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Black Op

WFG Retired
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Everything posted by Black Op

  1. I think there should be a "Not thinking of that yet" choice. Anyways, I haven't really tought about having children yet, seeing that I've got other worries in life to deal with first, like education.
  2. Well, it looks like your only choice then is to actively find people who's interested in your concept to work for you. It'd be good if you (or someone you know) make a web site for recruiting purposes. In the meantime, hang out here with us and maybe if you get a good rep here, one day you may get help from WFG.
  3. Well met (again), Miles. If you like TLA so much, it'd be nice if you find some time to post over at their forums.
  4. Here's one I made up for a forum I used to go on;
  5. Blast it!!! I already voted "No" already!!!! :P Not old enough to have one, plus my parents buy me what I want anyway, for now............... <_<
  6. People in the 90s said all computer systems would screw up and doom the world on 1/1/00 at percisly 12:00am but they were proved wrong. If people this day and age can't get their doomsday right, what makes you believe a now-extinct civilization can?
  7. ZeZar has a good point. Just how exactlly do you want WFG to help you bring your project to life?
  8. I think we should wait a while longer until we get more people here that write stories. Right now, there's not many story writers here, and I don't think the multi author stories could fill up the forum by themselves.
  9. How kind of you Adder. *Sticks tounge out at Sam*
  10. Fine, I'll be the first one to welcome you to WFG, Adder.
  11. Welcome to WFG Hailstorm_master. If you care to talk more about yourself, you can do so in the Introductions Forum. As for your game idea, you have an interesting concept. Problem is, if you want WFG to help bring your concept to life, you'll going to have to wait til at least mid or late 2005, since we are already so busy with our two current projects. If you can't wait til then, you'll probably have to find people yourself.
  12. I usually tend to avoid watching people for a long period of when possible. On that same note, I don't like people watching what I do either so beware "people watchers".
  13. Anything with a good plot, good fight scenes, and good music is fine by mine standards.
  14. Meh, already passed the 2200 mark. Just watch, I'll finally be able to beat Tim and become the top poster in all of WFG, Bwahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. They could be good, if only their size is reduced consideribly.
  16. Yep, Matt's brother tried to frame Matt on these Forums.
  17. Ahh, I heard the Clinton joke before.
  18. Oh please Amy, anyone can mistake "2" for "28" when writing dates on a forum calander!!!
  19. Lol, I never read Unfinished Tales or History of Midde-earth, I don't even know alot about Elvish. Adam and other TLA members are the real experts.
  20. Since I liked ZeZar's "How Well Do You Know Me" thread idea, I decided to do the same thing for myself. So what do you WFGers know about Black Op and his life? You may also talk about my forum personality as well.
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