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Everything posted by Genava55

  1. Well I am trying to introduce Gaulish instead of the modern Celtic language in the name of the units and of the buildings. I have a dictionary for Gaulish, but obviously some words needed for the buildings are not attested so I made-up some words with different roots. I am not confident with Indo-European grammar, so this is why I asked.
  2. @Nescio I have seen this book recommended by other people: "War, Warlords, and Interstate Relations in the Ancient Mediterranean". The book is in libgen in case. Just in case you are interested, I share it with you.
  3. Hi, welcome aboard. I am currently participating in Europa Barbarorum II mod and a bit in Crossing the Rubicon (Bannerlord) mostly for Celtic archaeology. What are your skill with language and more particularly Celtic language? Personally I am not contributing to the models and the scripts here. I am not enough familiar with javascript, I am mostly working with python and SQL for GIS and other spatial databases. And learning java and javascript do not fit in my schedule for the moment.
  4. I know it is not only this example, but I still want to say I am sorry for your Gallic tavern, I really like the model though.
  5. Personally I found your insights interesting. The only thing is that it is really different from what is done currently, from a visual perspective. So it has huge impacts. This is why other people are prudent and skeptical. I am absolutely not competent to give any opinion on this matter, but I really like the final render of your shader. As Nescio said, try to argue differently and to explain your point of view. I understand your frustration but going in a personal and political argument is not helping you.
  6. Welcome! Many Roman factions? I think you are confusing the Hellenistic factions with the only Roman faction in the game. There are two Greek cities as factions: Sparta and Athens. There are three Hellenistic kingdoms related to the conquest of Alexander the Great: the Macedonian Kingdom (i.e. the homeland of Alexander), the Ptolemaic Kingdom (Egypt under the rule of a Hellenistic dynasty) and the Seleucid Empire (Persia and Anatolia under the rule of a Hellenistic dynasty). The two Hellenistic dynasties in Egypt and Persia are due to the break-up of the Macedonian Empire following Alexander's death. I suggest you to check wikipedia's article about the Diadochi (aka the successors): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diadochi
  7. Like AoE2 telling you which unit counter what? Personally I am not against your proposal, but the game doesn't include at the moment any visual changes for blacksmith upgrades for example. ----------- Maybe the compromise should be a stat visualizer option enabled only for debugging and testing, something modders could activate. I really want to stress the necessity to keep flexibility for the future and people could have different needs.
  8. If I said it is against open source philosophy, this is because of testing and modding. It further complicates everything.
  9. Not very compatible with open source philosophy. Transparency is better.
  10. Increasing cost and increasing recruitment/training duration could solve the issue. For example, above 10 mercenaries, the cost increases exponentially (+10% metal cumulative). It could also decrease by their death or simply with a cooldown.
  11. Bunch of pictures https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=238497414509891&id=105786014447699 https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=186734969686136&id=105786014447699
  12. Big thanks to Fernando Quesada-Sanz for sharing this thesis on the Iberian armament, volume 2 should be uploaded soon: https://www.academia.edu/44920313/QUESADA_SANZ_F_1997_El_armamento_ibérico_Estudio_tipológico_geográfico_funcional_social_y_simbólico_de_las_armas_en_la_Cultura_Ibérica_siglos_VI_I_a_C_Monographies_Instrumentum_3_Montagnac_Ed_Monique_Mergoil @Duileoga @soloooy0 @av93
  13. It depends on the definition and scope of the Iberian faction. At some point it must be decided what it should portray and what it shouldn't.
  14. Obviously the Chineses are not coming with this release, so... Personally I liked Xylon ; Xšayaṛša ; Xulsigiae
  15. The brutal massacre of the Iberian town of La Hoya https://historia.nationalgeographic.com.es/a/brutal-masacre-poblado-iberico-hoya_15725 https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=es&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fhistoria.nationalgeographic.com.es%2Fa%2Fbrutal-masacre-poblado-iberico-hoya_15725&sandbox=1 A study carried out by Spanish and British researchers on the discovered human remains of the inhabitants of this Iberian site located in Álava sheds new light on how they died: brutally murdered. An atrocious attack on an Iron Age city in northern Spain in the mid-4th or late 3rd century BC left more than a dozen corpses of men, women, and children strewn in the streets as the city burned. The injuries inflicted on the people who died there were horrible. One individual was beheaded, two had their arms severed and nearly half of the remains showed signs of mutilation, archaeologists studying the area have recently discovered. Now, a new study of the victims' bones, the first detailed investigation of their injuries, led by researcher Teresa Fernández-Crespo, of the University of Oxford, and published by the journal Antiquity, suggests they were killed by a neighboring community during a calculated takeover or act of revenge. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Hoya,_Alava
  16. Be aware that Divide et Impera mod is not really accurate on several aspects so stay critical.
  17. Pontus used it several times (1st century BC) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Zela https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_the_River_Amnias For the Diadochi I don't know.
  18. https://www.almendron.com/blog/el-santuario-tartesico-de-cancho-roano/ https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cancho_Roano
  19. For example this message, I am pretty sure to have put the links of several FB groups talking about Celtiberians, Iberians etc. https://wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/23996-iberians-celtiberians-lusitans-reference/?do=findComment&comment=403536 The same for this one: https://wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/23996-iberians-celtiberians-lusitans-reference/?do=findComment&comment=402924
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