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Posts posted by Pureon

  1. Is it possible to see the sky in 0 A.D. by tilting the camera up? Or would you rather use the traditional downward angle in the videos?

    We always try to show the game's default downward angle in videos. There are sky-boxes (called Billboards) available in the map editor that can be placed on maps if you'd like to show other angles.

    The reason the feature demonstration videos have titles on black is because I'm editing them using Windows Live Movie Maker, and that's the best it can do unfortunately.

    Have you tried using Atlas Editor yet? Knowing how to setup a good scene is important to get the best clips, so some knowledge of the editor will come in handy. Would you be willing to work on a short teaser video to show us what you can do with 0 A.D.? Pick something you like, the maps, trees, walls, techs, anything really, and create a short teaser around it. See the Gate teaser I created as an example:

    Yours can be much more artistic, but you get the idea ;)

  2. What does it entail? If it's just using the mining animation when a specific unit attacks a specific structure, it can't be too hard.

    That's what I was proposing, and it can be done easily. But I can't remember what the old discussion involved, perhaps a siege tunnel structure?

  3. Unlike other civs, the Celts only have 1 siege weapon, so we could think about an alternative option. Caesar noted the Celts were good at mining - During the Roman siege of Avaricum in 52 BC, the Celts dug tunnels under Roman siege ramps which they then set fire to causing them to collapse.

    So we could give the Celts a cheap 'Siege Miner' infantry unit with low armor, but with good crush damage. The standard infantry mining animation could be used until a new one is created. The unit walks up to a wall, and starts hitting it with the pickaxe :)

  4. We played a 3v3 multiplayer match yesterday on the Canyon RMS map, and a few of us had siege units stuck in very thin canyons such as this:


    We had 6 players using a medium sized map, which didn't give the canyons much space - so limiting the map size options based on the number of players seems justified. If the number of players is increased to 6, the default map size should shift to large, not remain on medium.

  5. One thing that just occurred to me... Are the current siege-weapons in scale? I mean... They don't look very semi-realistic the way they were supposed to be... I can't see two or three animated guys pushing and using them around... Maybe it's just me, or will we re-scale the guys, just like the awful AOEIII did?

    I based the scale of my siege weapons on historical reconstructions - so they are to scale (or at least as close as possible). Having infantry units pushing each siege weapon would currently increase lag unnecessarily, and given a large majority of users feedback is about the lag, we can't justify doing that at this stage in development. Non-self-mobile siege units will pack and unpack into carts/wagons for increased mobility, but this functionality hasn't been implemented yet (although we're ready for someone to begin working on it asap ;) ).

  6. I forgot to mention a few factions also have elephants that are excellent at siege, as are the Flaming Javelin cavalry units for the Iberians.

    But I agree it would be interesting to see some other siege units appear in 0 A.D. - however not necessarily as part of the standard setup.

  7. If you can provide us with some historically accurate suggestions for any of the civs please share them with us. Saying there is a lack of models and not providing any constructive information on what could be done instead is counter-productive, especially on an open-source game that's still in Alpha.

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  8. If I'm not wrong one of the tower in a civilization I've played have one visual soldiers upside. It would be nice to have it in the gates too... So the gates only open and closed? No attacker inside (arrows when near enemy)?

    One of the Celt defense towers has an infantry unit attached as a prop, but the unit isn't animated and doesn't add to gameplay in any way. There are no plans to have units on top of gates or walls for Part 1 release, but lets see what happens in the future.

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