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Black Op

WFG Retired
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Everything posted by Black Op

  1. Glad to see people like my signature. So I nominate myself. B-) Of course if I actually picked someone else, it would be Tut's sig. Judgement of other's sigs will wait until they post here, as I'm just too fat and lazy to search the forums for funny sigs.
  2. Okay people, this is not a regular list your idea for your dream game. Somehow I don't think a shoot-them-up can be considered a 0AD sequel. Make a thread for that in the Gaming Forum......... no wait... I'll do that. Need all the threads created I can get! So just stick with RTS games here. @Mythos_Ruler: Why fear medieval games? I like that time period and I'm sure the 0AD team could do a good game set in ye olde Middle Ages. B-)
  3. I think using a Imperial Gaulic Helmet would be good as 0AD Pips.
  4. Uhh.... anyone realize that my previous question was never answered?
  5. We call that "electability" Feanor. But you're getting there!!! Or did you mean "electorship" as in how his party choose him to be PM? In that case, "reigme" (sp?) would do just fine.
  6. Wow, that's just as gross as a routine surgery. *Glad he dosen't need to go to a dentist*
  7. Well in California or Ca. (which may not be totally representivite of the US), we have various levels of colleges. We have from lowest-to-highest community colleges (where you go if you can't get into a good college at first), the Ca. State University system, then the University of Ca. system. Private colleges also exist like USC and I'm not sure how you classify Stanford (basically kinda like a West Coast Havard). All have different requirements for enrollment as well as curricula. Kinda a mess for your Euros, don't you think.
  8. I know it's way early to be talking about these sorts of things but I don't care. What game would you like for the 0AD team to make after 0AD is released as a sequel? Would you like a game set in the Middle Ages or some period long before 0AD? Something even set in the Age of Gunpowder? I would like to see a medieval sequel to 0AD myself better than AoK.
  9. Ahh.... there you are! Good luck with your unit. And can you care to explain how your teeth got smashed up?
  10. Yeah, you could have included a little less LOTR and put in some other movies. Forgive me for sounding dumb but how does the Orion system work?
  11. It it's small enough and looks good, then I'll support it. If not possible, stick with the old approach.
  12. I declare this the offical thread seeing that it was made first. Have yet another good one.
  13. Well now that I think about it, none of my friends at my school have any idea how much of a Middle-earth fan I am. Only you guys and my nuclear family know.
  14. Perhaps when going onto the forums via the WFG, 0AD or TLA sites, instead of linking to their respective forums, link to a forum page with links to the 3 Forums.
  15. I knew. Anyone who claims to be Feanor must be crazy. I also knew that as well. @Tim: As the old saying goes, anyone that has a higher post count than I do surely must waste too much time on computers.
  16. So what? We got 2 people here named Kapone now? Have a good one!!!!!
  17. Will Guardian of the Month winners also get 5 rep points and 500 currency as well? B-)
  18. If there's something about me that I don't tell people about, I'd rather keep it a dark secret.
  19. Maybe this article was written as a malcious attempt by an evil overlord to mislead parents to take away their son's computers, or have them remain crappy. All for his evil enjoyment. <_
  20. Note: In America, collages are named as universities (the big and important ones for that matter) but we usually refer to them as colleges as well. That's Americans for ya.
  21. @Tim: then should I make a TLA poll to see if it's acceptable to get rid of the Green Dragon subforums?
  22. Yeah, my parents don't like the idea of paying thousands of dollars for my education just to sleep through it. At least that's the impression I get. Can any of you stay up til 1AM or later and remain awake throughout the day?
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