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Everything posted by fabio

  1. It won't be available as it requires a newer rust version not available there. You may consider upgrading to Debian testing, which will become stable Debian 13 this summer.
  2. The PPA is for 24.04/noble and 24.10/oracular (25.04/plucky already has 0.27.0). It looks like you have 22.04/jammy for which I didn't package 0ad. (I would suggest to upgrade to 24.04 anyway)
  3. Ubuntu PPA with 0ad 0.27.0 + updated Mesa drivers: https://launchpad.net/~oibaf/+archive/ubuntu/graphics-drivers/ EDIT: the PPA has 0ad 0.27.0 for 24.04/noble and 24.10/oracular (25.04/plucky already has 0.27.0). Older releases are not supported in the PPA (consider upgrading ).
  4. Ideally there should be a way to force enable it, so that the issue could be reproduced and fixed in mesa.
  5. nouveau is the open source driver, which is usually enabled by default, unless you install proprietary closed source NVidia driver. If the 'OpenGL ARB' issue happens with both driver, it may be a 0ad problem. About the longitudinal "shadows" issue with rc2, it looks like a mesa/nouveau issue (that can eventually be fixed in the driver) so if you want to contribute I would suggest to report it here: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/issues
  6. What do you mean with the game did not start on the outdated 'OpenGL ARB'? If you run it from command line, do you get some error when using 'OpenGL ARB'?
  7. This looks like a mesa/nouveau issue, I remember a similar bug with other graphics cards in the past. Please report it here: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/issues
  8. Indeed it is not in release because it was added after the release, but it is in updates, which is enabled anyway by default for bug fixes: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/0ad
  9. If you want to upgrade to Ubuntu 24.10, there is the proper package (no need to install flatpak or snap which can have issues like this).
  10. It Is being added to Ubuntu 24.10/oracular and hopefully also to 24.04/noble, you can follow updates here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/2071550
  11. A better option, also listed on https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructions#DebianUbuntu: On older Debian / Ubuntu versions you may have to replace libwxgtk3.2-dev with libwxgtk3.0-gtk3-dev.
  12. Flat Earth Society will love this map!
  13. The last report from SPI is here: https://www.spi-inc.org/treasurer/reports/202311/#index23h4 We are rich!
  14. There are some reports here: https://wildfiregames.com/forum/forum/419-treasury-committee/
  15. Snap version had similar problem in the past. You are using Ubuntu, right? If so, latest stable Ubuntu has already 0ad alpha 26 in the native deb package (try that), not snap. If you are using Ubuntu 22.04 you can find updated drivers and 0ad alpha 26 in this PPA: https://launchpad.net/~oibaf/+archive/ubuntu/graphics-drivers
  16. Really nice. Can I ask you how did you generate the images? Some details on the AI system used?
  17. I want to thank Minister Sangiuliano for his kindness and willingness to organize an entertainment, cultural and charity event in Italy. We wanted to promote the history of Ancient Rome with the support of experts and at the same time raise money for American veterans and children's hospitals in Italy. Zuckerberg declined the offer because he is not interested in this approach. He only wants to fight if the UFC organizes the fight. I'm always ready to fight anyway ⚔️
  18. Elon chickened out, replying (in Italian) to Italy Minister:
  19. So, it looks like Musk vs. Zuckerberg duel will be held in Italy, in an ancient Rome location (not in the Colosseum or Rome). Source: Place your bet on the location!
  20. It's a bit I don't play, are women and traders still required to be killed to win? Maybe removing them from victory conditions would help for this? EDIT: also civilian structures like houses. From https://playbytherules.icrc.org/ :
  21. It looks like this was addressed in 27652, right? Are there any other occurrences of the original (fasces) symbol remaining in the game?
  22. BTW, you are right that that word may have different meanings depending on how it's used. It may also be used to describe a person who is brave, as in the cited article. BTW2:
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