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Posts posted by Belisarivs

  1. Thanks prefect, I'll try that

    There is link for source: mplayer

    It's best to compile it on your own.

    There is link for codecs: codecs for mplayer they are ONLY for Linux. Despite their names *.dll they are useless for win AFAIK. You must unpack them in /usr/local/lib/codecs before running ./configure or specify location where you unpacked them in ./config script parameter. It is also good to run ./configure --help to see possible options first (after unpacking codecs to suggested place or elsewhere).

  2. No offence, but I wonder, why don't you post desktops with some eyecandy? This thread sometimes degenerates to "post your background image". Does any Win 32 user try to toy with LiteStep, StyleXP or something else? I can't see art in "two clicks to change default windoze to something else".

    *Wonders why one would drool at that*

    Here is my current one:


    Hmm, Fedora. do you like it? I've found missing midnight commander and mp3 codec really annoying. I've tried Fedora 3, but switched quickly to Debian testing. And later via apt (or rather Synaptic) to Sid. Things would be perfect if I managed Beagle to get working.

  3. Pathetic He Conquerd Defeated Enemys.The Arabs Know Thats A Conquering Force They Conquered Empires Oh My God Actual Empires Not Some Measly Little Nations Or Already Hopeless Country's

    But Alexander conquered Persian Empire, which had almost still armies larger than that of Alexander. Persian Empire was power indeed in these times.

    Persians under rule of Chosroessos conquered much of East Roman lands, they proceeded deep into Asia Minor.

    Then East Romans chose Heraclius as their emperror. That exellent commander destroyed Persian army in Asia Minor, then proceeded directly to the Persian territorries and burnt temple in Ctesiphon. This caused Chosroessos to be murdered and Persians begged for peace and returned all conquerred lands back under East Roman rule.

    Son of Chossroesos was enthroned to Persian throne, but he was quite young, so regent ruled instead of him.

    In these times Heraclius became so ill, that he couldn't stand up from his bed.

    Arabs couldn't choose better time for their conquest.

    Both empires were signifficantly weakened by long war, east Roman commander (one of best commanders empire ever had) was ill, Persian ruler was young and inexperienced.

    So while Alexander had armies weaker in numbers and stood against enemy in full power, Arabs were attacking heavily weakened empires of Persia, East Romans, Visigoths in Spain were in disorder and had no chance to effectively resist Arabic onslaught and Franks were about the same yet they managed to repulse Arabs from their lands.

    No offense, but Arabs were in favourable position, not Alexander. But Arabic commander Chalid ibn al Valid (I hope I didn't mess his name) is considered to be really great commander.

  4. That's already in plans :banana:. We're giving the AI the ability to remember past events and use it's success rate as a deciding factor for whether to repeat it. It won't be used throughout, but it's a good optional addition for scripters.

    Really cool.

    May I know if I will be able to make AI able of cunning tactics? I have i mind flanking attacks and other manouvers rather than that simple move to point x and kill anything there.

    Will AI be able to invent own tactics?

    Combination of evolution algorithms and AI wars woul be really great. Just to observe how AI improves and evolves own style.

  5. we're not afraid to experiment where other developers are afraid to :banana:

    I have an idea about AI.

    My friend once spoke about evolugtion algorithms.

    For example someone can make filter from about 15 flip-flop circuits and can orientate in it quite good. But evolution algorithm can in 10 000 generations evolve filter from 7 flip-flop circuits which looks chaotically, but works even better than that filter from 15 circuits.

    Would it be possible to make some evolution algorihms for AI?

    I mean, AI would try something randomely and note whether it was successfull. If yes than it would repeat it as often as it is successfull, if not, AI will try again rarely.

    This would start in test of which unit is under which circumstances good against other unit and it could develop into AI able of ambushes, flanking attacks ... It would took quite a lot of generations to evolve such tactics, but it would be definite breakthrough in games. Don't you think.

  6. I Would Have You All Know Iam A Pure Carthaginian.Tunis To be More Exact.Yes My People Where Great If Not The Greatest Of The Rest (Romans,Celts,Iberian,Persian Etc...)    :banana:

    Alot Of Italian Blood Here Tho ahhh Rome Was Nothing Compared To Carthaginian Naval Might.

    Well. Rome was something. As they managed to deffeat Carthage an sea. No flame. Just kidding.

    Actually, I haven't spotted Slavs. I'm from Czech Republic.

    But latest research has discovered, that Czechs are rather of Celtic origin. We are perhaps clocest relatives of Scots, Welsh and Irish in continental Europe. That research also discovered, that every tenth European (Slav) has damaged some chromosome and it causes natural resistence to plague and AIDS as these disseases cannot use it to work effectively. Isn't it cool?

    Actually Bohemia got its name from Celtic tribe named Boians. and our village in south-east of Czech Republic was founded by French, though this doesn't mean, that I have something Germanic in blood.

  7. If you are speaking about AI. I have a question.

    Will it be possible to make AI of steppe nomad horse archers? I don't mean something like "build x horse archers and attack infantry or heavy cavalry, keep distance if possible", but I mean AI attempting to encircle enemy and try to force him to spread an then attack his scattered units by higher number of cavalry units.

    That was an example, but I'd like an AI opponent who is able to use at least basics of tactics like prebattle scouting of enemy, flanking attacks and ambushes.

    I know that AI will never be as human, but I'm tired of AI's who send units to the enemy until he is deffeated or run out of resources.

  8. godlike - why would you have to "wait"? Like CheeZy said, the zoom is real-time. You can still command units and ships while the zoom is occuring.

    I understand that it is real-time and can still commnd units, but I won't be able to command units effectively as my zoom will be too close or far. I know that 5 seconds isn't that much, but battles are usually quick and those few seconds could play at my disadvantage.

    Just imagine, you command naval and ground battle at once, so you keep switching views quite quickly, but you have to wait for zoom in or out, to command units with maximal effectiveness.

    My idea is, that when you look at ground, you are zoomed in, and when you switch view at sea you are zoomed out immediatelly (and vice versa) and when you move your view through the shore you are in real-time slowly zoomed out or in (if you move from the ground to the sea and vice versa).

    That's all.

    Anyway good luck with development. B)

  9. I meant 5 seconds too much, because if I command naval and ground battle at ince, I switch views quickly. This means, that I wouldn't wait 5 sec. untill zoomed in or out. This means for me. that I will never have reasonable zoom to command units in time, when it is really needed, as I don't want to loose any battle.

    My idea is, that if you are zoomed to ground units and switch view to the sea, you will be zoomed out immediatelly and vice versa.

    But cinematic zooming on shores would be OK.

  10. Not if it was done very smoothly - the idea I have in mind is very cinematic-like. It would take a few seconds to full zoom out and it wouldn't do it with the same speed and then stop suddenly.

    Additionaly what I have in mind is exactly your example, it only zooms out if you're commanding ships on the shore, or if there is a ship in the view (whichever turns out to work better), but if you go back to clicking units on the battlefield, it'll then do the 5 second fade back to normal view.

    But what if you are commanding naval and ground battle at once?

    What if I command battle on the gound and switch view to naval battle. I have to wait for 5 seconds before I can command navy effectively. That is too much. Wouldn't be better to switch zoom immediately?

  11. A very simple sollution to the scale issue is that if you're controlling a ship on the ocean, the camera could slowly zoom out to transition to a bigger view angle for better control, and once you get close to the shore again the camera will slowly zoom down back to normal view. Very simple thing that I'm sure will easily remove the scale issue and allow you to properly control naval battles.

    I agree, but not fully.

    Movement around shore could be terrible as camera would still zoom in and zoom out.

    I'd prefer hotkey for switching between zoom in and zoom out.

    But that aoutomatic switching would be cool when switching between view on ground and sea, but that automatic switching would be disabled when view is centered on coast and player will choose when to zoom in or out by hotkey (to trevent frustration from permanent switching between zooms when moving with ships or ground units around coast).

    Another cool idea would be to to automaticaly change zoom level when commanding ground unit or ship.


    You sail with landing forces to coast, so camera will be zoomed out, but when youunload units from landing vessels and send them out, you'll choose to command ground units, so camera will automatically zoom in.

    Are in game any attempts to prevent heavier ships to sail in small rivers? I disliked in AoK Galeons or Cannon Galeons sailing on tiny rivers and shallows and almost on the ground.

  12. I'd like to make another comment on the ships.

    If you look at this screenshots, big ships look just awesome. But when you're in normal view they are just too big.

    Right you are. They look reasonably big if compared to ground units, but they are too big to manouver with them in naval battle. Landing operations would be really hard to manage due to difference of sizes.

    But personally, I'd prefer this style still, because that's more realistic and landing operations should be harder. I don't like style in AoK, when one transport ship carries 20 units and in second unloads all of them to your island. No need to say that it looks weird when transporting ship is slightly bigger than one cavalry unit, but can carry 20 of them.

  13. "The end of the Spartan power marked the end of the domination of the phalanx."

    I think, that it isn't true. Because Phalanx was Macedonian invention. As they used much longer pikes (sarissa) than Hoplite.

    In fact it was end of the Macedonian power which marked the end of the domination of the phalanx.

    But picture is really cool.

  14. Hi there.

    I have some ideas:

    What if Phalanx and other soldierz equipped vith pikes (or Sarissa) had minimal and maximal range equal?

    Alone, one pikeman against one swordsman would have no chance, but formations 3 ranks deep would be absolutely destructive as all 3 ranks could attack at once, but would be vulnerable when attacked from flanks or rear.

    In fact that was reason why Legion deffeated Phalanx, because while Alexander maintained exellent cavalry to protect flanks of Phalanx (he also put new type of soldiers named Hypaspists, who were something like better manouverable infatry to better connect his cavalry and infantry), later Macedonian generals believed only in power of Phalanx.

    Would it be possible to make unit with extra strong first attackk?

    It would represent Cavalry charge.

    I have also something to say about Legion.

    Legionaries were heavy assault troops, for defence they offered low firepower. I'm saying it because I'm afraid that with they ability to switch between pillum and gladius someone would use them preferably for ranged attack to prevent injury, but it is historically inaccurate, as pilum was only supporting weapon.

    I also would like to ask whether those tools "shipped" with game will be for win32 only, as I use primarily Linux.

    I expect that main tools be 2D and 3D graphics (I hope in implementation of Blender in game) editors and some text editors. Will it be sufficient?

  15. godliike,

    I didn't say that you HAVE to use archers in a skirmish formation, just that you COULD.

    Fine, fine. Just offered my idea, which would be cool for horse archers.

    Roman soldiers MAY be able to build camps (it is in the design plan).  However, as long as a camp remains garrisoned it would remain in place.  If abandoned then deteriorate to become 'unuseable.  As for costs incurred, probably some but not 'prohibitably' expensive.  The ability to build the Roman-style camps whil on campaign is something that makes the Romans unique in differentiating by the civs so that has been a part of the plan all-along.  we'll see how it goes when we get further into play testing.


    Ummmkay... once you have the game in hand you can do anything that you want with it... and who knows, YOUR mod might gain broad acceptance online, or not, but we'd hope that you definitely have fun making it. :D  Whatever, we realise that the concept is innovative enough that some folks just aren't gonna like it as being a 'stretch' away from what they already know, and are comfortable with.

    I thought, that it will not make you happy to realise that one of main ideas differentiating your game from others is planned by some modders to be removed.

    But when I speak about this game I have Medieval mod in mind and in middle ages was distinction between peasants and soldiers bigger. But this definitely doesn't mean, that i dislike your idea of Citisen Soldiers as I plan to play your game and expect different experience and enjoyment.

    Socrates was once included as a Hellenes hero. His bonus was that as long as he was alive, all techs researched faster or something along those lines. Although it was an interesting unit, we decided to replace him with a hero that was more "proactive" in nature.

    Fine. So It will be possible to make such hero in mod.

    The function will be there for some of the Super Units (example a legionairre with a pilum for ranged and a gladus for short) and therefore be an option to use in a mod.

    Thanks. That's exactly what I wanted to know.

  16. if an enemy melee unit attacks an archer. the archer will not be able to respond with its own melee attack just like age of empires etc.

    ander all circumstances (unless modded I suppose) an archer can only perform economic duties or use its ranged weapon.

    It seems simple enough to me

    For me villager abilities for soldiers aren't so important, because I plan to mod it and put villagers back to the game. I just want to know if it will be possible to assign some unit to do ranged or melee attack like in Medieval: Total War. That's all.

    Another example:

    Kataphraktoi are attacking superior number of melee infantry. They shoot down many of infantrymen, but are attacked by light cavalry (which is faster, so there won't be any chance for Kataphraktoi to keep at least minimal distance), so they draw steel and kill light cavalry.

    Now some ideas.

    Roman soldiers could be able to build basic camps like they usually did, for free (so this will not need any resources), but only one camp (they will have to destroy original one in order to build new one). Or this would cost some wood but ut would be gathered all back when camp is dissassembled (while dissassembly of buildings would return less percentage of resources).

    Another idea is about Heroes.

    Will there by any possibility to train hero, who will have economical bonuses instead of military skills? I mean, when I train such hero, construction of buildings or farming ... will be faster.

  17. Phoenix-TheRealDeal, I understood it. Citisen Soldier will be able to fight and farm (and do other villager like stuff) whileSuper Units will be dedicated to warfare, but Zorinthrox didn't ask for that. I'm also interested in question he posted.


    Archer will fire at the enemy, but when enemy approaces to close and will be too fast (so there won't be any hope for archer to flee) will archer be able to switch to some sword and defend himself? Primary role of archers would and should be ranged attack, but they should be useful as last resort melee infantry.

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