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Posts posted by Pureon

  1. The effort kind of stalled because this discussion got split into 2 different topics. I think the consensus was that we were going to up the poly count. I was waiting on some more direction before I went any further. I hadn't heard anything more, so I thought maybe I was off the hook.

    New models and a common universal baseline rig for blender could really be developed in parallel. Perhaps some attention in the Blender world would bring someone to the team who is capable of doing animation and rigging in both max and blender and could us set up a new default template in blender that is capable of using .dae existing animations and a blender rig.

    Sounds good. I've responded with a question in the relevant topic :)

  2. I'd like to hear what Zaggy1024 thinks regarding this, since he'd be crucial in working with any potential animators we get.

    I'm in agreement with Erik's thinking behind it. Some screenshots, maybe even a video showreel of some of our best blender work. We have animal animations, ships, lots of cool buildings, animated siege weapons, and even some unit gear, so there's a lot we can show.

    Artists, what say you?

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  3. Do you want to work on some others? If yes, Mythos requested this a few months ago:

    ...Some custom and cool looking rock formations for the Desert biome, specifically for the Neareastern Badlands map. Examples:


    And then let's experiment with "mountain tops" to make some cool and realistic looking pseudo-mountain ranges in the game.


    So maybe some pointy rocks?

  4. It seems you used something else for the health stat bars in the panel. The ones I made are used by the units, as you can see in the picture :P Is it possible to add a cap at each end? So that the borders are defined nicely? :)

    The GUI is using bars from the final GUI design, which are different to those used for the unit health bars. They're supposed to have a 1 pixel black line around them, but that hasn't been added yet. Also I think the bars have been stretched a bit - the final design shows them to be 7 pixels in height with the 1 pixel stroke all around. The ones on the svn now are 8 pixels height.

  5. True, if you try to rig the models with skeletons and animate them manually (in that case the vertex transforms are done on the CPU, and that has a severe performance penalty). What I'm suggesting is to send some generic parameters to the GPU (time and wind direction/intensity) and let it do what it does best.

    Interesting. Am I right in thinking something like that would take a long time to implement in order to test performance impact?

  6. And finally on the speed issue, I disagree with you. It seems more logical for a group of soldiers to move faster in formation because they are basically marching.

    I agree with Geek377 - I don't think anyone wants an army to take up to 3x longer to get to an enemy base (formations constantly turn to avoid obstacles) - we need to think about gameplay, not just realistic movement speeds ;)

  7. Hi Dominik, welcome to the forums and thanks for your application :)

    Initially I just want to say I think your work looks fantastic, so lets get things moving. I notice you didn't leave an email address in your application - could you therefore email me on pureon@wildfiregames.com where we can talk privately. We also need to work out how 0 A.D. copes with files from Maya - the majority of us use Blender now, but it should be fine.

    Would you be interested in working on the new Mauryan civ with us? See some early mockups here

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