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Posts posted by Belisarivs

  1. Nice, Desmond. Finally someone who achieved more with his Windows than just altering background. BTW, those programs you have installed (or at least have their icons on desktop) had to cost you loads of money, hadn't they?

  2. lol, this is becoming a Post Some Cool Linux Stuff Thread. (not that that's a bad thing. :) )

    I think so. Still better tahn posts of Windows. Those are usually with default settings with new background. BTW it reveals fact that Linux is by far more moddable.

  3. Hi there.

    I got, as semsetral project, to investigate Real-Time Linux projects RTAI and RTLinux and do some benchmarks of Linux Kernels with Real-Time patch made by Ingo Molnar applied. I can handle last task quite well on my own, but I canĀ§t find some data about thaose RTAI and RTLinux. To do google is viable and I did it, but I'd like to ask if there is somenone with experience and materials about them. I'm not interested in source codes and so, but rather in Benchmark results, principle of working, difference among them and orher such material.

    Thank you kindly.

  4. Keep in mind, if you are Win32 user, that it is necessary to download gtk and install it before gimp itself. It should be available on the same page. I hope you'll enjoy program and api we, Linuxers, have available.

  5. Perhaps it is good idea to use Ubuntu. As Chris had trouble when installed Debian in recognising network card. It stuck with 2.6.8 kernel. Not too new.

    I'd solve it by compiling new kernel, but he won't like it.

    I have a question. Will it be possible to install Debian packages to Ubuntu or how large repositories it has in comparison with Debian?

    It would be exellent thing for Chris. But if I tell him, that he has to download one more CD, he will kill me for sure. :)

    Unfortunatelly, Chris installed debian stable. It contains old kernel 2.6.8 and it doesn't support PCI express Chris uses. So, after hours of ICQ, the only solution found is installing Ubuntu, as compilation of new kernel isn't great idea for beginner and perhaps even xfree86 4.3.0 wouldn't be able to use his PCI-E card. Also setting xfree86 is quite troublesome, especially BusID is hard to set. At least for me.

    Sorry Chris, next time, perhaps we will be more successful.

  6. In fact 1 CD should contain mostly needed packages.

    Which Debian ere you downloading? Stable/Sarge or Testing/Etch?

    I suggest you bo not make haste and think twice. Back up some config files. Especially /etc/X11/xorg.conf and /etc/fstab. Also you could need others.

    Don't be surprised. Installer and Debian itself isn't that user friendly at the beggining. I'd suggest also installing GRUB rather than LILO. I've also experienced, that Testing had problems with installer. So, I'd suggest downloading and burning Netinstall, too. If you use CD-RW, you'll have to erase one more CD at worst.

    Best would be, if you could have someone experienced with installing Debian at hand. It was really painful for me. I almost gave up and I'm worried, that you could cease any attemt after loosing nerves.

    I'm at home now. So if you wish to ask something, I'm on-line and ready to help you.

  7. Agh! I hate yum!

    They have removed MP3 support from all the programs so you can only get MP3 support by compiling the program manually. But when I try I always get some stupid error, whatever the program. I might just switch to Debian.

    I strongly suggest it. I used Fedora, too. But only for a while. Debian now should have graphic installer. But keep in mind, that it will require more skill to configure than Fedora. Minor advantage is, that when you will go ICQ online at weekend, I will be able to help you quite a lot.

    Also, I'd suggest you to backup some config files. Especially for X.org.

    I downloaded amaroK and it hasa nice interface and I like it, it has just been compiled without MP3 support.

    I am downloading Debian now, there are like 18 CD images!?

    Don't download them all. You'll need only 4CDs. Rest can be installed via apt-get or Synaptic.

  8. Hi,

    My name is Time Wraith. I saw your game that you are developing on GameDev.net, and I was really amazed at what has been accomplished. I was wondering what you programmed it with, and if I could by any chance be of any assistance to you. I am really looking forward to the release of the game 0 A.D.

    Time Wraith

    I doubt that your name is such. It is your nick, isn't it? :)

    Welcome here. You'll like thic community as I do. I'm sure.

  9. Compared to some of the other regimes in Asia and Africa, Iraq under Saddam Hussein was pretty good. There are plenty of other countries in the world that were much worse than Iraq ever was, but you dont hear Bush ranting about them because unfortunatly for the people of these countries, they do not have oil. Then you get some American allies, like Saudi Arabia, that have horrible, oppressing regimes, but you dont ever hear about them because they supported the Americans.

    You got point.

    I've heard that americans apologized for pilferage of jewish treasure. Finally, after 60 years. When they will apologize for theft of Iraqui treasure (afther invasion to the Iraq, large debosits of money and personal trasure of Saddam including some expensive cars, was found, american officials said, that it will be used to support Iraqui economy, but averything dissappered God knows where) is in the stars.

  10. Any one remember Iran-Contra? There were judgments passed on U.S. officials breaking national laws to provide arms to Iraq, Iran, and Nicaragua. Just thought I'd interject this, since so many people were calling for justice that had already been handed out.

    Bush should be judged, too. Why?

    1) He attacked Iraq without obvious reason (I think, that this reason was OIL, not certain possibility, that Iraqui could possess weapons of mass destruction) and thus making Americans the mostly hatred nation in the world. I know that they weren't loved in Arabian world for their support for Izrael (and perhaps for other reasons, but reason I stated I like the most and consider it to be good thing as Israel would fall without such help perhaps), attack against Afghanistan is considered as revenge (even though I'm still uncertain about it righteousness), but attack against Iraq made Americans disliked even in Europe. Removal of Saddam is good think, but it should be done by UN not by USA and UK. And most Europeans see it as opportunity to take source of oil primarily for Americans.

    2) He didn't subscribe Kyoto protocol. USA are biggest creator of pollution in the world. Bush revealed, that USA are not governed from White House, but from centers of great companies.

    There are perhaps other reasons why should be Bush judged, but I can't remember it now.

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