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Found 8 results

  1. I wanna create an Late antiquity mod for 0ad but i dont have the time and resources to do it, so, i have create a modding team discord server to create the mod and create some other mods with the team, so now i need members on the group. Wanna Participate?
  2. Hello all! i've made this topic to show some cuirasses i've done once when i had proper internet connection but didn't had a chance to post it. This are textures (cuirasses) done procedurally with blender. So we can have them with normal and specular maps included in any possible color whitout too much effort. Some are recreations of actual textures with specular, normal map. While others are new additions following a few references i could get. Everything was done using Blender and some meshes and procedural materials. Scratches could be included in case is needed but every texture ingame of cuirasses didn't had a single scratch so i guess not. In the current state, i could upload every texture seen in the screenshots if its necessary or if it has a good visual quality to be introduced, and post here the alpha layers. Texture Preview: Ingame screenshots:
  3. Another topic for helmets, for now i have this: From other topics i have this: The first helmet its recorded but says its damaged because my secondary hard drive is damaged so i used VLC to fix the video now its only visible through that program, i'll see if YouTube could handle the video later.rome_helmets.7z
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Nicholas Mind blown, santa was roman
  5. Any use can be given to this ? i was thinking on make a wallpaper but maybe can be rendered into something else, tried to make the guy down there. http://www.romehistory.co.uk/men/menofrome.html
  6. Have played romans but i fell something laks then remembered something that its really needed, Roman Empire, Roman republic, was caracterised by the jerarchy that his army had. Then I strongly suggest the Centurion to by a unit with radius of comand that adds bonuses like health or attack donno. Also other "supportive" units like standart mens, trumpet met, with radius to enhanced the legions
  7. A map I made. Rome attacks Carthage. The End. Please give any feedback/advice. Carthage_Rome.xml Carthage_Rome.xml
  8. when i choose 3 type of units: Marian leguionarus * legionarus romanun canturio legionarus, i gat this units "united", with only one icon, why???? is a design choice?? a bug???
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