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Posts posted by Pureon

  1. We will not be releasing the Mauryan civ in 4-5 weeks, it will need a lot longer than that. Progress with architecture hasn't really got much further than this:


    And it wouldn't be a Mauryan civ without elephants, and those need to be completely redesigned and animated which will take a long time. We are looking for an experienced Blender skeletal animator to help us out.

  2. I'd like the AIs to be implemented without cheating as far as possible before adding cheating ones for better players ;) . The non cheating ones could be OK for medium difficulty if done well.

    My thinking is we should add Hard difficulty cheating AIs as soon as possible (even if the difference between the non-cheating bot is just a resource multiplier). Otherwise users will start looking for a challenge elsewhere.

  3. I recently installed Alpha 10 on a Windows 7 laptop to see how well it would run, and the mouse cursor disappears in fullscreen, but still works if you can figure out where it is pointing. I know this is also a problem with some other games and Windows 7 too. I mentioned this in the GUI thread, but it seems to have been overlooked.

    Try adding this line into a local.cfg file:

    nohwcursor = true

    Here's more information about creating the local config file: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Manual_Settings

  4. Looks great!

    I still am interested in helping with the strategic map. Perhaps a walkthrough on how to get from a finished 3d model to a graphic on that map would be helpful, unless you feel it already is doomed to fail due to wonderful-exporter Bryce :D

    Why don't you experiment to see if you can export from Bryce and open the file in Blender? Do you use UV mapping in Bryce?

  5. To keep it simple Battle music could play after a set number of units have been killed within a minute (maybe 20+). Battle music could end when the battle track ends - even if the battle continues afterwards or nothing is happening - and then back to a generic track.

    For animal attacks or smaller skirmishes I'd like to see a visual 'ping' on the minimap to show where the action is taking place. Hearing a special sound each time a unit is attacked may be frustrating, so a visual sign may be better. We should have a keyboard shortcut that shows you where your units are attacking/being attacked - just like we have the idle villager command.

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