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Posts posted by Pureon

  1. I've just listened to your new sound files and I think you've addressed all the feedback we've given very well (y) I can't hear anything else that needs to be changed, so unless someone else has any feedback on the horse sounds, I'd say lets get you started on another task.

    Our elephant units currently use cavalry sounds, which is always unexpected when in-game, so would you like to work on some elephant sounds next? Same states as before: Idle, Selection, Attack, and Death

    Great work!

  2. Hi Evan,

    Some of the team have listened to your horse sounds and overall we're impressed with what you've created! We were in agreement that the Attack and Death sounds are perfect, we really like them, so no further work is needed on those unless you want to.

    Horse_Select_04 is very good, but we feel it's too agitated to be a selection sound, but can work well as another attack sound.

    We agreed that the three remaining Select sounds (01, 02, and 03) are too mechanical/robotic. These need the most improvement, especially since they will likely be the most notable in-game.

    The Idle sounds are almost there, but some of us thought they were also slightly mechanical (boxy) and could be less emphatic.

    If you have any questions about the feedback please let us know. Hope you take this as constructive criticism, because that's how it's intended :)

  3. All the new rock models still need foundations to go below ground. Also many faces are UV mapped sticking out of the UV image - I was always under the impression faces should be mapped fully on the image canvas to stop seems appearing when shader effects are added, but perhaps this is no longer the case?

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