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Posts posted by Pureon

  1. When/if you implement this Brian, stick all the attack/armor/speed/accuracy etc info into a tooltip when hovering over the shield/sword icon. Nothing when hovering over the portait please.

    We have such a large unit portrait, why can't it be used to show the stat tooltip like the shield/sword icon does (and should)? I don't see why it just repeats the generic name which is now visible in the GUI anyway, I'd rather have it showing the stats like it did before.

  2. That's a good start Geek! :)

    Rather than going into too much detail, we can limit it to only the 'Generic Name' and 'Class' fields for now. Any additional info can be added later if it's not immediately obvious/accessible. Don't get put off by the amount of detail for each unit/building.

    Anyone interested in giving the profile a go?

  3. I'll finish off the models and create the animations if some are needed, but first I need to clarify how gates function. Specifically, when the gate is opening the doors are going to swing out into the open - if something is in the way do the doors just go straight through the object, or do you need to move the object out of the way first.

    I believe we may have opted for the doors to become passable (units can walk through the door models) as soon as the doors begin to open. This will help with pathfinding (units won't get stuck behind open doors when trying to walk through the gate) and make gates quicker to implement. Other more complicated functionality can be added afterwards if needed.

  4. I agree having a unit animation template file for future modders would be very useful. A few other reasons:

    1) Increase the variety of meshes/animations available - currently we only have a small handful to choose from

    2) Most of our 3D modelers use Blender, so our unit animations should be compatible, which they are not

    3) Remove the few remaining PMD and PSA files - only the unit animations use this format, and these are not compatible with most 3D programs

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