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Black Op

WFG Retired
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Everything posted by Black Op

  1. And I get more presents. Aside from currency, I got a painting of Chuck Yeger's (first man to break the sound barrier) X-1, autograghed by Mr. Yeger himself, my grandparents payed $500 for it, which is an exception since they buy way cheaper things for their other nietos (grandchildren). Also got Unfinished Tales and from my Dad, this years Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition. And I get to stay up on weekdays til 10:30PM. Tis a start.
  2. Since it's my 16th birthday, I decided to make a poll dedicated to the future. Or to be more specificlly, college. What are you people's plans for college or whatever your equivelent for it is? Are you doing all it takes to get there? Do you feel it's unneccessary? Have you already graduated and now successful in Real Life?
  3. Hola amigo a WFG! (Hello friend to WFG!) B-)
  4. Mostly AoK for me, along with some AoM possibly. B-)
  5. Perhaps he went someplace else to get help for AoF. Hopefully, he remembers to come back here one of these days or that he listined to my advice.
  6. Well, I'm getting a new computer system along with Call of Duty, AoM, Medal of Honor: AA, and the 2nd BF1942 Expansion to go with it. Now.... to check by currency stats to see if anyone donated me currency as a birthday gift *wink* *nudge*
  7. It can't be my birthday already, tis only the 27th in California. Thx you all anyways. B-) I'll tell you my presents tomarrow.
  8. Not much books are talked about here yet either, IMO. Except ones by Tolkien but we've got a seperate forum community for that.
  9. Let's see...... isn't this the 3rd time you came back to the forums Alex?
  10. That I refuse to go with popular trends and like what I choose to like. B-)
  11. I never use the redirect links in the TLA/0AD Forums. Get rid of them.
  12. Have a good one Josh. Tell us your presents. B-)
  13. Well, if anyone noticed...... mesa back home!!
  14. Nay, Southwest is pretty reliable when I use it. Then again, my family uses it in the summer when no rain is to be had in the desert wastes of Sin City..... or anywhere in the Southwest for that matter. Problem is they always give you peanuts (sp?) and I don't like peanuts.
  15. Just perfect....... Due to "bad weather conditions", my flight has been canceled and I can't get on another flight til 5:22 tomarrow afternoon. So that means I'm stuck at my cousin's for another day. Remind me that when I become Dark Lord, American West Airlines should be
  16. Not much at all. I did get to see a Hammerhead Shark at my hotel.
  17. Well, I managed to make it to my cousin's house right outside of Las Vegas. So far, my vacation has been okay, but methinks I've been to Sin City too often to really like it anymore. The fact that I can't gamble only makes this worse. At least I have a computer again for a few hours......
  18. Well folks, this'll be my final post for quite a while. If I don't come back within 96 hours, avenge my death! Wildfire Games, I bid you adieu!!
  19. Hmm... maybe it is so, since you've been to England (probably) and I haven't.
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