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Black Op

WFG Retired
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Everything posted by Black Op

  1. Well that's not bad for a rounded-ear Resident Geek. I however am standing on 3386 [18.3/day] posts. B-)
  2. Here it is. It's called Pop Quiz, in the HOI Forum.
  3. *Me relaxes in school computer lab, on the other side of the Los Angeles area across from Thousand Oaks*
  4. I propose that kidding is grounds for being banned......
  5. *whips out calculator built into Windows* Allrighty, your price comes down to 125 Currency. I'll deliver your goods at 1200 hours, Zulu time. Don't hesitate to call me for any other assistance you need. BTW, I decided to include 3 TNT charges for free.
  6. I'll need to how many explosives you want first, Nathan. I don't like driving excess goods around, makes those authorities get edgy.
  7. I've got my learners permit and in April, I'll be eligiable to get my license. Thing is, I hardly practice at all and I still have 2 Behind the Wheel sessions to go (the last one was on Halloween).
  8. @Amy: the target is located in Thousand Oaks, California, US. I suggest you get a flight to Los Angeles as TO is not that far away from it. You don't have to participate just in spirit. @Nathan: very well, but it's going to cost you an extra 5 Currency for each item paid under my store's Pay Later Policy. I do sell many other goods and services that will avail you and your allies in your Quest BTW. B-)
  9. EMP=electromagnetic pulse, in the simplist terms it causes electrical blackouts. Do you people have aby intell on who's guarding Bobby's comp? It'll be good to know for your raid. BTW: I have plenty of C4 explosives in stock. But it costs 20 Currency for each explosive, for I don't do my work out of charity you know.
  10. Hopefully, I may just be able to beat :king:'s post average. Almost to 18/per day. B-)
  11. Are you people in need of EMPs? For I've got plenty of them. B-)
  12. Man, we'd have to absorb all of the RTS Communuity just to stand a chance of making it there......
  13. @ZeZar: anyone who recieves a doctorate in a univerisity is considered a Doctor. You can get doctorates for fields other than the medical field like physics or archelogy.
  14. Or to be more percise, if there's plenty of post factories created.
  15. @Amy: I think some shock treatment like Tim suggested will work the best. Can't do morning runs since I usually have to prepare for school and that I don't like running myself. And I haven't heard of any programs around where I live. And I doubt my mom will bother to go.
  16. Oh yeah, both TLA and 0AD are using the same engine. But TLA will have differences in gameplay. I say look through both 0AD and TLA to see what game will most resemble yours the most in gameplay. As for Uliginosus, everything's cool about it except for the trolls. For a race where some can be turned to stone in standard fantasy, trolls seem out of place in a largely organic civilization, unless your trolls will be different from what we think usually of them.
  17. As for me, I've got an even worse habit that bitting nails. Don't ask, you'll never know.......
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