaining that there is no neutral one.


Then they wonder why we see them as colonizers. The European mind by being carried away by  trends and new things nothing likes to stick to the ways of the past.


Fortunately, we are at the end of the cycle and it is time for the current trend to end.

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2 hours ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

Dude, just stick to the @#$%ing topic and stop bringing your ideology into everything.

So? what ideology is that?


You couldn't say I'm right wing because I don't support the right I can't say I'm left wing because you don't support your left.


Your country is going to get everything it deserves and everything I have done to other countries plain and simple This is not a matter of ideology, it is a matter of justice.


The same thing will happen to the Europeans, who are going into recession, because of lackey and sheeple following a country (your country) that is going into the abyss.


Mis hijos y mis parientes van a tomar los restos de tu país. Ya lo están haciendo Ya estamos cruzando la frontera ya Estados Unidos dentro de poco va a ser latinoamérica no va a ser más un país anglosajón.


Learn Spanish if you want to know.

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9 hours ago, Lion.Kanzen said:

It is that Europeans and Americans have the mind of being colonizers, sometimes pretending that some cultures move our way of expressing ourselves to what seems to them a sensitivity of their culture not the needs of ours.

A dude from Honduras with a Roman legionary avatar accuses Europeans of colonialism, on the sole basis that since everyone can play video games, I asked the localizers to think about a universal appeal to the player. Ha ha ha! Here is an anecdote! Then you would change your avatar to some local savage, because even a Russian-speaking I will be closer to Rome and Italy than your Honduras, and yet, I don’t rush with the ideas of imperialism. It's funny that my request to make the gender angles of the phrases smoother was taken as white supremacy, imperialism and cultural appropriation.

5 hours ago, Lion.Kanzen said:

Mis hijos y mis parientes van a tomar los restos de tu país. Ya lo están haciendo Ya estamos cruzando la frontera ya Estados Unidos dentro de poco va a ser latinoamérica no va a ser más un país anglosajón.

Difícilmente. Los ingeniosos anglosajones acercan la mano de obra barata latinoamericana a sus fábricas, para no pagar aranceles fronterizos y transferir dinero al presupuesto de todos los papúes latinoamericanos. Y en el caso de un conflicto con China, el empobrecimiento de América Latina y el estallido de un levantamiento civil, son estos mismos miembros de la familia migrante y sus hijos quienes serán los primeros en soportar la peor parte de las luchas internas y las pandillas itinerantes, y no los estados del norte. Están siendo utilizados como una zona de amortiguamiento, porque EE. UU. nunca irá a la guerra con un Canadá desarrollado. Veo que no eres un estratega. ¿Sus países no tienen armas nucleares, según tengo entendido?

Entiende que tu problema no es la cantidad, sino la calidad. También hay muchos musulmanes en todas partes, pero todos ellos ni siquiera se atreven a decir nada a China sobre la reeducación de los uigures y la ateización de las mezquitas. Incluso Erdogan mantiene la boca cerrada. Regularmente leo en las noticias cómo numerosos musulmanes de rodillas ruegan al Occidente infiel, donde el ateísmo también se está convirtiendo en una "tradición", que salve a los musulmanes pobres de un campo de concentración en Xinjiang, porque los propios musulmanes, incluso en números que valen miles de millones, no pueden hacer cualquier cosa con China.

Permitir que los hispanos se muden a los Estados Unidos recuerda a los típicos palacios renacentistas europeos, donde los sirvientes a menudo recibían una parte de las habitaciones en o cerca del castillo del amo. Por lo tanto, la captura de Estados Unidos no es más que narcisismo. No se deje engañar. Juegas juegos históricos sobre legionarios romanos, pero no conoces muy bien los modales de los cónsules y senadores romanos.

Incluso tienes un ejemplo en la forma de Esparta, donde había más ilotas que los propios espartanos. Pero solo Roma logró capturar Esparta. Pero tu país no es Roma, ni Italia, ni siquiera España.

Decir que USA será un país latinoamericano es tan ridículo como llamar a Esparta un país de ilotas.

Desafortunadamente, el traductor puede haber extraviado los casos. Es una pena que no sepas ruso. De lo contrario, te dirían claramente cómo la solicitud de hacer el juego inclusivo difiere del imperialismo.

Edited by Sodalite of Delfador
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