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Posts posted by Pureon

  1. Thanks but ocurr a happens . with Attack animation don't appears an gets a errors but thanks i kill a rushers in my firsth game they destroys 2 outpost but all die XD. i a surviver second rush and a can defending the town best

    thats balances best the romans disadvantage.

    If you're talking about the projectile error, I've just committed a new model that will fix that.

  2. Thanks for the report :)

    I can confirm the bug. The first female citizen to the tree will gather resources, however when a second is assigned to the tree she does not gather any resources until the first one moves to drop off her collected resources. The chopping animation does however play normally. When the first female citizen returns to the tree, she is now not able to gather because the second female citizen is gathering, but the chopping animation plays.

    I tested using the latest svn version on the Acropolis II map.

    Someone with more admin rights will move this to the correct forum ;)

  3. Just wondering, what makes units on walls so hard to put in?

    Depends on what you want the unit to do on the wall - walk around fighting other enemy units on the wall, fire arrows, get hit by enemy projectiles, etc. There's a lot of functionality that would need to be added, and right now it's low priority.

    How will gates be built with this setup? Same as they are now? Or could it be something like select a part of the wall and build a gate there?

    The long wall segment can be upgraded into a gate. This isn't possible yet, but it's on the to-do list.

    What about postern gates?

    As far as I know there are no plans to include postern gates, although the functionality would be similar to standard gates, so they are possible.

  4. One thought I had for your consideration - for building walls on uneven terrain, I would recommend that your wall and turret models extend deep into the -Z axis, so that they are 'sub terrain'.

    Yep, I've done that to all the walls. We should be ok even on steep terrain - although there's no need to build a wall on very steep terrain so there will be some build restrictions :)


    The red line here is at ground level:


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