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Posts posted by Pureon

  1. I'm around, but haven't heard anything more from Miles than what he last posted on this thread. I don't know if he's still available or not, nor do I have another way to contact him besides on this thread.

    Sweyn and I have been in regular contact over email, he's going to work on some voice recordings for us in the next few weeks. We've also now got female voices in 0 A.D., and another female voice artist is being recorded currently to add more variation. We were also contacted a few weeks ago by another male voice artist who is also now recording some phrases for us, so his voice will be used alongside Sweyn's voice for the male units.

    These are the final phrases that were recorded: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Audio_Voice_List

  2. I have access to a large library, I don't really know how to search for suitable books though. There is a search tool at http://search.lib.cam.ac.uk// and I can try and get material from anything you find on there.

    I've had a quick look through using the search tool and I couldn't find anything very useful (a few books describe the Mauryans but lack visuals). I've been to a number of the larger bookshops here in London and haven't found anything useful either.

  3. I do wonder how much you want to hear things that are offscreen. Of course you want to be notified of attacks as they start, but actually hearing all of the sounds of battle while you are trying to do something on the other side of the screen could be distracting.

    I agree, I'd like to hear a warning sound when one of my units is under attack, and maybe see a ping on the minimap to show where it is happening. Battle sounds could probably travel further than other less critical sounds, but not to the other side of the map.

  4. Maybe we should remove the icons there and only allow research in a techtree gui?

    I personally think removing them would be counter-productive, but I do like the idea of an overall techtree window where it's possible to research techs.

  5. i said it before, but ill say it again: there should be a third and fourth pack after the two planned ones which include more "exotic" civilizations like the japanese, chinese, egyptians, indians, mayans, and aksumites

    I know you were surprised by our choice of name for Alpha 10, but maybe there's more to it than you think ;)

  6. Hmmm, I actually think Alpha 10 will be slightly less laggy. That's been my experience so far, anyway. There have been lots of little AI improvements on that score.

    I'd agree with this. qBot has been optimized for Alpha 10 and this helps reduce the lag somewhat.

    will there be sound for OS X?

    would be too nice,

    good work Omri!

    (i am a professional musician, too...)

    Unfortunately Alpha 10 will not have sound for OS X, although a new Sound Manager is being developed so I'm hopeful for Alpha 11.

    And i agree, Omri's music is fantastic :D

  7. Ballistas moving and attaching without no one manoeuvring them looks a bit unnatural. Are they planned for a later release?

    We're going to have stationary siege weapons pack (into wagons with horses) and unpack automatically depending on the task they are tasked to do (attack or move). For some of the smaller siege weapons (small arrow throwers) a small cart could be pulled by a person instead.

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