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Posts posted by Pureon

  1. Instead, for complex "special" buildings like this, duplicate the textures you need into a new file, so everything is loaded from the same place.

    Wouldn't that mean an additional 1 MB texture file being created specially for this building, and any others we create? Bigger game download size, more files in the already full/messy texture folder, and more photoshop work doesn't sound all that good to me. I agree with main struct textures for each civ being in 1 big texture file, and that's something I've been pushing for myself, but for something like this i don't see there being enough of a benefit I'm afraid.

  2. I wonder if we couldn't actually in the art license require distributors to state something like "This product can be freely downloaded from www.wildfiregames.com" in any 'sales presentations' they give. GPL won't let you add such clauses for the code/binaries, but CC-BY-SA will.

    That sounds very reasonable to me, can we do this before A11 is released?

  3. I didn't mean to disrespect the devs.

    You didn't. Those are only 'placeholder' models that allow us to work on buildings, units, and gameplay simultaneously. The real architecture design will look more like the 'darker' civ center image you posted above.

    And anyway, you're allowed to provide constructive criticism, especially because you've supported your comments with useful historical references (y)

  4. I'm not proposing we use this as the Carthaginian wonder, but it is a 'special building' so thought I'd post about it here too (not just on the staff forums):

    The Mausoleum of Prince Ateban (2nd Century BC)


    I modeled it after seeing some nice high res photos on wikimedia. It's built to the real proportions, although may or may not be to scale in-game, with a small amount of artistic license added mostly to the textures. Interesting read: http://www.historum....s-carthage.html

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  5. I can definitely see a click-drag road being built by players on the route between 2 markets, thereby increasing the speed of the trader carts traveling along it. This would specifically become useful mid-late game when resources are limited.

    I wouldn't discount click-drag roads being added to 0 A.D. in the future, it's not an unreasonable suggestion. However it also isn't a top priority feature, and could be quite tricky especially if unit pathfinding is involved, so it's unlikely to be implemented soon.

  6. I'm giving the Mauryan docks a shot. I'll post concepts soon. Any architectural references would help. Kind of blind without those (in terms of historical accuracy).

    I think we should wait for Eggbird to finish the CC and struct texture which the dock will use before starting any other building models.

  7. This one seems to use CC-BY-SA 2.0. Same as the above - we need to find out whether it is compatible.

    Taking a quick look now, I found this on creativecommons.org:

    The CC-BY-SA licenses are such that content under a version 2.0 cannot be used under the terms of CC-BY-SA 3.0. That means a derivative of a CC BY-SA 2.0 work cannot wholly be released under CC BY-SA 3.0. The same thing could happen between BY-SA 3.0 and 4.0.

    From: http://wiki.creativecommons.org/4.0/Treatment_of_adaptations

  8. Thanks. I can't identify the exact image used, but judging from his other wolf pictures, they do not seem freely licensed at all:

    Guys with regards to that image, I personally contacted the photographer through deviantart and received full approval for that texture to be released with 0 A.D. in accordance with our CC-BY-SA license - I supplied screenshots of the units (with helmets) to the photographer and after getting further approval purposefully mentioned them in the commit. So yeah, that's one texture you guys don't need to freak out about ;)

  9. Then this needs to be made explicit in the UI: "JuBot (easy)", "qBot (hard)". We can't expect outsiders to guess this info.

    +1 from me :) I suggested it on IRC yesterday. JuBot (easy), qBot (medium), qBot XP (hard)

    qBot XP isn't quite 'Hard' yet, but it's getting there!

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  10. Would the siege tunnel have a maximum distance from the target? The further away the tunnel is, the more expensive and time-consuming it becomes, right? Smoke could appear from the ground just before the building collapses - suggesting the tunnel below the structure is being burnt to cause a collapse (the standard way of undermining)?

    I'm not sure about units appearing from an 'end point'. My suggestion would be they ungarrison from the siege tunnel entrance structure.

    Would the darkened terrain remain after the tunnel structure is destroyed? Would it be the terrain texture changing, or a decal above the terrain? I suggest the latter.

    I really like this idea, lets discuss it some more :)

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