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Posts posted by Pureon

  1. I should be able to help with this at some stage too. I took a good look through your tutorial files and added some very basic additional functions a few weeks back.

    Would you be able to expand the number of cases available? Currently we have:

    • femaleNearCC - checks the distance of unit to CC
    • sixFemales - counts the number of a unit type
    • 500Food - checks amount of food resource

    Some others we might want to have:

    • Unit Killed - checks if enemy unit is killed
    • Unit Garrisoned - checks if a unit is garrisoned within a building type
    • Unit Visible - checks if enemy unit/building is revealed from FOW
    • Unit Type Selected - I believe this one isn't possible

    Additionally would it be possible to have the AI send a small attack force once a certain number of buildings have been built?

  2. Great!

    Do you want one sound for each action? or multiple sounds that can be chosen randomly to create variation?

    Multiple sounds that will be chosen randomly. We should be fine with 3 for idle, 3 for selection, 3 for attack, and 2 for death

    What exactly does idle mean?

    When the unit is just standing around or walking idly - no actions taking place.

    Attack meaning when that animal is attacking? Or being attacked?

    Attacking, although we could probably use the same sound for when it's being attacked

    I look forward to hearing what you create for us! :)

  3. On Win 7 the only folders at C:\Users\{Username}\AppData\Local\0 A.D. are cache and logs so should I just create C:\Users\{Username}\AppData\Local\0 A.D. alpha\binaries\data\mods\public and extract the zip there.

    Can you explain what error messages you were given (if any)? Have you extracted the public.zip file in your installation directory (not AppData\Local)?

  4. Welcome to the forums Evan! :)

    Would you be interested in recording some animal sounds for us? I know it might not be something you've done before, but perhaps it's something you'd like to challenge yourself with? We need good dog, elephant, and horse sounds - each would need idle, selection, attack, and death sounds. Apart from maybe chickens, most of our animals need sound effects.

    I'm temporarily looking after the Sound Department, but you've hit me at a bad time because I'll be away from home until the end of next week.

    Let us know your thoughts.

  5. Perhaps the Britons can retain the older models that look more "primitive" (the round huts, etc.), while the Gauls can have some updated buildings to look more "civilized" (longhouses for houses instead of the round huts, etc.).

    So we're saying the Britons were more primitive than the Gauls? No sure about that.

  6. Map loaded like this:


    I didn't receive any errors when it was loading, so not sure what happened. But i did take a look around - I'll be honest and say I don't like the mountain in the middle being perfectly straight, but the terrain textures and mountain tops look really good. Perhaps adding more variety to the thickness of the mountain range will help visually and not impact map balance too much.

    The coastline looks really nice too :)

  7. Also I just checked again, most of their roof in the cities were not made with straw but with wood. It was to prevent fast fire propagation. SO some roof should be remade in the game to reflect this.

    Many references state that Celt buildings had thatched straw roofs, and therefore we'll stick with thatched roofs for consistency. I didn't model the Celt buildings in 0 A.D., but I really like the overall look - and I'm English so that's coming from a local ;)

  8. Welcome to the forums AbdelMuhamar :)

    It's true that updating the Celt buildings is lower on our priorities list, however if you'd like to sketch out some visuals for refined Celt houses (or other buildings), please do. The more inspiration we get, the more likely we, or someone in the community, will work on new models. Assume we will be using the same textures.

    I'm not sure how compatible Milkshape is with 0 A.D., but you could test it out or learn Blender (which is what most of us use). Here's a quick tutorial I wrote recently: trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Basic3DImplementation

    Would you also be interested in providing some visuals to help us update the Carthaginian houses? It's something I should have done when I updated their buildings in 2011. I'm not promising it'll happen tomorrow, but it'll be a good incentive for future work ;)

  9. That's not 1024x768 :P It gives me an idea though. To help fill in the empty space on larger displays, we could expand the map preview and description -- the right side of that mockup, instead of only the player assignment area (as it is now). And if we resize the player assignment area, let's make sure it's not all aligned to the left, but the extra space is evenly distributed per column.

    :P I was only 'designing' the preview image box, not the overall layout of the page, so wasn't focusing on any particular resolution. The preview image should not scale, so I don't know how the right column would expand?

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